About gauravbharara
(see 2 ratings)
in delhi, Delhi
Seller / Coder Rating:
(Above Average)
Sign up date:
Nov 29, 2001 2:15:40 PM EDT
Last Logged In:
Apr 16, 2003 2:22:11 AM EDT
Jobs Started:
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1 (out of 1 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise:
Technical skills: Languages: C/C++, SQL, Java, Perl, JavaScript, HTML, XMLOperating Systems: Windows NT, Linux, Novel NetWareClient/Server: ASP, TCP/IPDatabases:InterBase, MS SQL, Oracle, AccessWeb Servers: Apache, Microsoft IIS 5
Keywords: C++,PERL, Java (CORE), JavaScript, SQL, HTML, XML, ASP, Linux, NT
Objective: A challenging Analyst/Programmer position, utilizing proven experience in software design, leading to professional advisory and team leader responsibilities.
Summary: An Information Systems Professional with over 4 years of experience in Analysis, Design, Implementation and post-implementation support of computer systems. 2 years of web development. Extensive experience in accounting systems development. Strong Project Management and communication skills. Highly productive in team and individual projects. Driven to maintain cutting-edge industry knowledge through independent and formal training.
Technical skills: Languages: C/C++, SQL, Java, Perl, JavaScript, HTML, XMLOperating Systems: Windows NT, Linux, Novel NetWareClient/Server: ASP, TCP/IPDatabases:InterBase, MS SQL, Oracle, AccessWeb Servers: Apache, Microsoft IIS 5
Professional Experience:November 2000 to present Tellabs Communications India Limited Position: Programmer/Analyst· Planned and performed migration from Novell to Windows NT Developed: Automation of LIBRARY SYSTEM; January 1998 - November 2000 WEBSITY INFOSYS INDIA LIMITED Design and implement corporate information system which includes:· Centralized accounting system utilizing 1C:Enterprise, MS SQL Server, NT 4.0; Contractor interaction with XML documents from 1C: Enterprise;
Rent A Coder Work History
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