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About gordin
Name: gordin
(see 3 ratings)
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
United States
Seller/Coder Rating:
10 (Excellent)
Sign up date: Aug 21, 2001 2:34:40 PM EDT
Current Bid Request Record:
Bid Requests Posted: |
5 |
Bids Accepted: |
5 |
Work Accepted and Paid: |
5 |
Last Logged In:
This list does not show bid requests completed by the coder where they were not rated. Click here to see these as well (if any).
Rated For |
Rated By |
Rating |
Rated On |
Access unknown database structure |
Silk61 |
August 14, 2002 1:51:25 PM EDT |
Excellent buyer, fast and clearly replays to all questions, gives you all the information you need to complete the job. I would like to work with this buyer again and highly recommend him to other coders. Thanks. |
VBA 2 Delphi OLE Project |
Belgrade Team |
June 18, 2002 2:16:38 PM EDT |
Well defined job, patience and understanding when I encountered an unexoected problem (faulty TLB), quick release of funds... No complaints, everything as it should be. Great buyer! |
C++ DLL to Delphi |
iDevTeam |
April 11, 2002 4:19:33 PM EDT |
Smooth to work with, professional, patient and very communicative buyer. I highly recommend him. |
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Average: |
10 |
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- All customer issues addressed within 2 days
- Openly disclosed pricing and return policies
- Participation in mediation at buyer request
- Superior selling track record
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