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Submitted on: 5/22/1998
By: Mike Shaffer 
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 103 Users
Compatibility:VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 11385 times.
(About the author)
     Want to sort 5,000 10-byte strings in about 1/10th of a second? This will do it (at least on my PII-233!). The insertion sort manages the same task in about 60 seconds (even when optimized it still took about 15 seconds on the same machine).
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' Name: qsort
' Description:Want to sort 5,000 10-byte
'     strings in about 1/10th of a second? Thi
'     s will do it (at least on my PII-233!). 
'     The insertion sort manages the same task
'     in about 60 seconds (even when optimized
'     it still took about 15 seconds on the sa
'     me machine).
' By: Mike Shaffer
' Inputs:strList (a string array)
' Returns:strList (the same array - sort
'     ed)
' Assumes:Want to sort 5,000 10-byte str
'     ings in about 1/10th of a second? This w
'     ill do it (at least on my PII-233!). The
'     insertion sort manages the same task in 
'     about 60 seconds (even when optimized it
'     still took about 15 seconds on the same 
'     machine).
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=897&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

Public Function QSort(strList() As String, lLbound As Long, lUbound As Long)

'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' '::::::' '::: Routine:QSort :::' '::: Author:Mike Shaffer (after Rod Step ' hens, et al.) :::' '::: Date: 21-May-98 :::' '::: Purpose:Very fast sort of a string ' array :::' '::: Passed:strListString array:::' '::: lLboundLower bound to sort (usually ' 1) :::' '::: lUboundUpper bound to sort (usually ' ubound()) :::' '::: Returns:strList(in sorted order)::: ' '::: Copyright: Copyright *c* 1998, Mike ' Shaffer :::' '::: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE :::' '::: Permission granted to use in any no ' n-commercial:::' '::: product with credit where due. For ' free:::' '::: commercial license contact mshaffer ' @nkn.net:::' '::: Revisions: 22-May-98 Added and then ' dropped revision :::' '::: using CopyMemory rather than the si ' mple swap :::' '::: when it was found to not provide mu ' ch benefit.:::' '::::::' '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' Dim strTemp As String Dim strBuffer As String Dim lngCurLow As Long Dim lngCurHigh As Long Dim lngCurMidpoint As Long lngCurLow = lLbound' Start current low and high at actual low/high lngCurHigh = lUbound If lUbound <= lLbound Then Exit Function ' Error! lngCurMidpoint = (lLbound + lUbound) \ 2 ' Find the approx midpoint of the array strTemp = strList(lngCurMidpoint) ' Pick as a starting point (we are making ' an assumption that the data *might* be ' ' in semi-sorted order already! Do While (lngCurLow <= lngCurHigh) Do While strList(lngCurLow) < strTemp lngCurLow = lngCurLow + 1 If lngCurLow = lUbound Then Exit Do Loop
Do While strTemp < strList(lngCurHigh) lngCurHigh = lngCurHigh - 1 If lngCurHigh = lLbound Then Exit Do Loop
If (lngCurLow <= lngCurHigh) Then ' if low is <= high then swap strBuffer = strList(lngCurLow) strList(lngCurLow) = strList(lngCurHigh) strList(lngCurHigh) = strBuffer ' lngCurLow = lngCurLow + 1 ' CurLow++ lngCurHigh = lngCurHigh - 1' CurLow-- End If
If lLbound < lngCurHigh Then ' Recurse if necessary QSort strList(), lLbound, lngCurHigh End If
If lngCurLow < lUbound Then' Recurse if necessary QSort strList(), lngCurLow, lUbound End If
End Function

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Other User Comments
8/30/1999 7:55:00 AM:alfonso
wow ! so many downloaders
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/2/1999 11:42:00 PM:clinton
Is there a way of sorting without using 
an array.
I need to sort 17 million 
strings from a file???????????? 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

12/29/1999 2:29:05 PM:Mike Shaffer
To 'clinton'... to sort large amount of 
data you would probably want to do some 
variation of a merge sort... this is 
where you read a subset of the data and 
sort it, saving the results to a disk 
file, then do the next 'subset', then 
the next, until you're done with all of 
the subsets. Then you read records from 
all of the small sorted 'piles' and 
write them to the new, fully sorted 
file. It's a little too much detail to 
place in a comment here, but search the 
web under 'merge sort' and/or 'heap 
sort' and you will find all the info 
you need. If you like, I can help with 
source code for this type of sort.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/5/2000 10:46:50 AM:tOm
i have a question. the array i 
need to be sorted is a userdefined 
type, how can i use qsort in order to 
sort this?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/17/2000 9:14:01 PM:Kamilche
Man! That's one fast, small sort! 
Thanks for the source. :-)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/30/2001 4:17:08 PM:Liquid Khaos
The following code returns an 
incorrectly sorted array, what am I 
doing wrong?
Public Function foo()
    Dim xx() As Variant
    xx = 
Array("fred", "dino", "Wilma", 
"barney", "Alex")
Debug.Print " "
"Before sort"
    Debug.Print "1 "; 
    Debug.Print "2 "; xx(1)
Debug.Print "3 "; xx(2)
Debug.Print "4 "; xx(3)
Debug.Print "5 "; xx(4)
Debug.Print " "
    QSort xx, 
LBound(xx), UBound(xx)
Debug.Print "after sort"
Debug.Print "1 "; xx(0)
Debug.Print "2 "; xx(1)
Debug.Print "3 "; xx(2)
Debug.Print "4 "; xx(3)
Debug.Print "5 "; xx(4)
Return results:
1 fred
2 dino
3 Wilma
5 Alex
after sort
2 Wilma
3 barney
4 dino
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/1/2001 3:55:20 AM:Philippe Lord
I have created a much faster sort 
algorithm and I have posted it too. 
It's a 3-median QuickSort combined with 
an insertionSort
I've benchmarked 
against standard QuickSorts, such as 
this one, and it manages to get from 
15% to 30% faster than yours. I've 
spent lots of efforts creating it. 
Another note: QuickSort suffers from 
nearly-sorted arrays, a 3-median 
quicksort does not 
It does far 
more than just sorting..
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/18/2001 9:24:33 PM:Rish
This code is PATHETIC, does NOT work 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/18/2001 11:56:44 PM:mshaffer
Interesting comment by Rish, and 
probably highly disrespectful, but I 
doubt it's correct, since I use it in 
dozens of programs that run every day, 
and have for years, and I have received 
literally HUNDREDS of "thank you's" 
from people who have used this code and 
found it to be useful. Perhaps "Rish" 
does not understand how to use it? I 
would be happy to help, and often DO 
help people I do not even know, but I 
do not believe that people with this 
attitude CAN be helped, as they 
obviously already know everything.  ;-)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/19/2001 12:06:47 AM:mshaffer
To Liquid Khaos,
Sorry, I was not 
aware of your comment earlier, but the 
sort uses standard ASCII collating 
sequences to sort your data, and in the 
ASCII sorting sequence, UPPER case 
letters come before lower case letters, 
so any word starting with an upper case 
letter will come before the same word 
that starts with a lower case letter. 
To make the sort case insensitive, do 
the compare with a UCASE (or an lcase) 
function. It really makes no difference 
which one you use, as long as you're 
consistent.  I hope this helps!  ;-)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/19/2001 12:10:27 AM:mshaffer
To Philippe,
Sounds cool! I have 
also created much faster sorts 
(including a skip sort that performs 
approximately 5-times faster on 
truly-non-ordered data), however I am 
not allowed to post it here due to 
intellectual property laws (I created 
it while under contract to a 
notoriously secrecy-minded company)  
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/15/2001 3:20:34 PM:Rhett Micheletti
Thanks for you code.  I cannot 
vouch for it yet since I have not yet 
tried it, but regardless, thank you for 
sharing your work.  I think you summed 
up 'Rish' quite nicely.
Don't ever 
let the 'Rishes' (the bitter, jealous, 
and petty little people of the world 
ever get you down!
Keep on 
Warm Regards,
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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