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4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the article or article's description. | I saw no point in uploading a one liner so here is how you open other programs from your delphi program.
In the uses make sure you add ShellAPI.
The folllowing lines opens up notepad
ShellExecute(Handle, 'Open', 'notepad', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
To open the broswer and to go to a specific page use the following line.
ShellExecute(Handle, 'Open', 'www.somesite.com', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
Rate this superb article :P
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were prog is you typ in the dir
and file name, and then params is if
you what to open it with special params
| 6/3/2003 12:07:09 PM: Thic part of code doesn't work if you
are in a DLL. So if you know what i
must do to make it work, mail me.
| 9/15/2003 4:50:05 PM: Why not CreateProcess
| 10/13/2003 4:59:12 PM: The first comment is most informative.
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