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3 - MySQL Database |
Now we need to create a dsn connection this really easy and takes about
3 minutes at most. |
> DSN-LESS connnection: |
here it is, people have been asking for how to connect to MySQL without
a dsn. |
set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};"_
& "SERVER=localhost;"_
& "DATABASE=useremails;"_
& "UID=root;PWD=; OPTION=35;"
set rs =
conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM UserEmails")
Start > Administrator Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) |
system dns tab
- Click
the "Add..." button.
- Scroll
to the bottom and select MySQL x.xx Driver
Fill in the data like it is shown below in the screenshot. |
- When finished
filling it in, click "Test Data Source" to see if it works..
- Click
Now for the ASP... (If the ASP doesn't show up, please visit page
3 below...) |
Set my_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
"DSN=mysql_dsn" ' Data source name
= "SELECT * FROM UserEmails"
' Execute SQL statement
Set rs = my_conn.Execute(strSQL)
Do while not rs.eof ' Do until it reaches end of db
Response.Write "User ID# " & rs("userID") & "
Response.Write "Name: " & rs("name") & "
Response.Write "Email: " & rs("email") & "
rs.MoveNext ' Next record
my_conn.close ' Close database connection
set my_conn = nothing 'obj
variable released
Response.End %>
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Other User Comments |
8/6/2002 1:49:08 PM:Ivar Kristiansen Importent information and know how,
8/6/2002 2:50:21 PM:snowboardr Thanks for the comment, glad you liked
it. - Jason
8/7/2002 10:18:41 PM:Kenny The tutorial was great but I'm confused
about one thing. In step 13 you say to
create a DSN-less connection then you
go on to create a DSN and use it in the
asp script. Did I miss something or is
that a typo?
BTW.. I am currently
using a mysql database on a web server
without a dsn in case you need
information on doing that.
8/8/2002 4:19:14 AM:snowboardr You are correct, that is a typo thanks!
And yes I would like to know how to
connect without a dsn, was trying to
figure that out.. - thanks and thanks
for the globes everyone.
8/8/2002 9:03:37 AM:Ed Ruth Great article...and please post the
DSN-less version when you get it done.
Thanks. - Ed
8/8/2002 9:07:24 AM:Rasputin Hey SnowBoardr,
This VISUAL approach
to tutorials should be the defacto
standard - it's nice and clean, and a
straightforward way to learn something
Nice job, and thanks!
5 Big
Planets to you!
- Ras
8/8/2002 10:20:45 AM:snowboardr Yes, I like the visual approach myself,
I knew there needed to be a "different"
way to teach in a tutorial, because all
the other tutorials, were not cutting
it. ;)
Hey Ed, as soon as I get the
dsn-less connection working I will post
it, but for now its not working for
some reason.
- Jason
8/8/2002 10:46:35 AM:Jose M Serrano I just want to say one thing EXCELLENT
Also you have a well done site. Nice
Nice Job. Jose "foxsermon" :0)
8/8/2002 10:55:34 AM:Sam Moses Snwbrdr.
in order to get the dsnless
code we discussed running, you need to
download and install myODBC. Oddly
enough, it's easier than it
Cheers :)
8/8/2002 11:08:44 AM:snowboardr Thanks Jose, Still working on the site,
It hasn't even been up a month yet. ;)
8/8/2002 3:02:57 PM:ISeeAll to do a DSNLess connection to mysql,
you would do something like this
i use this all the time in asp,
vb, and vb.net
8/9/2002 2:36:19 PM:Spencer Ruport Just to be picky because I'm mean. ;)
Its good habit to clear the RS object
as it is where all the records are
actually stored. 5 Globes from me.
8/10/2002 5:14:59 PM:snowboardr The dsn-less connection is posted.
8/10/2002 6:27:08 PM:maniac what versions are u using? my screens
look completely diff - plus it doesn't
work with either DSN or no DSN
8/11/2002 6:11:40 AM:snowboardr 3.23.51-max-debug
8/11/2002 8:38:12 AM:I var Kristiansen Yeh, very smart designed turtorials on
your homepage. Also asp-dll tutor
more there
is importent for many.
Thank you very match.
8/11/2002 11:37:49 PM:snowboardr Thanks again, keep up the comments and
those votes! Thanks, Jason / vzio.com
8/22/2002 8:13:23 PM:Marcus Excellent tutorial! Just what my new
project was needing. You said the
DSN-less version was available . . . is
that on PSC or your site?
8/25/2002 3:44:16 AM:Igor Krupitsky Can you FULL OUTER JOIN in MySql?
8/26/2002 12:12:20 AM:snowboardr Join
8/26/2002 4:03:02 PM:snowboardr no space on "JOIN"
9/7/2002 2:38:28 PM:Igor Krupitsky Thanks, but it says that full outer
join is not supported yet:
9/11/2002 11:22:57 AM:Igor Krupitsky MySQL-Front project has been
1/2/2003 7:51:34 AM:FirebirdDE Wow. The best MySql Tutorial I ever
read. 5 Globel !!
2/24/2003 11:54:11 PM:nfs Yeah very helpfull.
Cool work.
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3/4/2003 9:54:40 PM: Hi.. i know i'm being silly but i'm
totally clueless about mysql, etc and
i'm currently doing a project on it!
here's my silly question, where do i
type the asp codes in? i've got all my
tables running and my only problem is,
i dont know how to link mysql to my
anyway, where do i insert the
asp codes?
thanks! Great Job btw!
3/5/2003 7:26:58 PM: i posted the previous comment.... don't
worry bout it! i figured it out
already! :) Have a great day!
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