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C++ Intro...


Submitted on: 9/20/2000 10:22:56 AM
By: Amin Patel1 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 52 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, UNIX C++

Users have accessed this article 43224 times.
(About the author)
     This tutorial has been made to give an introduction to new c++ programmers. Unfortunately their are many great minds out there but they don't have access to free and quality c++ tutorials. So this is the first lesson.

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C++ Intro…                                       By: Amin Patel

Before you write your first program. Start with a prayer to God, that you “Succeed in learning C++”.


Now that all your hopes are high let us start. Please enter the following code exactly as shown, without any questions. (This is to inform you that the explanation will follow after the code.)


  1. #include <iostream.h>
  2.  int main()
  3. {
  4. cout<< “ What you do is what you get”;
  5. }



Although this may sound strange, once you compile this program you are a programmer.

<Warning: The numbered indentation is not to be included with the code while typing. It is only for your convenience>


Now let us read the first line. You read it as “Hash/Pound include eye-oh-stream-dot-h”


Iostream: Input Output stream. Don’t learn the definitions they automatically come to you.



You don’t pronounce the brackets while reading it loud, but is it a part of the code.

.h: Dot h files are known as header files. We place them in the beginning of the source code; it is like adding a DVD-Player to your deck. You don’t create .h files for now, nor would you add a DVD-Player to your deck each time you want to use it.

Iostream.h: Ok now you know what iostream and dot h stand for. If the terms input & output haven’t shed any light yet, keep reading. Iostream lets your program accept info/data/content or publish the same to the screen.


Wait we are still on the first line. Read the first line of source code again!


“Hash/Pound include eye-oh-stream-dot-h”


The Hash include is the standard form for telling the compiler that you want to include the Iostream.h file.


Now on line 2 we have int main().  Int is read as integer, read main() as main function. Without line 2 your program cannot work. On line 3 and 5 you have these {} braces.


Between the 2 braces all your code fits in. Make sure you enter line 4 exactly as it is. Pay attention to the punctuation.

Cout: See cout - It is the command with which you display text onto the screen


The << on line 4 is the redirection symbol produced on most keyboards by holding the shift key and pressing the comma key twice. The text in between the quotation marks, in the case “What you do, is what you get” is what shall be displayed onto the screen when you run the program.


Line 4 ends with a semi colon, don’t forget to type that, almost all c++ statements end with that. Now you may finally link, build and compile the code. Now you receive a message on a black terminal (Dos like): “What you do is what you get”


Congrats - You are now officially a programmer and that too c++.


I plan to write more tutorials when I can dedicate some time after school. If you like this code please give me a good message. I do need messages occasionally like “Thanks”, with all the pressure I face from school. If you have gained knowledge from this tutorial please make me happy.

Other 3 submission(s) by this author


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9/20/2000 1:10:16 PM:Ian Ippolito
Amin, Great tutorial--I think beginners will find it very useful. Just to let you know, you can format your tutorial using HTML tags...this will let you add coloring/spacing, etc. Keep up the good work! Ian PSCode Admin
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9/20/2000 5:13:38 PM:Kamran
Wow, this tutorial really help me understand some things I didn't really get with the "Hello world" program.
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9/21/2000 7:47:36 AM:Amin Patel
Dear everyone, thanks for making me happy. Ian Ippolito I have now incoperated a new html layout and design. Since people made me happy, I even added colour coding.
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10/4/2000 5:45:37 PM:alaa
this code contains errors: i think that any programmer in c++ should know that the function int main() should return a value. the good listing should be like this: int main() { /*YOUR CODE*/ RETURN 0; //or any integer } OR void main() { //YOUR CODE } you should learn to people what is true.
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10/5/2000 7:30:53 AM:Amin Patel
return 0; would be appropriate, had I taught data types. Thanks for noticing. When you learn data types(int, float, void), it is a good time to explain.
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10/8/2000 7:03:25 AM:alaa
then, please do not use int , and use void.(it will not generate a warning)
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10/8/2000 9:44:45 PM:Oliver .j. Malik
This tutorial is really informative for its size! It's MUCH more concise than the SAMS
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10/16/2000 8:23:47 PM:Kory
you forgot << endl;
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10/17/2000 7:32:31 AM:>Link
ok I NOW know how to program in c++, thanks to this tutorial, and many other i found on the internet. I probably cannot 'speak' here because i am an 'amuture': I compiled and wrote (other way 'round!) this here little program, and it works like my bike chain, after it's been oiled! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! Although feel free to dissmantle and destroy my comment, as it is based on: 'it works, i don't care' atitude.
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10/19/2000 5:38:18 AM:Craiguess
This is so KooL man! but only one problem... When i tried to do the exact instructions in 1st box where it says; 1. <iostream.h> 2. 3. etc. i typed it exactly into my colpiler and it didn't work.. it wouldn't compile because it came up with one error; The first line..
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10/19/2000 8:10:21 AM:Amin Patel
Craiguess, Since problems due to different compilers and compatibility were occuring the 3rd tutorial starts with and addresssing of the problems, check it out at: http://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/t xtCodeId.805/lngWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/Show Code.htm
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10/19/2000 11:06:31 AM:zoka
This progam is perfect. Also statemant
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10/20/2000 6:47:49 PM:arra
in place of <<endl; you can also utilize \n
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10/20/2000 6:49:32 PM:arra
in place of <<endl; you can also utilize \n"; [which tell cout to put a new line after these final two characters. ][good work,& good explanations]Also it is allways necessary to return a value back to main when it is initiated, to signal to the complier that the program has run its course, ie.. return void or return 0.
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10/22/2000 7:51:51 AM:Amin Patel
Thanks arra but I wish to do that once data types have been explained, but since you have mentioned it, ppl before you close your program with the } brace plz. type: return 0; It is a good programming practice, it tells the compiler that you have succesfully terminated.
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10/24/2000 11:07:56 AM:CooLViruS
I like the way you explain everything...although there are some mistakes...but don't you think that it's too simple?I believe you should add some more (commands,functions) to the tutorial in the place of the pronouncing part. I don't think that anyone is really interested in that.
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10/24/2000 11:20:59 AM:CooLViruS
It's a "sweet" tutorial but shows almost nothing. It would make a lot of people happy if %d was explained and if you would put an exaple of it.The way you explain is good.(I believe that the pronouncing part is useless).It's better that no mistakes are found in tutorials.Especialy the ones for beginers.
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10/25/2000 12:20:59 AM:ah
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10/25/2000 12:59:39 PM:Amin Patel
Hey Virus, actually the pronouncing part only helps you communicate the code to your friends, I know many people who even pronounce it wrong. Anyway thanks for XPRESSING your self. Regarding 'mistakes' plz. refer tutorial 3, different compilers, different styles, different ppl. You know what I mean.
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10/25/2000 4:49:16 PM:XIX
Great JOB DUDE! C++ can be fun when u have a fun way of learning it.
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10/31/2000 8:52:25 AM:karthik
hey, u're tute is really good, I am new to this & I really would appericiate if u can keep this up.& can u tell me any websites or tutorials which is good for a beginner like me.(from the scratch) it would be greatful, thanxz. keep up the good work, people like me depend on u.
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12/10/2000 9:01:30 PM:arra
in%2Bplace%2Bof%2B%253C%253Cendl%253B%2B you%2Bcan%2Balso%2Butilize%2B%255Cn
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12/19/2000 1:36:34 AM:Biofreak
Good work ;o)
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12/23/2000 1:44:35 AM:Confined
what else do you know how to do in c++, Amin?
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1/1/2001 7:52:12 AM:Matt Savage
great tutorial for a first time user! thanx alot d00d!
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1/3/2001 2:29:28 AM:HELLRAISER
I get an error when i compile it.. error spawning cl.exe can you help me....
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1/7/2001 3:10:02 PM:mike
Thank you Amin,it is sometimes hard to find a person with a good heart who will take the time to share knowledge,Ihope your lifes endevours are pleasing and blessed...thanks
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1/7/2001 3:14:37 PM:michael
Thanks Amin, for taking the time ans having a good enough heart to help others..thats a good quality in a person I hope you are blessed for your sharing of knowledge,,thanks
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1/18/2001 6:44:21 AM:Amin Patel
<Confined>: The 2 links provided by me previously have changed, you can directly reach the two sites using - Tutorial 2 ___________ http://www.planetsourcec ode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?lngWId=3 &txtCodeId=773 Tutorial 3 __________ http://www.planetsourceco de.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.805/lngWId.3/qx/ vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm
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2/13/2001 7:52:34 PM:kskinner
Very nice! I am new to C++, and did actually understand what you were trying to get across. Don't let the critics get to you, you are providing a good service to us all!!!! Thanks.
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2/16/2001 10:57:12 PM:Stanley freifeld
Very informative! Good for a newbee to be exposed to. Thank you
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2/28/2001 3:21:28 PM:Dave Dyer
Hey Amin, very nice work on the post, it was explained for beginners very nicely,and it's not too much to digest. It's stuff I already know, as I am fledgling programmer, but the way you write it makes it incredibly easy to understand. I look forward to reading your other posts, please keep them up! As for the
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2/28/2001 3:22:11 PM:Dave Dyer
Hey Amin, very nice work on the post, it was explained for beginners very nicely,and it's not too much to digest. It's stuff I already know, as I am fledgling programmer, but the way you write it makes it incredibly easy to understand. I look forward to reading your other posts, please keep them up! As for the "errors" in the code, there are about 25 different ways to write this little tidbit of code, none of which are "right" so keep your opinions to yourself please, so as not to confuse the people who really need this code, the beginners, like me. Thanks again for the post.
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4/19/2001 9:32:22 PM:eagle
Well as long as you return 0 you don't get any warnings. Great beginning code man. I'm trying to get C down packed so it's easier for me to mess with Linux stuff.
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4/23/2001 7:29:27 PM:Lord Nova Ice
Nothing Special here, but its good for begginers(just not me) in c/c++ i would like to see more examples with borlands C++ Builder for windows apps.
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5/30/2001 7:19:57 AM:xiaodong
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5/31/2001 7:34:51 PM:Cybrgoon
Well, Amin ... a very nice and well done tutorial(spoken as a true beginner.) I have a request though: When you put code examples into your tutorials, could you comment the portions of the code that are
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6/6/2001 9:39:06 PM:Soheil Yasrebi
That was just great, because this was thefirst thing I ever read about the C programming and I learned someting from it. Anyway I had a quetion to ask that what country are u originally from??!
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6/10/2001 6:34:47 PM:Neil Ramsbottom
I am sure that I have seen this tutorial on www.codeproject.com, but with a different authors name on...
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6/26/2001 6:50:50 PM:Prytanis
The water has been tested and it is not as frigid as I thought it would be. Thanks Amin, well done
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6/27/2001 1:48:58 PM:Amin Patel
To: Neil Ramsbottom Tutorials (1-3) of mine exist on codeproject too.
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7/10/2001 9:09:15 PM:joahnna
I am a true beginner. at least learning the basic is something! Thanks!
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8/1/2001 9:02:20 PM:Deryck H
Thanx dude, that helped a lot. Now I'll take your other 2 tutorials.
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8/11/2001 10:40:32 PM:Akuma no Houkon
It was a nice tutorial, but did not go in areas that I am in need of assistance in, I am trying to learn C++/VC++ and I have been programming for 8 years and have used every style of language avialable except for C++ style lanugages and asm. I try and learn this, even with your tutorial, and it just goes in one ear and out the other (probably because I have mastered all versions of VB, and Basic, HTML, ect. so the C++ style just inst sinking in, can someome PLEASE HELP. LeadProgrammer@CrypticDesigns.com Thank you.
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9/24/2001 10:18:21 AM:n
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10/12/2001 4:37:25 PM:traceywindsor@hotmail.com
This is an awesome start to tutorials, please keep it going. If you don't mind, I will be suggesting this tutorial to all of the CPSC100 students at my school who are learning C++ for the first time. This is an excellent example, with none of the tech-styled language. If I had read this when I first started programming, I'm sure that I would have had a much better understanding over the first few lectures. Thanks again! Tracey
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11/4/2001 4:36:48 AM:Chris
Great! =) For Visual C++, line 2 should say
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11/4/2001 4:38:48 AM:Chris
PSC messed up that last line. I meant to say for Visual C++, line 2 should say void int()
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11/7/2001 11:26:17 PM:Brett Birkett
If this tutorial is for beginners, why does the first tutorial not show how to compile and link?? Compilation of source code is assumed knowledge i noticed. - Brett.
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11/11/2001 3:01:26 PM:imn0thing
dude, i dont know how you got so many good ratings. you can read the first 4 lines of any C++ introduction book and learn more than this tutorial. your explanations don't make much sense, and it only introduces a single, standard library function (cout). this is ridiculous.
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12/2/2001 5:32:16 AM:ji
i haven't even tried to usethe code yet, or read the tut all the way, but i can tell that this guy did some good work for a beginner's tut. i'm sure most of the inspired c coders that go on the greener pastures will forget this code and perfect thier own ware. so as far as the previous post, i'd have to agree that 'urn0thing'.
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12/10/2001 5:52:32 AM:Telegeek
It really helps a N00b
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12/17/2001 3:55:54 PM:Y-NOT
Thank you, I have been looking everywhere for information like this,it is GREAT!!!, there is one other thing no one has helped with, (remember) I am a beginner, ? Where do you start? MS-DOS, Notepad, redhat,....ect....?????
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12/21/2001 8:58:22 PM:Bal Canete
Hi Amin, 'am very much confused of C/C++ until I've read your tutorial. Thanks a lot man, please publish some more.
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1/16/2002 11:17:39 AM:Ramadan
Excellent job!
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2/21/2002 4:46:59 AM:Keolebogile Mokolopo
Your intro of C++ is very good,but i'm wondering if you can help me with the project i have to do. my email is:2001017546@wwg3.uovs.ac.za If you are willing please reply.
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2/21/2002 4:48:52 AM:Keolebogile Mokolopo
It's very good,i'm impressed
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5/9/2002 6:10:26 AM:uv
really helpful
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7/8/2002 8:07:36 AM:Clif
Hey man! Just a quick one to say great job & thanks. The only experience I have had is in BASIC (remember that?) and your tutorial more than helped open a new door for me. It was very basic, but got the point across. Also, by reading other tutorials as well as comments from other programers, there is more than one way to skin a cat. The whole experience was very enlightening to say the least. Hope to see more tutorials from you in the future, and thanks again for sharing your knowlege on this one!
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8/5/2002 5:40:15 PM:john sheridan
i typed in those first couple of lines, tried to run them, and it said "102 errors found". i don't even know if thats possible cuz it doesn't even have 102 characters...wierd...
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