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Getting a random record from a table


Submitted on: 6/11/2002 3:55:01 AM
By: Serkan YOGURAN  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 4 Users
Compatibility:ASP (Active Server Pages)

Users have accessed this article 2759 times.

     This code helps you to get a random record from your table.

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'First we will create our recordset.
' strSQLGetRs = "Select * from myTable"
Set rsGetRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsGetRs.Open strSQLGetRs,Conn,1,3
'Now lets get recordcount.
intRowCount = Cint(rsGetRs.Recordcount)
'And now we will choose one of them
Randomize Timer
intRandomRecord = Int(Rnd * intRowCount)
'Then lets move our cursor to that recor ' d...
rsGetRs.Move intRandomRecord
'That's it.

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Other User Comments
6/12/2002 9:50:17 AM:undercodex
Simple method
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6/14/2002 10:07:25 PM:Ray Powell
Good Job! Now lets see if anyone can tell me how to retrieve records from a recordset in a random order.
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10/6/2002 6:09:34 PM:
Sure, Use the intRowCount as the number of times to pull records. IE. For i = 1 To intRowCount rsGetRs("rsID") Next Of course you may get duplicates, but results will be retrieved in totally random order.
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12/17/2002 1:35:16 AM:
just great
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4/10/2003 11:14:40 PM:
Is there any way that we can get only a single record randomly in a recordset instead of getting the entire table strSQLGetRs = "Select * from myTable" rsGetRs.Open strSQLGetRs,Conn,1,3 Because if our table contains 1000's of records then it will take long long time if we take a random record time by time for different users. Reply soon
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12/25/2003 12:59:39 AM:
great but this line rsGetRs.MoveFirst seems useless
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1/5/2004 4:31:40 PM:G-Man
Here's some SQL code that will return one random record rather than filling an entire recordset. Still, this method behind the scenes is basically building a sort of recordset and assigning a new id to each record. Nonetheless, someone asked for an SQL method and here one is: SELECT TOP 1 *, NEWID() AS new_id FROM myTable ORDER BY new_id
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