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Absolute Recursive factorial function C++

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Submitted on: 9/3/2000 5:33:56 AM
By: Arjang 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 5 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general)

Users have accessed this code 10006 times.
     C++ VERSION OF Recursive factorial function It will get a number and gives you it's factorial using a Recursive function ( a function that calls itself)

INCLUDE files:

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//INCLUDE files for :Absolute Recursive 
//     factorial function C++
using namespace std;
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// Name: Absolute Recursive factorial fu
//     nction C++
// Description:C++ VERSION OF Recursive 
//     factorial function It will get a number 
//     and gives you it's factorial using a Rec
//     ursive function ( a function that calls 
//     itself)
// By: Arjang
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     eId.753/lngWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
//     htm//for details.//**************************************

/* Recursive factorial function programmed by Arjang
for more info email me
a recursive function is a function that will call itself
it is probably the most difficult type of function designing
but when you get use to it, you'll find it VERY USEFULL 
the c version of this function is also available right here.
//inserting header file
using namespace std;
//declaring function
int factorial(int);
void main(void)
    int number, result;
    cout<<"Please Enter A number to get it's factorial: ";
    //getting our target number
    //calling the function
    result = factorial(number + 1);
    //printing out results
    cout<<endl<<"The factorial is : "<< result;

int factorial(int victim) { if(victim>1) { victim = victim - 1; /*this is the whole point where you actually call the same function which you are into, it is called a recursive function. */ victim = victim * factorial(victim); }
return victim; }

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Other User Comments
10/23/2000 4:47:23 PM:jtaitt
Thoughtless interface design.
shouldn't have to remember to add one 
to their input for a factorial 
You could find better 
implementations for this in any 
alogorithm book.
Here's a revision 
to program.
/* factorial.c 
#include <stdio.h>
factorial(unsigned N)
  if( N > 1 
    N *= factorial(N - 1); 
  return (N);
  unsigned N = 5;
fprintf(stdout,"%d factorial is 
%d",N,factorial(N) );
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4/10/2001 10:54:01 AM:Sharif Ibrahim
A function of this form can result in a 
slight speed savings (recursive 
functions can use all the help they can 
unsigned factorial(unsigned 
return (N <= 1) ? 1 : 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/24/2001 12:27:51 PM:Umaer Khalil
The program is quite common and used in 
a lot of C++ books for begginers.Also 
the same objective (n!) can be achieved 
by a smaller programme.Still it is 
quite a useful example.
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