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Registry HKEY_USERS Windows 2000 2K W2K NT5

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Submitted on: 12/31/2003 7:10:22 PM
By: Jesse Foley 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++

Users have accessed this code 669 times.
(About the author)
     I'm writing a larger program to manage quite a bit of tasks on the backend of workstations for my company's entire domain (offices world wide). One of the sub functions that I need to be able to perform is to recurse, query, add/remove, and just to generally enumerate through each of our W2K/NT5 workstation's registry in the HKEY_USERS. Performing these tasks I've listed here are very easy when dealing with all of the other keys such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE because all of the paths that you would need to work with would be static. The problem I came to was that this is not the case with HKEY_USERS due to the SID's. All SID's are different per user, per account, per workstation. How can I manage these? Count how many exist? Store them in strings for later management and recursion? And ABOVE all, do this "REMOTELY" to any workstation on the same given domain??? Welp, a couple of days of research and playing around with this while watching TV has brought me to a pretty cleancut solution using the latest MSDN functions and MSV C++. This code should be pretty straight forward. And once you have all of the SID's in the subKeyName array, you can then recurse and manage and/or... whatever as you would normally with strings. Pain in the bootox for a n00b like me to get to this point of "clarity", so I thought I'd share to hopefully save on the potential of anyone else's frustration. GL!! Feel free to email me with q's and I'll try to do my n00biest to answer.....

INCLUDE files:

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//INCLUDE files for :Registry HKEY_USERS
//     Windows 2000 2K W2K NT5
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
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