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Submitted on: 12/19/2003 6:39:33 AM
By: Simon Fraser  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:C, C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++

Users have accessed this code 606 times.
(About the author)
     A playable game of Battleships for Microsoft console mode using a variety of coding techniques. My first project and a rating/feedback would be most appreciated. Thanks.

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// Name: Battleships
// Description:A playable game of Battle
//     ships for Microsoft console mode using a
//     variety of coding techniques. My first p
//     roject and a rating/feedback would be mo
//     st appreciated. Thanks.
// By: Simon Fraser
// Assumes:This code doesn't use Borland
//     's graphics - all done using Microsoft c
//     onsole.I got a bit carried away with mac
//     ros where functions would have been neat
//     er.
// Side Effects:Known problem - in Win 9
//     8 "Enter name" routine for hi scores pic
//     ks up last key press. OK in XP.
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sh
//     owCode.asp?txtCodeId=7312&lngWId;=3//for details.//**************************************

/* Written in C using Microsoft VisualC++ 6.0 by Simon Fraser
December 2003 ... first project after a month's learning. 
Compiles fine in debug mode. Release mode requires 
settings: optimisations - disable debug
			 link generate debug info - enabled
Known problem - in Win 98 Enter name routine for hi scores picks up last key
press. OK in XP.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>	 
#include <conio.h> 
#include <sys/timeb.h> 
#include <time.h>	 
// Standard error macro for reporting AP
//     I errors 
#define PERR(bSuccess, api){if(!(bSuccess)) printf("%s:Error %d from %s \
on line %d\n", __FILE__, GetLastError(), api, __LINE__);}
// macro to set text colours to normal
#define RESETCOLOUR SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),\
#define DRAWGREEN FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),\
#define DRAWRED FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \
#define DRAWPURPLE FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \
#define DRAWBEIGE FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \
#define DRAWBLUE FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \
#define SETCURSOR SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \
#define CELLBORDER DrawText(" ",cursor.X ,cursor.Y,BACKGROUND_BLUE| \
#define ACLENGTH 4
#define CLENGTH 3
#define DLENGTH 2
#define SLENGTH 1
#define NUMHISCORES 10
#define NUMCELLS 25
#define MAXATTEMPTS 18
#define NAMELENGTH 10
#define AMMO 20
#define UNSORTED 0
#define SORTED 1
typedef struct SHIP
    	unsigned int X, Y;		
    	int direction;			// horizontal or vertical flag, 1 & 0
    	int ShipType;			// Length
    	SHIP* next;
} Ship;

struct map { int X; // location coords int Y; int flag; // cell selected yet? char shipType; // A = a/carrier etc,m = miss };
struct gHITS { int totalHits; int acHits; int cHits; int dHits; int subHits; };
struct HISCORE { int points; char name[NUMHISCORES]; };
void setScreenSize(); void drawIntro(); void showCursor(); void hideCursor(); void menu(); void letsPlay(); void instructions(); void highScores(); void drawShips(); void drawAC(Ship* ac ); void drawCruiser(Ship* Cruiser ); void drawDestroyer(Ship* Destroyer ); void drawSub(Ship* Submarine ); void doHiScore(int nAttempts); void drawGrid(); void assignToGrid(int letter, int* pAttempts); int CheckForShip(int x,int y, bool *pSunk); Ship* drawAllShips(); int searchShipList(Ship check); void sinkingShip(int ShipType); void push(Ship** headPtr, int x,int y, int direction, int ShipType); void resetGlobals(); void sortScores(HISCORE* HiScore); void cls( HANDLE hConsole ); // clearscreen function MSDN void DrawText(char* tex,int x,int y,WORD colour); //write text to screen Iain Fraser char* getTime(); void splash(char* title); void clearscreen(); void setTitle(char* title); void displayTime(char* title); void displayProgramStart(char* title); // globals extern Ship* gShipNode; extern int gMaxAttempts[25]; // max number of attempts extern gHITS gHits; void displayProgramStart(char* title) { splash(title); displayTime(title); }
// CLEARSCREEN FUNCTION - MSDN void cls( HANDLE hConsole ) { COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 }; /* here's where we'll home the cursor */ bool bSuccess; DWORD cCharsWritten; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* to get buffer info */ DWORD dwConSize; /* number of character cells in the current buffer */ /* get the number of character cells in the current buffer */ bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi; ); PERR( bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo" ); dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; /* fill the entire screen with blanks */ bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputCharacter( hConsole, (TCHAR) ' ', dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten; ); PERR( bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputCharacter" ); /* get the current text attribute */ bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi; ); PERR( bSuccess, "ConsoleScreenBufferInfo" ); /* now set the buffer's attributes accordingly */ bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hConsole, csbi.wAttributes, dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten; ); PERR( bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute" ); /* put the cursor at (0, 0) */ bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition( hConsole, coordScreen ); PERR( bSuccess, "SetConsoleCursorPosition" ); return; }
// Write text to sceen - Iain Fraser void DrawText(char* tex,int x,int y,WORD colour) { // Get Size Of String _CHAR_INFO *info = new _CHAR_INFO[strlen(tex)]; _CHAR_INFO *temp = info; for(unsigned int i=0;i<strlen(tex);i++) { temp->Char.AsciiChar = tex[i];//(char)i*j; temp->Attributes = colour; temp++; } COORD p1,p2; p1.X = strlen(tex); p1.Y = 1; p2.X = p2.Y = 0; _SMALL_RECT rct; rct.Left = x; rct.Top = y; rct.Right = rct.Left + strlen(tex); rct.Bottom = rct.Top + 1; DWORD result = WriteConsoleOutput(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),info,p1,p2,&rct;); if(!result) { printf("error writing to console - %d",result); } delete [] info; return; }
char* getTime() { struct _timeb timebuffer; char *timeline; _ftime( &timebuffer; ); timeline = ctime( & ( timebuffer.time ) ); return timeline; }
void splash(char* title) { setTitle(title); // TO FILL CELLS OF CONSOLE WITH COLOUR COORD locate; // COORD defined in wincon.h locate.X = 0; locate.Y = 0; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = 80; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN,y,locate,p); locate.X = 0; locate.Y = 1; Sleep(20); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_RED,y,locate,p); DrawText("SAM91",0,1,BACKGROUND_INTENSITY| BACKGROUND_RED| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN ); DrawText("SAM91",33,1,BACKGROUND_INTENSITY| BACKGROUND_RED| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN ); DrawText("SAM91",75,1,BACKGROUND_INTENSITY| BACKGROUND_RED| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN ); locate.X = 0; locate.Y = 2; Sleep(20); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN,y,locate,p); Sleep(20); printf("\n\n"); RESETCOLOUR Sleep(20); }
void clearscreen() { cls(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)); }
void setTitle(char* title) { char buffer[29]; strcpy(buffer,title); SetConsoleTitle(buffer); }
void displayTime(char* title) { char* currentTime = getTime(); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY |BACKGROUND_GREEN| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED); printf("%s started at %s\n",title, currentTime); RESETCOLOUR }
void drawIntro() { // set cursor position COORD cursor; cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 13; SETCURSOR puts(" BATTLESHIPS\n"); cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 15; SETCURSOR puts("Aircraft Carriers"); cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 17; SETCURSOR puts("Cruisers"); cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 19; SETCURSOR puts("Destroyers"); cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 21; SETCURSOR puts("Submarines"); hideCursor(); // TO FILL CELLS OF CONSOLE WITH COLOUR COORD locate; // COORD defined in wincon.h locate.X = 10; locate.Y = 5; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = 21; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; DRAWGREEN locate.X = 10; locate.Y = 6; DRAWGREEN cursor.X = 12; cursor.Y = 5; SETCURSOR puts("Sam91 Battleships"); for (int i = 11; i < 21; i++) { locate.Y = i; DRAWBLUE for (int j = 12; j < 22; j++) { locate.Y = j; DRAWRED } } cursor.X = 42; cursor.Y = 5; SETCURSOR puts("SELECT OPTION"); cursor.X = 42; cursor.Y = 7; SETCURSOR puts("(P)LAY"); cursor.X = 42; cursor.Y = 9; SETCURSOR puts("(I)NSTRUCTIONS"); cursor.X = 42; cursor.Y = 11; SETCURSOR puts("(H)IGH SCORES"); cursor.X = 42; cursor.Y = 13; SETCURSOR puts("(Q)UIT"); }
// draw all ships for intro void drawShips() { Ship ShipAC; ShipAC.X = 42; ShipAC.Y = 15; Ship* shipPtr; shipPtr = &ShipAC; drawAC(shipPtr ); COORD cursor; cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 15; SETCURSOR puts("AIRCRAFT CARRIER"); ShipAC.X = 42; ShipAC.Y = 17; drawCruiser(shipPtr ); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 17; SETCURSOR puts("CRUISER"); ShipAC.X = 42; ShipAC.Y = 19; drawDestroyer(shipPtr ); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 19; SETCURSOR puts("DESTROYER"); ShipAC.X = 42; ShipAC.Y = 21; drawSub(shipPtr ); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 21; SETCURSOR puts("SUBMARINE"); }
void drawAC(Ship* ShipAC ) // aircraft carrier { COORD locate; locate.X = ShipAC->X; locate.Y = ShipAC->Y; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = ACLENGTH; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; DRAWRED }
void drawCruiser(Ship* Cruiser ) // aircraft carrier { COORD locate; locate.X = Cruiser->X; locate.Y = Cruiser->Y; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = CLENGTH; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; DRAWGREEN }
void drawDestroyer(Ship* Destroyer ) { COORD locate; locate.X = Destroyer->X; locate.Y = Destroyer->Y; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = DLENGTH; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; DRAWPURPLE }
void drawSub(Ship* Submarine ) { COORD locate; locate.X = Submarine->X; locate.Y = Submarine->Y; unsigned long *p; unsigned long y = SLENGTH; // number of cells to take colour p = &y; DRAWBEIGE }
// for player to select cell void drawGrid() { COORD cursor; cursor.X = 5 ; cursor.Y =6; for(int i =65; i<65+25; i++) // generate char labels using ASCII { if (i%5 == 0) {cursor.Y+=2; cursor.X =5;} // move to next line CELLBORDER cursor.X++; char label[1]; sprintf(label,"%c",i); DrawText(label, CELLDETAILS); // see battle.h cursor.X++; CELLBORDER cursor.X++; } }
void assignToGrid(int letter, int* pAttempts) { bool sunk = false; bool *pSunk = &sunk; if (*pAttempts == 0) {gMaxAttempts[0] = letter;} else { gMaxAttempts[*pAttempts] = letter; } COORD cursor; cursor.X = 6 ; cursor.Y =8; // A position int status =0; if ( letter < 65 || letter > 89) {return;} // up to Y not Z for(int i =65; i<65+25; i++) { if (i%5 == 0 && i != 65) {cursor.Y+=2; cursor.X = 6;} if (letter == i) { status = CheckForShip(cursor.X,cursor.Y, pSunk); switch(status) { case 0: DrawText("*", CELLDETAILS_MISS); cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("MISS ",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y+1, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); // get rid of 2nd line carrier Sleep(500); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); break; case 1: DrawText(" ", CELLDETAILS_AC); if (sunk == true) { cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("AIRCRAFT CARRIER SUNK",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 15; SETCURSOR puts("AIRCRAFT CARRIER SUNK!"); sunk = false; } break; case 2: DrawText(" ", CELLDETAILS_CRUISER); if (sunk == true) { cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("CRUISER SUNK",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 17; SETCURSOR puts("CRUISER SUNK!"); sunk = false; } break; case 3: DrawText(" ", CELLDETAILS_DESTROYER); if (sunk == true) { cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("DESTROYER SUNK",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 19; SETCURSOR puts("DESTROYER SUNK!"); sunk = false; } break; case 4: DrawText(" ", CELLDETAILS_SUB); if (sunk == true) { cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("SUBMARINE SUNK",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); cursor.X = 50; cursor.Y = 21; SETCURSOR puts("SUBMARINE SUNK!"); sunk = false; } break; } } cursor.X+=3; } *pAttempts = (*pAttempts) + 1; // only updates calling func if letter chosen // in range cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 21; int ammoLeft = AMMO - *pAttempts; char ammo[22]; itoa(ammoLeft,ammo,10); strcat(ammo, " shots remaining "); DrawText(ammo,cursor.X,cursor.Y,BACKGROUND_INTENSITY |BACKGROUND_BLUE| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN); }
int CheckForShip(int x,int y, bool *pSunk) { COORD cursor; cursor.X= 5; cursor.Y = 19; // for text writing Ship check; check.X = x; check.Y = y; int ship = searchShipList(check); // pass coords to be compared against list // and return the type of ship (0 if miss) switch(ship) { case 1: // clear truncated sentances DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); DrawText(" HIT! AIRCRAFT ",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); DrawText("CARRIER ",cursor.X,cursor.Y+1, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); printf("\7\7\7"); Sleep(500); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, // to mask out message FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y+1, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); gHits.totalHits++; gHits.acHits++; // function to black out each hit on ship drawing sinkingShip(1); if(gHits.acHits == 4) { *pSunk = true; } return 1; break; case 2: // clear truncated sentances DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); DrawText("HIT! CRUISER",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); printf("\7\7"); Sleep(500); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); gHits.totalHits++; gHits.cHits++; sinkingShip(2); if(gHits.cHits == 3) { *pSunk = true; } return 2; break; case 3: // clear truncated sentances DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); DrawText("HIT! DESTROYER",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); printf("\7"); Sleep(500); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); gHits.totalHits++; gHits.dHits++; if(gHits.dHits ==2) { *pSunk = true; } sinkingShip(3); return 3; break; case 4: // clear truncated sentances DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); DrawText("HIT! SUBMARINE",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); printf("\7"); Sleep(500); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_GREEN); gHits.totalHits++; gHits.subHits++;{ *pSunk = true; } sinkingShip(4); return 4; break; default: return 0; } }
int searchShipList(Ship check) // pass coords (Ship check) of calling func { Ship* current = gShipNode; check.X-=6; check.X/=3; // Ignore Margins check.Y-=8; check.Y/=2; int Length; while ( current != NULL ) { Length = 4 - current->ShipType; // Check Intersections - Much easier though b/c only point if(current->direction == 1) // horzontal { if(check.Y == current->Y) { if(check.X >= current->X && check.X<=current->X+Length) { return current->ShipType; } } } else // directinal { if(current->X == check.X) { if(check.Y >= current->Y && check.Y<=current->Y+Length) { return current->ShipType; } } } current = current->next; } return 0; }
void showCursor() { _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO hideCursor; hideCursor.bVisible = 1; // if false,not visible hideCursor.dwSize = 20; // needs a size - % of normal _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO* cursorPtr; cursorPtr = &hideCursor; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), cursorPtr); }
void hideCursor() { _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO hideCursor; hideCursor.bVisible = 0; // if false,not visible hideCursor.dwSize = 100; // needs a size - % of normal _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO* cursorPtr; cursorPtr = &hideCursor; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), cursorPtr); }
void setScreenSize() { COORD size; // COORD defined in wincon.h size.X = 80; size.Y = 25; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), size); }
void menu() { char choice; int valid = 0; do { choice = getch(); choice = toupper(choice); switch(choice) { // P. I , H all need sparate function to proceed case 'P': // play valid = 1; letsPlay(); break; case 'I': // instructions valid = 1; instructions(); break; case 'H': // hi scores valid = 1; highScores(); break; case 'Q': exit(0); // exit program break; default: //puts("Please try again"); valid = 0; } } while (valid != 1); }
void instructions() { clearscreen(); puts("HOW TO PLAY"); puts("-----------"); puts("Four ships are hidden within the grid.\n"); puts("Aircraft carrier: four cells long"); puts("Cruiser: three cells long"); puts("Destroyer: two cells long"); puts("Submarine: one cell long.\n"); puts("The ships may be horizontal or vertical."); puts("Press one of the matching alphabet keys to select your target."); puts("Once all the ships are hit then the game is over."); puts("You only get 20 shots and you lose if you run"); puts("out of ammo before sinking all ships."); drawShips(); puts("Press to continue"); getch(); clearscreen(); drawIntro(); drawShips(); menu(); }
void highScores() { clearscreen(); HISCORE HiScore[NUMHISCORES]; FILE *fptr; int i; char choice = 'Q'; // initialise array for (i = 0; i < NUMHISCORES; i++) { *(HiScore[i].name) = NULL; HiScore[i].points = 0; } if ( (fptr = fopen( "hiscores.txt", "r" )) != NULL ) { fread(&HiScore;, sizeof( HiScore ), NUMHISCORES, fptr ); fclose(fptr); } else { puts("No high scores yet"); } puts(" \n\n********************************** HIGH SCORES *********************************"); puts("\n\n"); if (HiScore[0].points == 0) { puts("No high scores yet"); } for (i = 0; i < NUMHISCORES; i++) { printf("\t\t\t\t%-15s\t%d\n",HiScore[i].name, HiScore[i].points); // -15s makes field width 15 left align(-) } puts("\n\n\tPress Q to clear list, anything else to go to menu."); choice = getch(); choice = toupper(choice); // clear hi scores if ( choice == 'Q') { puts("\tSure? (Y)es / (N)o"); choice = getch(); choice = toupper(choice); if (choice == 'Y') { for (i = 0; i < NUMHISCORES; i++) { *(HiScore[i].name) = NULL; HiScore[i].points = 0; } fptr = fopen("hiscores.txt","w"); fwrite(&HiScore;,sizeof(HISCORE),NUMHISCORES,fptr); fclose(fptr); } } clearscreen(); drawIntro(); drawShips(); menu(); }
void letsPlay() { clearscreen(); drawGrid(); gShipNode = drawAllShips(); // sets up linked list of Ship structures drawShips(); int nAttempts = 0; // --- returns ptr to list int *pAttempts = &nAttempts; COORD cursor; cursor.X = 5 ; cursor.Y = 4; bool flag = true; char choice; char string[12]; int count =0; int k; DrawText(" Select a cell ",CELLDETAILS); while(gHits.totalHits !=10 && nAttempts < 20) { choice = getch(); choice = toupper(choice); // check if pressed already if (count != 0) // not first key press { for (k = 0; k < NUMCELLS; k++) { if (gMaxAttempts[k] == choice) { cursor.X = 5 ; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText(" ",cursor.X ,cursor.Y, BACKGROUND_BLUE & BACKGROUND_GREEN &BACKGROUND;_RED); DrawText("Already tried!",CELLDETAILS); Sleep(700); DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); flag = false; break; } } } cursor.X = 5 ; cursor.Y = 5; sprintf(string,"%c",choice); DrawText(" You chose ",CELLDETAILS); cursor.X = 16; strcat(string," "); DrawText(string,CELLDETAILS); if (flag == true) // first attempt at letter { assignToGrid(choice,pAttempts); } count++; flag = true; } cursor.X = 5; cursor.Y = 19; DrawText("",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); if(gHits.totalHits==NUMSHIPCELLS) { if(nAttempts <=MAXATTEMPTS) { DrawText("ALL SHIPS SUNK",cursor.X,cursor.Y, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|FOREGROUND_RED); } } cursor.X = 35 ; cursor.Y = 4; if (nAttempts >MAXATTEMPTS+1) { if(gHits.totalHits != NUMSHIPCELLS) { DrawText("YOU LOSE! PRESS ANY KEY for MENU",CELLDETAILS); } else { DrawText("YOU WIN!",CELLDETAILS); doHiScore(nAttempts);} } else { DrawText("YOU WIN!",CELLDETAILS); doHiScore(nAttempts);} getch(); resetGlobals(); clearscreen(); drawIntro(); drawShips(); menu(); }
// link list stuff void push(Ship** headPtr, int x,int y, int direction, int ShipType) { Ship* newnode = (Ship*)malloc(sizeof(Ship)); newnode->X = x; newnode->Y = y; newnode->direction = direction; newnode->ShipType = ShipType; newnode->next = *headPtr; *headPtr = newnode; }
// collision detection to avoid ships ov // erlapping bool Intersect(int sx,int sy,int sd,int sl,int dx,int dy,int dd,int dl) { if(sd == 1) // Facing Horzontally { if(dd==1) // dest facing horz { // if both horzontal, collision can only occur if in same row if(sy != dy){return false;} if(dx > sx+sl || dx+dl < sx){return false;} return true; } else // dest vertical { if(dy+dl < sy || dy > sy){return false;} if(dx < sx || dx > sx+sl){return false;} return true; } } else // Facing Vertically { if(dd==1) // dest facing horz { if(sy+sl < dy || sy > dy){return false;} if(sx < dx || sx > dx+dl){return false;} return true; } else { if(sx != dx){return false;} if(dy > sy+sl || dy+dl < sy){return false;} return true; } } return false; }
Ship* drawAllShips() { srand( unsigned (time(NULL)) ); // Set Random Seed Once SHIP* head = NULL; COORD cell; int Direction; int ShipType=1; bool collision = false; while(true) // Loop for Infinity Till Everything slots in { cell.X = rand()%5; // gives in range 0 - 4 (ignore cell margins at this stage) cell.Y = rand()%5; Direction = (rand()%2) + 1; // Check It Doesn't Go Off Map if(Direction == 1){if( (cell.X + (4 - ShipType)) > 4){continue;}} else{if(cell.Y + (4 - ShipType) > 4){continue;}} // Loop Through List Checking for Collsion collision = false; for(SHIP* it=head;it!=NULL;it=it->next) { int dstLength = 5 - ShipType; int srcLength = 5 - it->ShipType; if(Intersect(it->X,it->Y,it->direction,srcLength,cell.X,cell.Y,Direction,dstLength)) { collision = true; break; } } if(!collision) { push(&head;,cell.X,cell.Y,Direction,ShipType); ShipType++; if(ShipType == 5){break;} } } return head; }
void sinkingShip(int ShipType) { COORD sinkingShip; unsigned long y; unsigned long *ptr; ptr = &y; switch(ShipType) { case 1: y = gHits.acHits; sinkingShip.X = 42; sinkingShip.Y = 15; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN & BACKGROUND_BLUE & BACKGROUND_RED ,y,sinkingShip,ptr); break; case 2: y = gHits.cHits; sinkingShip.X = 42; sinkingShip.Y = 17; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN & BACKGROUND_BLUE & BACKGROUND_RED ,y,sinkingShip,ptr); break; case 3: y = gHits.dHits; sinkingShip.X = 42; sinkingShip.Y = 19; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN & BACKGROUND_BLUE & BACKGROUND_RED ,y,sinkingShip,ptr); break; case 4: y = gHits.subHits; sinkingShip.X = 42; sinkingShip.Y = 21; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_GREEN & BACKGROUND_BLUE & BACKGROUND_RED ,y,sinkingShip,ptr); break; } }
void resetGlobals() { // reset global for next game int k; for (k = 0; k < NUMCELLS; k++) { gMaxAttempts[k] = 0; } gHits.totalHits = 0; gHits.acHits = 0; gHits.cHits = 0; gHits.dHits = 0; gHits.subHits = 0; }
void doHiScore(int nAttempts) { COORD cursor; cursor.X = 35 ; cursor.Y = 8; char buffer[3]; HISCORE HiScore[10]; FILE *fptr; char name[10]; int i, scoreToBeat; char ch; // initialise array for (i = 0; i < NAMELENGTH; i++) { *(HiScore[i].name) = NULL; HiScore[i].points = 0; } if ( (fptr = fopen( "hiscores.txt", "r" )) != NULL ) { fread(&HiScore;, sizeof( HiScore ), NAMELENGTH, fptr ); fclose(fptr); } else { puts("No high scores yet"); } sortScores(HiScore); // previous hi scores on file scoreToBeat = (21 - nAttempts)*10; // max poss score is 100 ie no misses itoa(scoreToBeat,buffer,10); DrawText("YOUR SCORE IS: ",CELLDETAILS); cursor.X = 50; DrawText(buffer,CELLDETAILS); // if new hi score if (scoreToBeat > HiScore[NAMELENGTH-1].points) // add new hi score at end - will need sorting { cursor.X = 35 ; cursor.Y = 2; DrawText("NEW HIGH SCORE! ",CELLDETAILS); HiScore[9].points = scoreToBeat; cursor.X = 35; cursor.Y = 3; DrawText("Enter name:",CELLDETAILS); cursor.X = 48; cursor.Y = 3; SETCURSOR // sets cursor for entering name // limit name to 10 chars for( i = 0; (i < 10) && ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'); i++ ) { name[i] = ch; } name[i] = '\0'; flushall(); // flushes all buffers - keyboard buffer will hold chars // if name > 10 then use in next hiscore otherwise - definitely works strcpy(HiScore[NAMELENGTH-1].name,name); sortScores(HiScore); clearscreen(); puts(" \n\n********************************** HIGH SCORES *********************************"); puts("\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUMHISCORES; i++) { printf("\t\t\t\t%-15s\t%d\n",HiScore[i].name, HiScore[i].points); } fptr = fopen("hiscores.txt","w"); if (fptr == (FILE*)NULL) { printf("Error = no file\n"); return; } fwrite(&HiScore;,sizeof(HISCORE),NUMHISCORES,fptr); fclose(fptr); } cursor.X = 30; cursor.Y = 23; DrawText("PRESS ANY KEY for MENU",CELLDETAILS); }
void sortScores(HISCORE* HiScore) { int i; HISCORE temp[NUMHISCORES]; int status = UNSORTED; while( status == UNSORTED) { status = SORTED; // now show it isn't for(i = 0; i < NUMHISCORES - 1; i++) { if (HiScore[i].points < HiScore[i+1].points ) { strcpy(temp[i].name, HiScore[i].name); temp[i].points = HiScore[i].points; strcpy(HiScore[i].name, HiScore[i+1].name); HiScore[i].points = HiScore[i+1].points; strcpy( HiScore[i+1].name, temp[i].name); HiScore[i+1].points = temp[i].points; status = UNSORTED; } } } }
int gMaxAttempts[25]; // max number of attempts gHITS gHits; // struct of hits for all ships Ship* gShipNode; // global ptr to linked list of ships void main() { char* title = "Battleships"; setScreenSize(); displayProgramStart(title); drawIntro(); drawShips(); menu(); }

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