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Check FatBrain for books

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Submitted on: 7/30/2000 12:21:51 AM
By: Found on the World Wide Web 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 2 Users
Compatibility:5.0 (all versions), 4.0 (all versions), 3.0 (all versions), Pre 3.0

Users have accessed this code 2429 times.
     This script takes a list of books and looks to see if they are considered published on fatbrain.
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    = Name: Check FatBrain for books
    = Description:This script takes a list o
    =     f books and looks to see if they are con
    =     sidered published on fatbrain.
    = By: Found on the World Wide Web
    use strict;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    my $VERSION = 1.0;
    my %pages = (
    				'Firewall 1' => '',
    				'Bay Network Router Configuration' => '',
    				'Mastering Algorthims with Perl' => '',
    foreach (keys %pages) {
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $pages{$_};
    my $string = $ua->request($req)->as_string;
    	if ($string =~ m/Not yet published/g) {
    	print "$_ is not out yet.\n";
    	} else {
    	print "$_ has been published.";
    =head1 NAME
    fatbrain - This script takes a list of books and looks to see if they are considered published on fatbrain.
    =head1 DESCRIPTION
    I am always waiting for books to be published and I am sick of doing all the work in looking them up. 
    I created this script to check if the books I am looking for are published.
    =head1 README
    This script has a few requirements. You will need LWP and you will need to look up the book the first time
    yourself. Once you have the url cut and paste it into the value field in %pages and put in a description in the key
    of the hash.

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