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Lewies Coding Standards


Submitted on: 6/7/2001 12:17:50 PM
By: Lewis Moten  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 12 Users
Compatibility:ASP (Active Server Pages), VbScript (browser/client side)

Users have accessed this article 13495 times.

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     Peer into the brains of a professional programmer to learn how to become a better coder and more easily maintain your code for management and easily allow others to understand.

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First off - these are not set in stone. Every programmer has different ideas of how things sould be - and companys too. These are mearly a guide. Even I do not follow these to perfection. But they are the general ideas behind the code that I post to this site. Also, I am always updating my thoughts on how to program. I'll attempt to update this article as time progresses.

Directory Structure

The beginning of these standards doesn't deal with the code, but the directory structure. I am uncertain how many people here in my industry host multiple domains (or even subdomains) on a machine. For the purpose of easier management, Here is the structure that I use.


So, if I have a domain called "", the site would be located within the following directory:


Domains without a sub domain (ie - without the "www.") usually point to the same content as the sub domains "www", so just simply point "" to the "\www\" directory when you setup IIS.

Ok, This little tid-bit isn't a standard, but a brief tutorial. I have only 1 IP address, yet I have multiple domains (and sub-domains) on my computer. Here is how I do it with Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

In internet service manager, create a new web site. The wizard pops up and asks for some info. As a standard, I type in the full domain name including sub domains. Actually, I create two. One for and one for The main part you want to pay attention to is the Host Header for the site. You can't assign multiple host headers to a single web site (at least I havn't attempted to do it yet), so that is why we need two web sites. In here, I would type

The next part asks you for a directory location. They both point to the same directory (\\www\). This should be enough to get you on your feet to multiple domain hosting. Unfortunatly, windows 2000 professional doesn't support more then one website, so your gonna have to dig deep in your pocket just to get the advanced server for multiple domain hosting in this regard on a single IP address.

Application Structure

When creating an application, make a name that relates to the application. For example, a website that deals with stocks may exist in a folder called "/Stocks/" rather then "/s239123/". It is easier to identify and manage applications in this way.

Look at the following list of the suggested directory structure for your application:

    /Application_Name/Content/ (optional)

ClientScripts - These are your javascript and vbScript files that you may need to send to the client. It is always best to seperate your script from the web pages so that the scripts are cached on the users browser and quickly load for new pages that make use of the same script.

ActiveX - If your site uses DLL's, you may want to place them in the appropriate directory along with a batch file that will register the DLL's from the command prompt. This is primarily for easier management if you need to copy the application to another computer. The controls directory should contain active x controls that you make available on the web pages.

Data - This is the location for all your client side data - except for the SQL folder. The sql folder should contain batch files for transact SQL to setup your database with the appropriate schema and any data needed for a fresh install. If you are using an access database - it is best to have them located in a directory that web users can not access. If this is not an option, then make a sub-directory from the data directory named "Access" and place the files in here. You should have 2 of each database. One is the "Live" database and the other is the database for a fresh installation.

Includes - Include files are server-side script files that are included in other asp pages. Others may suggest giving them an extension of ".inc" or ".txt". I always use ".asp" because Visual Interdev does not recognize the other two when it comes to object inheritance and coloring the code for easier reading. I also incude a sub-directory called classes. The more recent versions of vbScript allow you to create classes and I seperate these from the other code and think of them as little black boxes.

Media - If your site only includes images, then you may want to go with the generalized standard of just naming this directory "Images". I sometimes think ahead and consider the other types of media a site may have. Flash is the primary reason. Sometimes I give it its own directory besides images - but placing the two in a media folder makes more sense.

StyleSheets - If your like me, your site has style. I like to create different styles and give them there own sub-folders off of the style folder. This way, i can tell the difference between the Misc. style sheets accross the site and the Main Style Sheet for the sites theme. You may want to consider placing "some" images in this folder if they relate directly to the stylesheet.

Content - This is completly optional. Sometimes I use it, sometimes I do not. The main reson you may use this is in the case that you have a little too many folders off of your application root. More often then not, I do not use this folder - but it is here mearly as an option that you may want to consider.

File Structure

File names are important to the programmer, and can sometimes help when a visitor calls in with a problem and needs to identify a web page. I've dealt with one project where a programmer decided it was best to use a giant "Select Case" statement on a query string named "Action" to determine wich include file to load. I had a tough time explaining to him that even though the other includes were not used, they were still compiled with the page at execution. Also, a client calling in would have to read the query string as well as the web page. Not too much of a hassle you may think - unless the query string is very long. Which it was.

I like to break everything appart into seperate pages. Some people even post data back to the same page. I like to sperate that as well. Let me give you an example of the file structure I may have in an administration directory called "Users".

    /Users/addUser.asp       ' Displays form to add a user
    /Users/addUser.Now.asp   ' Commits action to add a user
    /Users/delUsers.asp      ' Confirms action to delete users with details
    /Users/delUsers.Now.asp  ' Commits action to delete selected users
    /Users/edtUser.asp       ' Displays form to edit specific user
    /Users/edtUser.Now.asp   ' Commits action to edit the user
    /Users/lstUsers.asp      ' Lists all users in directory

Templates with JavaScript

I've recently begun to re-think about how I make my websites. It used to be that I included a file of ... pretty much static HTML at the top and the bottom of the page. Todays web-browsers are comming with javascript as a standard. What I have begun to do is convert all that HTML to javascript and place it into a client-side script file. At first, I started running into problems. Things like - what if something is supposed to show up in the template on one page, but not others? What if I want to display the number of people logged into the site? And a few more. I quickly found the answer though.

In the web page, before I call the javascript file, I define a few variables. Look at the following.

    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="ClientScripts/Template.js">
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
    	var pStrUserName = '<%=Session("UserName")%>'
    	var pBlnLoggedIn = <%=LCase(CStr(IsEmpty(Session("UserID"))))%>
    	var pLngVisitors = <%=Application("Visitors")%>
    	if(window.templateLoaded == true){document.write(templateHeader())}

Notice how I used a variable assigned to the window object to see if the javascript loaded? This helps keep errors down so the user isn't discouraged. Now comes the next problem - what if the user does not have javascript, or better yet - what about search engines? My friends, I present to you a real use for the


OK, we got past a hump and hopefully reduced the bandwidth of our pages by about ... 5 to 10 kb? It all depends how big your template file is to begin with. This should also increase performance just a wee little bit since there is less for your ASP pages to process. Remember - ASP = Glue. Now you may be thinking that your sites template is pretty complex. I've dealt with a lot of complex variations of templates and basically come to this thought. If you can write it in vbScript on the serverside, then you can do it with javascript on the client side. It just depends how much time you are willing to dedicate to solving the problem and increasing performance. I wouldn't however - suggest editing your template on a live site. Make a local copy first. Your visitors will be happyer.

One last little problem I see with this is for a vast majority of unpopular search engines. They usually look at the first few lines of text on the site for a description. You can always place a few lines at the beginning of the noscript tag. If you do, then I would suggest adding an Horizonatl Rule tag to seperate it from your links.

Editing Files

Never edit a file on a live site. I've had a few people do this on me and suddenly I have visitors sending me emails and clients calling me asking why there site is broken. Copy the file to your own hard drive and edit it. Then - after testing the file, copy the file to the website.

vbScript Format

This is a big one. Many programmers have many different ideas of how you can do this. These are my own personal commitments and are by no means set in stone. I am always changing my standards when I see a better way. It is now that I am finally documenting them.

Tabs - Tabulate your code for easier reading.

    If ThisVariable = ThatVariable Then
    	Do Something Cool
    End If

Notice that the second line "Do Something Cool" has been tabbed? Any statment that requires a closing statment such as "For", "While", "Do", "Select Case", "With", etc. Should have its contents indented.

Comments - comment your code so that others can understand what you are trying to do. It may seem that the code is screaming out to you, clear as a bell, to you - but some programmers who are not so experienced, or even clients for that matter, may need some help.

    ' Make sure the two values are equal
    If ThisVariable = ThatVariable Then
    	Do Something Cool
    End If

I also like to leave a space between the comment delimiter and the comments themselves.

Characters Per Line - I usually like to limit my pages to no more then 80 characters in width. This helps to prevent scrolling horizonally when reading my code on the more common screen resolutions today.

Use Line Continuations - If you have a line that is just to long, don't be afraid to break your strings and/or code apart on multiple lines using the underscore character.

Procedure Seperators - At the beginning and end of each procedure, I use a comment followed by a space and 78 dashes. This helps me find the beginning/end of each procedure.

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Procedure Placement - I place procedures at the bottom of the code. This is so that the guts of the code can be seen first. Sometimes I place the procedures in alphabetical order, but more commonly, I place the procedures in the order in wich they are called from the main part of the code.

Main() - If I can, I try to place all code in procedures. The main guts are placed in a sub called "Main()". This mimics other programming languages because they usually require this name to begin with.

Do code before sending output - This is a big one. I attempt to execute every piece of functionality that the page offers before attempting to write out the results. WHen this is done, I'll see an error rite away if any come up rather then hunting for it in the source code if a tag isn't closed when the error occurs. (examples - SELECT, TABLE, TEXTAREA, etc.)

Variable Names - This is where programmers battle it out. Even though vbScript doesn't use types other then variants, it is helpful to understand that there are sub-types as well. A string of "1" is not equal to the number 1.

When it comes to defining variant names, most programmers use the Hungarian Notation - or a slight modification closly related to it. Hungarian was primarily developed for C by one of the programmers at Microsoft, but has been adapted for many other languages over time. Here are my methods.

    Dim StrName - String (Unicode)
    Dim BinName - String (Ascii)
    Dim LngName - Long
    Dim IntName - Integer
    Dim BytName - Byte
    Dim ClsName - Class
    Dim ObjName - Object
    Dim DtmName - Date/Time
    Dim VarName - Variant
    Dim BlnName - Boolean

There are also a few scope variables that I prefix the variables with.

    Dim StrName - Page Scope
    Dim gStrName - Global Scope (Usually found in Include files)
    Dim pStrName - Parameter (Used for arguments passed to Subs and Functions)
    Dim lStrName - Local Scope (Used within the subs and functions themselves)

There is one last part of my naming conventions and that is to define Arrays. I add a suffix to the end of my variables "Ary" so that if i had a List of numbers, I would call the variable "LngNameAry".

Variable Declaration - Always declare your variables. This means that if you use a variable anywhere on your page, then you should have it defined somewhere on the page using the Dim or Const keywords. I always place the declarations at the top of the page along with comments describing "ALL" variables. If the variable has local scope (within a procedure) then declare the variable at the beginning of the procedure before you write the code. To hlep you make certain that all variables are declared, you may insert "Option Explicit" on the first line of your code. It will result in raising an error any time a variable is found that hasn't been previously declared.

Also - use names that make sense. In javascript, I often see that "i" represents a counter position, or an index. This is pretty common and widely known. When others begin to use single letters for other variables, It becomes very confusing to understand what the code is doing at a quick glance. I often find myself renaming variables in other peoples code just so I can comprehend the process being carried out.

If there is a common known name for a variable (Such as Conn for ADODB.Connection), Then by all means - use that name!

When creating the names, I use lower case letters except for the first letter of each word. Look at these for an example.

    Dim StrThisIsAVariable
    Dim StrAnotherOne
    Dim LngLookHere

That shoud give you a basic idea. Some people Don't capitalize the first letter of the Variant Type (Eg - the "S" in "StrAnotherOne". This is fine by my standards. I can easily see what it is. The capitalization is primarily to help reading the variables.

Constants are sometimes treated differently. It is suggested that you use ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS seperated_by_an_underscore "_" character. Look at the following examples:

    Const StrTHIS_IS_A_VALUE = "Lewie"
    Const LngANOTHER_ONE = 3
    Const LngLOOK_HERE = &h0032;

Garbage Collection - Any objects that are created "MUST" be removed from memory to allow resources to become available.

Set ObjName = Nothing

Tabbing in columns - This one isn't used quite so often by others in the industry, but I find it pleasing to the eye. If I have a few variables being assigned values, I try to tab the values into a seperate column. Take this for example:

    LngMemberID       = VarDataAry(0, LngIndex)
    StrMemberName     = VarDataAry(1, LngIndex)
    StrMemberPassword = VarDataAry(2, LngIndex)

Notice how everything is lined up? I also do the same thing when I declare variables.

    Dim LngMemberID       ' Identification of member within database
    Dim StrMemberName     ' Member login name
    Dim StrMemberPassword ' Password for member to login with

Theory Behind ASP

As most of you may have heard ... ASP is supposed to be the GLUE to a dynamic website. Unfortunatly, it seems that everyone places all business logic within the ASP. And why not? It is so convienient, easily updatable, and easy to distribute. With .Net, The original theory behind ASP will no longer apply.

When I first got into the IT industry (professionally that is), the project I was working on consisted of a Transaction Server (Today it is known as COM+) that contained DLL's compiled by Visual Basic. All of the main logic was located within them and the asp page called upon them for the data. It would then format the page according to the data returned. It didn't do any more logic other then that. This is the guts of the original theory behind ASP.

Today, XSL follows the GLUE theory, in that it doesn't do too much programming.

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Other User Comments
6/8/2001 7:51:49 AM:Jos Krause
As always any post by Lewis is carefully read by me and I loved his work from the beginning! He helped me become a better coder and I adapted his coding techniques unlike others I say "Lewis-Style" DOES improve your coding. I teach all my collegues this way of coding just to make sure we can exchange code better. As always my deepest gratitude to my good friend Lewis may our paths cross more often my friend! Kudos to Lewis and his LCAD certificates. (Lewis Certified ASP Developer) Just kidding :P But this man would deserve his work beeing recognized in such a manner! LEWIS YOU RULE!! J.J., The Netherlands
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6/8/2001 9:38:07 AM:Lewis Moten
My face is a lovely shade of red.
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6/10/2001 12:55:59 PM:parksie
Sun cream helps ;-) Very good article though!
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6/10/2001 4:54:17 PM:Peter Schmitz
I wish everyone would use some sense, as this guy does :) (I use the same stuff whenever i code, just to make it more readable for both me, and others who might be viewing my source code). Kudos to Lewis for taking the time to write this out! Ian! Make this a must-read file or something :) Peter Schmitz.
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6/12/2001 5:57:12 PM:Jamie Webb
This is a well written article. Many newcomers to embedded scripting, more than any other area of programming, fail to appreciate the importance of logical structure.<br> However, I do disagree with the author on some points:

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6/12/2001 5:58:05 PM:Jamie Webb
Client-side Scripting - to be avoided unless it is actually *necessary*. Rationale: the developer has no control over the execution environment of Javascript. Far too many times, I have been browsing have come to a page that is apparently static, to be greeted with yet another 'Object Expected' error. Even when running a vanilla copy of IE5. The situation is far worse for users of Mozilla or old browsers. The developer can control the server. Use that fact. If you are worried about resource usage, the alternative to using ASP or javascript for for anything unchanging is to make it static HTML. Many developers compile their site from some more easily editable form, e.g. XML, before putting it on a server. It is very easy to add navigation bars and the like at this stage.
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6/12/2001 5:58:54 PM:Jamie Webb
Variable Capitalisation - The author's style is quite common, although the capitalisation of type prefixes is a little unusual, however if your code ever has to be read by non-native speakers of English, you should use underscores rather than capitalisation: they find it much easier to read, e.g. my_variable_name. Although VBScript is not case sensitive, you should also avoid the habit of excessive use of capitalisation in case you ever end up coding in a case-sensitive language. It is incredibly irritating to continually have to check whether a variable is spelt UserName or Username, for example.
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6/12/2001 5:59:21 PM:Jamie Webb
Comments - The code explains what the code does, and if it isn't clear, you need to refactor to make it so. It is a waste of time and hence money to reiterate in English what is already written in code. Comments should be used to briefly summarize whole blocks of code, and to explain *why* the code does something, not how it does it. There are of course exceptions to this rule: if the code really is obfuscated and that's someone else's fault, it is of course better to comment than not to.
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6/12/2001 6:01:07 PM:Jamie Webb
Hungarian notation - This is a really pointless idea in statically typed languages, but I have to admit that it is more useful in a scripting language. Nevertheless, I think using type prefixes for such common and obvious types as numbers and strings is perhaps excessive. Other than those, I agree with every point made. (This 1000-word posting limit is a real pain)
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6/13/2001 10:12:02 AM:Lewis Moten
Thanks Jamie, I'll have taken some of your knowledge pretty well and may recompile this document after reading your comments. As far as templates go, I develop for Netscape 3.04g and then test on the most recent browsers. This seems to be the best approach so far. There are many tricks that I use to be compatable, but if people would use the basic "document.write" for static parts of ASP pages, you would reduce bandwidth.
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6/13/2001 10:20:29 AM:Lewis Moten
Variable Capitalisation - "capitalisation of type prefixes is a little unusual", hmmm... I can change. No biggie. I'm always looking for a way to improve and work with others. Comments - I get your point pretty well and find myself commenting on blocks pretty often rather then a line-by-line basis. Except when it comes to declaring variables - i comment them all. As far as underscores go, They are commonly reserved for Constants.
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6/13/2001 10:20:37 AM:Lewis Moten
As I said in the beginning, everyone has there own way of standards. Some even use them religiously. As far as your hungarian language ideas, I'll have to agree to an extent. Sure, You can look at the part where variables are declared in Typed languages, but when your deep down into the code, others might find it more convienient to see the prefix rather then hunting for the variable declaration. Thanks for the comments Jamie. They are much appreciated as they shed some light on how others apply standards in the profession.
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6/25/2001 1:30:52 PM:Derrick
Lewis, Thanks. Perhaps Jamie should go write his own standards, instead of picking apart what you so kindly took the time to write.
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8/2/2001 5:10:48 PM:Patrick Michael Plummer
Awesome...if anyone hasn't checked out ALL of Lewis' code, they're missing out on REALLY valuable coding techniques. My skills have improved at least tenfold (and I was a pretty good programmer already) within the last month by just analyzing his approach. His code is the best I've seen! Awesome! BTW, I printed this out and have it hanging up!
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10/9/2001 6:57:22 PM:Chris
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5/10/2002 5:51:10 AM:gk
useful and kudos lewis
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6/6/2002 2:22:31 PM:Tracy spratt
Mr. webb wrote
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6/6/2002 2:24:05 PM:Tracy Spratt
Mr. webb wrote --The code explains what the code does--. This statement is ridiculous. Anyone who has had to take on maintenance or modification of an existing application will understand the value of liberal comments. In non-trivial applications, there are multiple levels of abstraction, generated code, and many other practices that make code non-self-documenting. What can I learn from a line like "set objTemp = getData(i,j,k)"? Only that I need to go analyze getData(), and anything it calls before I can figure out whether this call is even relevant to the bug I am trying to track down. Continued next post...
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6/6/2002 2:24:38 PM:Tracy Spratt
The problem is exacerbated by poorly structured code, poor naming, and poor external documentation, all of which tend to go along with poor commenting. Comments are the easiest thing to get right, and will make correction of the other problems easier to correct. It is infuriating to spend 30 minutes to analyze something that someone else could have commented in 10 seconds. Is Mr. Webb a "big fish in a small pond"? Has he forgotten what it it is like to come to an application cold?
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6/6/2002 2:45:48 PM:Lewis Moten
Thanks for the feedback. I agree with your view points. As I have also stated, some people (Mr. Webb for example) take to there own standards as a religion. However, I'm still keeping an open mind and always learning to how I can code better for others that may come after me on my projects.
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8/22/2002 1:36:16 AM:Solaris
I work as a programmer at a local engineering firm and at 3PM today I was instructed to make a script that would take ppls contact info and store it in a DB, and email the new contacts info. If the contact was already registered do a login type procedure. Then after that it would give a quote on an engineering product from this company. I used all of the LEWIS-STYLE programming and learned ASP from 3PM to 6PM and the script was done by 6:30 thanks d00d
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