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Simple ole drag and drop


Submitted on: 3/14/2000
By: Stewart MacFarlane  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 10 Users
Compatibility:VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 5220 times.
     This demonstrates a simple drag and drop of a file from windows explorer into a text box then grab the filename and path (this is part of the code im using to make a map install program for quake2)
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' Name: Simple ole drag and drop
' Description:This demonstrates a simple
'     drag and drop of a file from windows exp
'     lorer into a text box then grab the file
'     name and path (this is part of the code 
'     im using to make a map install program f
'     or quake2)
' By: Stewart MacFarlane
' Inputs:a dropped file from windows exp
'     lorer
' Returns:incorrect file type
' Assumes:you must create a textbox call
'     ed text1 and make sure its big enough so
'     its not too fiddly to drop a file onto. 
'     also make sure for text1 oledragmode and
'     oledrop mode in the properties are set t
'     o manual
' Side Effects:none known
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=6598&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

Private Sub text1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long _

, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Prepare a variable (numfiles) and pass ' the number of files ' dropped onto text1 to this variable Dim numFiles As Integer numFiles = Data.Files.Count ' an example how to trap 1 file (can be ' modified to trap as many ' or as little amount by changing the &g; ' t; 1 to > {new value}) then ' display a message box telling user the ' maximum allowed file drops) ' then exit the sub If numFiles > 1 Then MsgBox "Only allows 1 file at a time In beta version! Sorry!"_ ,vbOKOnly, "Ooops beta version" Exit Sub End If
' check the attributes of the file being ' dropped and see if it is a ' directory, if it is then warn user tha ' t only files are valid to drop ' and exit the sub If (GetAttr(Data.Files(1))) = vbDirectory Then MsgBox "Sorry this beta version only allows files Not directories to be installed" Exit Sub End If
' check the file is the correct file typ ' e (using its extension) ' if not then warn user and exit the sub ' If LCase(Right(Data.Files(1), 3)) <> LCase("bsp") Then MsgBox "This file is Not a quake 2 map (*.bsp)" Exit Sub End If
' tell user the drag and drop was succes ' ful MsgBox Data.Files(1) + " installed" ' code here to install file ' or do what ever you need ' data.files(1) is a string holding the ' path and filename of the dropped file ' using a for..next loop you can control ' multiple files dropped at once ' replacing the 1 with the for..next var ' iable and using numfiles to find out ' the maximum for..next value End Sub

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Other User Comments
3/14/2000 8:26:58 PM:Stewart MacFarlane
This is for you Ian
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/15/2000 5:16:55 AM:Stewart MacFarlane
Please vote for this code (if you like 
it that is) , i will post the beta 
version of my quake 2 map installer 
very soon!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/21/2000 10:18:08 PM:Stewart MacFarlane
Thanx to all the people who voted for 
tis code and helped we become one of 
the winners fro the top code of march
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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