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Database Connectivity and Data Access


Submitted on: 1/10/2001 3:16:33 PM
By: Daniel M. Hendricks  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 12 Users
Compatibility:ASP (Active Server Pages)

Users have accessed this article 37709 times.

     This article shows various connection strings, used to connect to various databases in Windows, as well as methods to access and modify data. Some connection strings may require client software to be installed, but most work with Windows 2000.

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Database Connectivity in ASP

This reference will show you how to connect to a variety of databases in different ways:

  1. Connect to the Database
  2. Run your SQL commands
  3. Common Examples

Connect to the Database

Before you can access your database, you need to connect to it using one of the following methods:

Microsoft Access 2000 Database (OLE-DB):

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("database.mdb") & ";"

Microsoft Access databases are quick, easy, and portable. It works good for small, intradepartmental applications. If you plan on having more than a few users connecting to it, however, you many wish to consider using a database like SQL Server or Oracle instead. Here is another way to connect to a Microsoft Access database:

Microsoft Access 2000 Database:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("database.mdb") & ";UID=;PWD="

For a description of the difference between OLE-DB and ODBC, check out this article at

Connecting to a database using a DSN:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "DSN=mydsn;UID=username;PWD=password"

Before you can use this method, you must create a DSN in your control panel (usually under ODBC or Data Sources). This process varies from each version of Windows, so you're on your own. When you create a DSN, you will be asked to give it a name. The name you enter should replace the "mydsn" value above, along with the username and password.

Connect to a SQL Server database with OLE DB:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SERVER; Initial Catalog=database; User ID=username; Password=password"

An OLE DB connection can provide faster performance than a DSN. This method doesn't require you to set up a DSN (which makes reloading the machine easier), which makes it easier to reload the computer and doesn't require you to create a DSN. However, if you move your applications to another server or if you move your database to another server, you will need to update any hard-coded values. There are ways around this, but for simplicity, I have provided the example above.

Connect to a MySQL Database Under Linux/Chili!Soft ASP:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Driver={MySQL}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=database; UID=username; PWD=password"

This code has only been tested on a Cobalt RAQ with Chili!Soft ASP and MySQL.

Connect to Oracle 8 (OLE-DB):

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;User ID=user;Password=pwd; Data Source=hoststring;"

This code has only been confirmed to work with Oracle 8i server and Windows client. Important: Requires Oracle client connectivity tools to be installed. Here is another way to connect to an Oracle database:

Connect to Oracle 8:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};UID=user;PWD=password;CONNECTSTRING=hoststring"

This also requires the Oracle client tools be installed. For a description of the difference between OLE-DB and ODBC, check out this article at

Run Your Commands

Now that you have a connection to your database, you can run SQL statements:

Delete Records:

db.execute("DELETE FROM mytable WHERE FullName = 'John Doe'")

This is only used as an example. You will need to replace "mytable" with the name of the table you are trying to delete from. Likewise, replace "FullName" with the name of the appropriate field.

Insert Records:

db.execute("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('John Doe', 22, '321 Disk Dr.', 'Hollywood, CA')

Again, this is only used as an example. Change the statement as needed.

List Records:

set rs=db.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
Do Until rs.EOF
Response.Write rs("MyField") & "<br>"

The first line is a select statement that selects records. The following lines iterate through each line, displays the current value of the "MyField" field, and adds a line-feed. You will want to change the "mytable" and "MyField" values appropriately.

Common Examples

Add, list, and delete records:

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("database.mdb") & ";"

db.execute("INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ('Dan Hendricks', 22)")
set rs=db.execute("SELECT * FROM MyTable")

Do Until rs.EOF
Response.Write rs("NAME") & "<br>"

db.execute("DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE NAME = 'Dan Hendricks'")

This code will open the database, add the values "Dan Hendricks" and "22" into the first two field of the chosen table, display all current records in the table, and finally delete the record that was added.

Here is another quick and easy way to connect and list records:

'This code connects to the database.
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'This code iterates through the current records.
mySQL = "SELECT * from chairs " mySQL, db, 1, 3<-- Change the '3' to a '1' for a read-only. -->
Do Until rs.EOF
Response.Write rs("MyField") & "<br>"

'This code deletes a record, and then adds a new one
rs("Name") = 'Jane Doe'

NOTE: This does not use the same connect statements listed above. It's just a different way to connect to a database and list, add, or remove records.

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Other User Comments
1/11/2001 12:38:34 PM:Robert Long
Great tutorial, I really appreciate you going into detail with every point. I'll be looking forward to other articles in the future. Any IIS applications?
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1/11/2001 2:07:28 PM:John A. Shaw
Dan, In your contribution on Database Connectivity you state that: ********** There are a number of ways to connect to a MS Access database, but I use this one. Connecting to a database using a DSN: Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") db.Open "DSN=mydsn;UID=username;PWD=password" * ********* 1) Do you know of a source for the other ways? For accessing other MS Office applications? 2) I want to open an Excel Workbook and execute a VBA macro from an ASP. Do you have any suggestions where I might find information on this task? Thanks for your piece on Database Connectivity and any help you may be able to give me. .............John
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1/23/2001 12:36:21 AM:tanuj: email:
Tell me which one of these is better
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3/1/2001 11:13:47 PM:Dan Hendricks
Neither method is better. Each one is sometimes convenient for different code. The second one is more straight-forward and easier to understand. I like to use it for displaying records in a table. I like to use the first one for most stuff because it more clearly displays what is going on through SQL statements. Neither is better - use what you like!
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6/16/2001 4:46:51 PM:Harlan Iverson
Hey, awesome, thanks...This was the only thing on the net, after 2 days of searching, I found that acually told me how to connect to my MySQL server. The Chili Soft ASP method also works with IIS 5.0 thanks
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6/16/2001 4:47:58 PM:Harlan Iverson
oh, one last thing i forgot to mention, incase anyone else is having the same problem i was, you need MyODBC installed too, can get it from the MySQL website.
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6/29/2001 3:14:01 PM:MIGUEL A SANTIAGO
What does it is command to APPEND TO an external Access database with password. Access automatically create next command: INSERT INTO [;PWD=xx].TblName ( FieldName ) IN 'loc&databaseName'[;PWD=xx] SELECT SourceTblName.FieldName FROM SourceTblName; But doesn't work, it is correct ? What does is it correct command? Thank You for you help... Miguel
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7/30/2001 2:17:06 PM:volcano_88101
Thank you so much for making it so simple. After Viewing over 200 Web Search Results I was about to give up.. Not only was your code nice and easy to understand but somehow it finally got to me why my website wasn't working. I didn't have an ODBC driver installed.. Thank you so much
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8/27/2001 2:45:58 PM:Daniel Malo
Dan, you did an awesome work here! I tried Access, and it worked smoothly with ASP. But right now, I'm doing a project that involves Oracle 8 with ASP. I followed your suggestions, but I couldn't establish a connection. You see, I have this server with all the necessary drivers and service pack installed (Windows NT Server4.0, Service Pack 6, drivers for ODBC/Oracle). This error appears: "ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'. ADO could not find the specified provider." If you have any suggestions, they are welcome! Thanks a lot, Dan
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9/14/2001 10:06:58 PM:Todd
This Helped Alot Thanks Man
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11/6/2001 12:32:51 AM:kik333
hi, i am having a totally different problem kinda. My personal web manager stops displaying my asp pages sometimes, and then when i try to run the pws, nothing happens. so i try to uninstall it, but win2k doesn't let me. so now i am stuck with no web server. any one know why this might be happening or if there are any fixes.
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2/24/2002 3:33:37 AM:Soheil Yasrebi
great toturial thanks!
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4/30/2002 5:30:42 PM:Arthur Robinson
Is there a way to have the new SubjectID from the first table feed automatically into the other 3 tables?
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8/30/2002 5:49:33 PM:amenelaus
All the information on how to connect to your database is in the IIS help files. You say this can be used to modify data in the description, yet I see no way to overwrite current records by id. Any help?
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9/5/2002 3:50:54 AM:
This is a great Article and helped me a lot in my project. Thank you very much.
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10/16/2002 4:33:59 PM:
This is a very useful article that can be taken as a reference, good work man
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