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ASP TicTacToe

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Submitted on: 11/1/2000 5:52:08 AM
By: Owen Cutajar  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 2 Users
Compatibility:ASP (Active Server Pages)

Users have accessed this code 7426 times.
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     ASP version of TicTacToe. Try to beat the computer at getting 3 Xs in a row.

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    ' Name: ASP TicTacToe
    ' Description:ASP version of TicTacToe. 
    '     Try to beat the computer at getting 3 Xs
    '     in a row.
    ' By: Owen Cutajar
    ' Inputs:N/A
    ' Returns:N/A
    ' Assumes:Code is fully self-sufficient,
    '     incorporating both the display and game 
    '     logic. It's interesting to note that the
    '     game was converted to ASP from Javascrip
    '     t.
    ' Side Effects:N/A
    'This code is copyrighted and has    ' limited warranties.Please see http://w
    '     Id.6364/lngWId.4/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
    '     htm    'for details.    '**************************************
    '     -----------------------
    ' ASP TicTacToe v1.0
    ' (x) Ugh!! 2000 - 18/10/2000
    ' based on Javascript TicTacToe by
    ' Maximilian Stocker (maxstocker@reallyu
    ' Written for
    '     m/games Any comments, 
    ' flames, requests, postcards etc to owe
    '     -----------------------
    Option Explicit
    ' -- Set up images to use ---
    Const IMGx = "x.jpg"
    Const IMGo = "o.jpg"
    Const IMGblank = "blank.jpg"
    ' -- Set up game States ---
    Const END_Not_Yet = 0
    Const END_You_Win = 1
    Const END_Computer_Win = 2
    Const END_Tie = 3
    ' Read in board or Initialise
    Dim Gameboard
    Dim wl1,wl2,wl3,wl4,wl5,wl6,wl7,wl8
    if Session("GameBoard") & "" = "" OR Request("PlayAgain") = "Yes" Then 
    End if
    GameBoard = Split(Session("GameBoard"),"_")
    function GameState() 
    	wl1 = GameBoard(0) & GameBoard(1) & GameBoard(2)
    	wl2 = GameBoard(0) & GameBoard(3) & GameBoard(6)
    	wl3 = GameBoard(0) & GameBoard(4) & GameBoard(8)
    	wl4 = GameBoard(1) & GameBoard(4) & GameBoard(7)
    	wl5 = GameBoard(3) & GameBoard(4) & GameBoard(5)
    	wl6 = GameBoard(6) & GameBoard(7) & GameBoard(8)
    	wl7 = GameBoard(2) & GameBoard(5) & GameBoard(8)
    	wl8 = GameBoard(6) & GameBoard(4) & GameBoard(2)
    	if wl1="XXX" or wl2="XXX" or wl3="XXX" or wl4="XXX" or wl5="XXX" or wl6="XXX" or wl7="XXX" or wl8="XXX" Then
    		GameState = END_You_Win
    	ElseIf wl1="OOO" or wl2="OOO" or wl3="OOO" or wl4="OOO" or wl5="OOO" or wl6="OOO" or wl7="OOO" or wl8="OOO" Then
    		GameState = END_Computer_Win
    	ElseIf Instr ( wl1 & wl5 & wl6 ,"B" ) = 0 Then
    		GameState = END_Tie
    		GameState = END_Not_Yet
    	End if
    End function
    function Suggest() 
    	if wl1 = "XXB" or wl1 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 2
    	ElseIf wl1 = "XBX" or wl1 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 1
    	ElseIf wl1 = "BXX" or wl1 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 0
    	ElseIf wl2 = "XXB" or wl2 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 6
    	ElseIf wl2 = "XBX" or wl2 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 3
    	ElseIf wl2 = "BXX" or wl2 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 0
    	ElseIf wl3 = "XXB" or wl3 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 8
    	ElseIf wl3 = "XBX" or wl3 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 4
    	ElseIf wl3 = "BXX" or wl3 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 0
    	ElseIf wl4 = "XXB" or wl4 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 7
    	ElseIf wl4 = "XBX" or wl4 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 4
    	ElseIf wl4 = "BXX" or wl4 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 1
    	ElseIf wl5 = "XXB" or wl5 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 5
    	ElseIf wl5 = "XBX" or wl5 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 4
    	ElseIf wl5 = "BXX" or wl5 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 3
    	ElseIf wl6 = "XXB" or wl6 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 8
    	ElseIf wl6 = "XBX" or wl6 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 7
    	ElseIf wl6 = "BXX" or wl6 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 6
    	ElseIf wl7 = "XXB" or wl7 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 8
    	ElseIf wl7 = "XBX" or wl7 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 5
    	ElseIf wl7 = "BXX" or wl7 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 2
    	ElseIf wl8 = "XXB" or wl8 = "OOB" Then
    		Suggest = 2
    	ElseIf wl8 = "XBX" or wl8 = "OBO" Then
    		Suggest = 4
    	ElseIf wl8 = "BXX" or wl8 = "BOO" Then
    		Suggest = 6
    		Suggest = -1
    	End if
    End function
    Sub yourChoice(Position) 
    	if Session("State") = "Dead" Then 
    		if GameBoard(Position) <> "B" Then
    			GameBoard(Position) = "X"
    		End if
    	End if
    End Sub
    Sub ReportTaken() 
    	Response.Write "<H2>That square is already occupied. Please Select another square.</H2>"
    End Sub
    Sub ReportEnded()
    	Response.Write "<H2>The game has already ended. To play a new game click the Play Again button.</H2>"
    End Sub
    Sub myChoice() 
    	Dim NewMove
    	NewMove = Suggest()
    	While NewMove = -1
    		if GameBoard(NewMove) <> "B" Then
    			NewMove = -1
    		End if
    	GameBoard(NewMove) = "O"
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessBoard() 
    	if Session("State") = "Alive" Then
    		Select Case GameState()
    			Case END_You_Win 
    				Response.Write "<H2>You won, congratulations!<H2>"
    				Session("you") = Session("you") + 1
    				Session("State") = "Dead"
    			Case END_Computer_Win
    				Response.Write "<H2>Gotcha! I win!</H2>"
    				Session("computer") = Session("computer") + 1
    				Session("State") = "Dead"
    			Case END_Tie
    				Response.Write "<H2>We tied.</H2>"
    				Session("ties") = Session("ties") + 1
    				Session("State") = "Dead"
    		End Select
    	End if
    End Sub
    Sub playAgain() 
    	Session("GameBoard") = "B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B_B"
    	Session("State") = "Alive"
    End Sub
    Sub Display(CellNum)
    	if GameBoard(CellNum) = "B" Then
    		Response.Write "<FORM action=tictactoe.asp method=post>"
    		Response.Write "<INPUT type=hidden name=pressed value=" & CellNum & ">"
    		Response.Write "<INPUT type=image src=" & IMGblank & " border=0 height=100 width=100>"
    		Response.Write "</FORM>"
    	ElseIf GameBoard(CellNum) = "O" Then
    		Response.Write "<Img src=" & IMGo & " border=0 height=100 width=100>"
    	ElseIf GameBoard(CellNum) = "X" Then
    		Response.Write "<Img src=" & IMGx & " border=0 height=100 width=100>"
    	End if
    End Sub
    ' Main Code
    if Request("Pressed") & "" <> "" Then
    	if GameState() = END_Not_Yet Then
    	End if
    	' Save Game State
    	Session("GameBoard") = Join(GameBoard,"_")
    End if
    Welcome To Tic-Tac-Toe! You play as the X's and the computer is the O's. Select the square you want to put your X into by clicking them. You cannot occupy a square that is already occupied. The first player to Get three squares in a row wins. Good Luck!!
    <FORM name=game action=tictactoe.asp>
    <TABLE border=0>
    <TABLE border=1>
    <TR height=120>
    <TD><% Display(0) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(1) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(2) %></TD>
    <TR height=120>
    <TD><% Display(3) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(4) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(5) %></TD>
    <TR height=120>
    <TD><% Display(6) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(7) %></TD>
    <TD><% Display(8) %></TD>
    <TR><TD><INPUT type=text size=5 name=you value=<%=Session("you")%>></TD><TD>You</TD></TR>
    <TR><TD><INPUT type=text size=5 name=computer value=<%=Session("computer")%>></TD><TD>Computer</TD></TR>
    <TR><TD><INPUT type=text size=5 name=ties value=<%=Session("ties")%>></TD><TD>Ties</TD></TR>
    <FORM action=tictactoe.asp>
    <INPUT type=hidden name=PlayAgain value=Yes>
    <INPUT type=submit value="Play Again">

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9/24/2002 4:21:31 AM:
didn't show anything
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