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Tconsole II, Now with ROOT access Via Telnet.

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Submitted on: 12/23/1999
By: No0ne 
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 10269 times.

     Due to the requests for Directory Surfing to be added. Well here it is. The DOS Prompt Via Telnet. After given this some thought. I didn't want to re-create DOS, BUT the Prompt that DOS does use is it's directory structure. SO, here it is . DOS Mode Via Telnet. Supports the basic commands ( dir ) for a listing of files and folders on the remote drive, ( cd ) for changing of the directory, even checks to see if valid folder. There are DOS menus to help you get around............ PLUS all the old stuff that was included in ver. 1.01.. Tconsole is a telnet server which allows control to a remote computer. This was put together as part of a Network Administrators Tool Kit. Threw TELNET services, from any platform (UNIX/Mac). You can (Reboot the remote machine , Restart Tconsole , View system resources [ i.e memory, processor, ext, ext ], Send test print pages, View console log, Can 'get' or view any ASCII file [i.e win.ini or config.sys], You can even SPAWN PROCESSES ( Start a remote application ). This will only SPAWN windows apps, Due to security and further testing. The use of passing arguments to programs has been disabled. But can easly be changed to do so. THE SERVER SUPPORTS: Full configuration with reads/writes to Tconsole.ini as needed. Uses auto start for access after reboot, Has view panel for monitoring server traffic. Supports blocking of multiple Failed login attempts, With full logging of process both server and from the remote telnet session. Uses Menus for easy navigation with telnet. Has instruction menu's for 'GET' and 'SPAWN'. Even uses the Classic UNIX bash prompt. ;)..See the Readme.txt for further information.
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Other User Comments
1/2/2000 9:13:14 PM:Jesse Alter
Great idea! With a few modifications, 
it'll be safe for me and my friends to 
use. Great code!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

1/14/2000 8:15:25 AM:Max
Sounds Awesome! can't wait to try it :)
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1/23/2000 12:28:10 PM:Ron Sweeney
this is one bomb .ss appy! keep up the 
good work!
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7/8/2000 6:25:23 AM:Detonate
dont forget to turn Local Echo off in 
your telnet client %)
NoOne you've 
done a brilliant job with this one :-) 
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9/17/2000 7:47:12 AM:Mark Withers
S**T man how the f**k. Great program.
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7/7/2001 1:25:53 AM:dzzie
intresting approach
i have been 
playing around with a similar 
idea...trying to just write a simple 
shell that runs in a console window and 
can spawn direct shell commands even 
letting you enter into a direct cmd.exe 
shell through it...then all the tcp/ip 
is handled by binding this shell to a 
port with netcat..has promise but have 
weird bugs to work out..lemme know if 
you have any ideas or want to see it..
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11/3/2001 8:13:02 AM:Glaive
Great code....
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4/6/2002 10:49:45 PM:Eric Ross (*)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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