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Drop Shadow

winzip icon
Submitted on: 11/28/2003 3:19:58 PM
By: Mad Compie 
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 9 Users
Compatibility:VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 910 times.

(About the author)
     I wanted to do something with special FX, like real dropshadow FX like in Photoshop or PaintShopPro. Nobody could answer my questions at www.vbforums.com, only "Cyborg" gave me some usefuladvice about the blending parts. (tx...) Now, the GFX part has already been coded and works fine & fast. Very fast! Very very fast!!! SIMPLE CODE!!! NO DIRECTX!!! TRANSPARENCY!!! TRANSLUCENCY!!! This is a preliminary project with goals to maintain a company's ICT infrastructure. It also includes: hover buttons with special FX (in software, very fast!), SysTray handling, irregular forms, texturing, ... SMALL CODE!!!

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Other 2 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
11/28/2003 5:35:05 PM:Light Templer
Hi Mad Compie, thats really impressive! 
Look for this for a long time!!! Thx 
for sharing and 5 from me - LiTe
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11/28/2003 5:44:09 PM:Light Templer
Just had a closer look (thx for well 
commenting!). Folks: No OCX, no GDI+! 
Just pure VB! Its fast and there is 
potential to speedup the loops. I like 
it! LiTe
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11/28/2003 6:29:22 PM:Aki
LiTe wrote: "Its fast"
I don't think 
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11/29/2003 2:46:51 AM:Mad Compie
Hm, Aki: it is fast!
I.e. I measured 
the ticks for a transparent addition of 
an image into another image: it's 
remarkably faster than Win98's 
TransparentBlt() and other TransBlt 
routines using BitBlt. Only for very 
large transparent images it will be a 
bit slower.
Tx for voting guys!
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11/29/2003 2:53:35 AM:Mad Compie
This is a fact, because the algorithms 
are performed with arrays of values and 
memory copying, not with pixel 
For an explanation of DIB 
sections, please go to 
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11/29/2003 12:27:38 PM:Light Templer
Hmmm, imho some repeated calcs can be 
put out of the loops. Using ElseIf and 
other "speed tricks" can speedup 
things, too. We will see ... ;) LiTe
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11/29/2003 7:52:26 PM:Aki
I don't know what is for you fast but 
to display a sentences "Just a test" & 
"ICT builder" on my "slow" P3 650 with 
256 Mb RAM took 1.2 seconds and the 
best result was 1 sec with 100% use of 
my CPU.
Just imagine testing it with 
more letters.
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11/30/2003 8:46:32 AM:Mad Compie
Hum, Aki, you'll have to compile it 
into a .exe to see the HUGE 
Display a 
larger text (Tahoma, 48):
T = 
  DrawDSText Me.hDC, 
"This is a larger text", 30, 240, 
vbBlack, vbBlack, FXDS_ShadowDepth9, 
"Tahoma", 48, True
  MsgBox "" & 
GetTickCount - T & 
Tested on a 
If not 
compiled, it will be executed @9524ms 
(this is almost 10seconds!)
compiled, it only takes 330ms!!!
almost 29 times faster!!!
T = 
  DrawDSText Me.hDC, 
"This is a larger text", 30, 240, 
vbBlack, vbBlack, FXDS_ShadowDepth9, 
"Tahoma", 48, True
  MsgBox "" & 
GetTickCount - T & "ms"
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11/30/2003 9:22:32 PM:Aki
When compiled its fast, as you 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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