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if you want to make any kind of calculator...


Submitted on: 11/23/2003 9:52:41 AM
By: Bryant Zadegan  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0, VB Script, ASP (Active Server Pages) , VBA MS Access, VBA MS Excel

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(About the author)
     DONT VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is simply to help the person who wants to make his furst good program

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I looked at the microsoft calculator today and entered the command 0^0 (zero to the zero power), and the response i got was astonishing! last i checked, 0^0 is undefined. The Microsoft calc sed it was one!. i later hacked the calculator open and, as no surprise, discovered a simple if-then statement was responsible. the statement very simply sed: (actual control names not used) (All names of subs and functions simulated) If lblDisp.caption="0" then ..... If xUPy = true then call finResult(1) ..... End If
What it SHOULD HAVE BEEN: call doMicrosoftMath (x, y, toPower) or it could have been: If lblDisp.caption="0" then ..... If xUPy = true then If x = 0 and y = 0 then Call finResult(Undefined!) Else call finResult(1) End If
End If
..... End If
What am i trying to say? If youre going to make a calculator that takes x to the y power, make sure that 0^0 is undefined! otherwise, your calculators will be criticized the way I laid microsoft down just now! also, use common sense have the calculator actually DO THE MATH rather than follow wimpy if-then statements!!!!! for those of you that dont know how to do the topower thing, watch: Function ToPower(num1 As Long, num2 As Long) As Long
'Bring num1 to the power (exponent) of n ' um2 On Error GoTo error ToPower = Val(num1) ^ Val(num2) Exit Function error: MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error" End Function
--excerpt from Infrared's source.bas math is done here: x^y where the ^ is the actual operator. to call, type: call ToPower (x,y) where x is the number and y is the power. to end the article i will reinforce one thing: DDOONNTT VVOOTTEE!!!!!!

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11/23/2003 3:29:46 PM:
What are you talking about?? My Win2k calc says its undefined: Result of function is undefined. Since you said dont vote, you get 0^0 globes.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/23/2003 4:52:59 PM:Bryant Zadegan
im using windows xp
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11/23/2003 4:55:35 PM:Bryant Zadegan
also, as a side note, change the calculator format to scientific, and hit the x^y button
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