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Dear Planet Source Code Users


Submitted on: 9/21/2002 7:12:27 PM
By: The New iSoftware Company!  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:C, C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, UNIX C++

Users have accessed this article 569 times.

(About the author)
     Please read. Ian likes this letter by me.

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Dear Planet-Source-Code users:
Hello there! I am writing this letter to inform you of somethings and warn you about my concerns. I have asked Ian not to delete this post or allow it to be deleted. I know a lot of you already follow what I am going to tell you. I thank you for that. For the others, I believe it is time for you to shape up.
As I am tired of many repeat, silly, common-sense, and just plain s tupid posts here on Planet Source Code, I believe you are to. Some people try to post quality work on this wonderful site, but others simply destroy the beauty of it by posting pure garbage. Most of the garbage is "decorated" by using "best code ever". Clearly this is a lie. Usally in Visual Basic its just an End statement, a Kill statement, a message box, or just something that has no code. Also, some of the garbage on Planet Source Code is just people asking questions. There is a place for that, ether in the fourms or in the code itself. Why don't those people ask elsewhere? In addition, I have seen people uploading zip files that don't have code. I have seen this in game engines, they just provide a link to the source on their own site. Don't waste space with that. Also, I have seen a lot of incomplete submissions. I cannot tell you how many submissions I have downloaded that are incomplete. I just downloaded one today that did not have the control. I figured he tried to upload the OCX, but he forgot to read "Planet Source Code does not accept: ... Compiled .Exe's, .Dll's, .Ocx's (these are automatically deleted from submissions to prevent viruses. If you MUST upload one of these, email with an explanation why.)". Ha! Some people for get to give all the files. I have seen submissions without the solutions, project files, the ResX files, the control files, and the form files. And sometimes the project path is declared absolutly, not reltivily. So sometimes in order for a project to work, I have to load every stinking file. This is only the begining.
Now that is not even all the serious of my letter. I have seen people being stalked by people who are just plain mean by voting low on all their work. I have seen people hate people's project names. This is serious folks.
I hope you all read this letter and take heart to it. It is important that we do our best and keep Planet Source Code clean!
The New iSoftware Company

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Other User Comments
9/21/2002 8:31:32 PM:David McCloskey
You have a very good point.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/21/2002 8:43:29 PM:Josh Nixon
Look im all for what you are trying to say except about exe's. Although i live up to what they say about exe's beinging included I would like to add mine with code. Some application need exe's, like a shell. Im making a shel it demands my own exe's to run inside of it. Ohter then that I am very pissed off about how people abouse there prilvages on PSC. Yes you know who you are stop submitting trsh just so you can see your name scrolling on the BAR!!!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/22/2002 12:35:08 AM:Andrew Nielsen
I have to agree with what you're trying to say, but... don't be a hypocrite... This is just what you're talking about. You could have asked Ian to post this on the site somewhere, rather than as you did. You have a very valid point, but I have never come across anything that is what you describe, so I can not say anything, and I won't.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/22/2002 4:22:53 AM:
Thats a good point about missing files and fake ones. the only thing is that i think you should be aloud to put exe/com/etc.. files because i sometimes have problems compiling, but i want to know what it looks like so that the code makes sense to me :) but its true that you hould be wary of viruses then.. oh, nice post, its good that ppl are speaking out :P
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9/22/2002 12:06:17 PM:(Diego)
I agree, I think that it's correct. About the exe, etc. we don't need to upload this kind of files, besides if we permit this kind of submission the site will be unsecure due the person that will publish viruses.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/22/2002 5:58:50 PM:Frenzied-Panda
Very good point, I hate people uploading code that cant compile or nearly finish.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/26/2002 9:58:15 AM:siliKon
Isn't it a tad contradictory to you moaning about junk then posting this piece of <b>junk</b> in every single category. If you want to moan about the stuff you consider to be junk on this site, do it on your own site. Don't take up valuable space for valid tutorials on this site. If you consider this site to contain too much <b>junk</b> then i advise you take a look at your own.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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