| | Submitted on: 6/18/2002 11:53:55 PM
By: Jared Bruni
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 23 Users Compatibility:Microsoft Visual C++
Users have accessed this article 1456 times. | (About the author) |
| | MasterX SDK Tutorials, goes through from beginging with MasterX, to graphics, to sound, to input, to creating a 2D particle engine. | |
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Other User Comments |
6/19/2002 11:57:12 AM:Kyle LaDuke the particle engine is pretty fast and
sort of 'trippy' even. (NOTE: trippy is
a good thing if you dont understand the
term) I do have one thing I dislike
though.. you host everything on your
own site.. if yoursite goes down ever
so do these file that you've got hosted
and then these links would mean nothing
to us all. Just something I thought
you show know how I feel about.. but
the code itself, pretty nice and
cleanly written man .. good job
6/20/2002 12:40:08 AM:SickCoder sweet :)
6/22/2002 11:00:36 PM:Jeremy rock on :p
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