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Subclassing Thunk (VB+ASM = Office XP Menus :-)) w/ Sample HookMenu 1.4

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Submitted on: 11/8/2002 10:21:01 AM
By: Vlad Vissoultchev 
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 119 Users
Compatibility:VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 12550 times.

(About the author)
     UPDATE(2002-12-13): Sample HookMenu 1.4 introduces RightToLeft forms support. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-27): Sample HookMenu 1.3.5 fixes problems with MDI forms. Separators are reduced to 3 pixels to match Office XP ones. You can use DontHookMenu=1 when debugging and the control is part of your project. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-23): Sample HookMenu 1.3.4 fixes troubles in NT 4.0, menubar background color in Win XP classic appearance and sub-menu arrow forecolor if menu text is not black. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-21): Sample HookMenu 1.3.3 fixes an XP redraw bug, an accelerator (underlined) symbols bug and keyboard navigation in Win9x. Sample HookMenu 1.3.2 adds custom drawing of sub-menus arrows and fixes unicode strings support. Various fixes for Win95 support. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-20): Sample HookMenu 1.3.1 fixes issues with WindowList menus and 3rd level sub-menus positioning. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-18): Sample HookMenu 1.3 fixes issues with the subclasser (both in Win 9x and NT/2K/XP) so no more GPFs. Closer Office XP experience: menu colors are closer to Office values in 8bit color depth and in high contrast color scheme; menu shadow simplified as in Office in 8bit color depth; popup menus are positioned manually two pixels down; seamless shadow if popup is above the menubar. __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-12): Sample HookMenu 1.2 fixes the issue with TextBox popup menus (finally!). Some design time issues and menubar background color problems spotted by Ovidiu Boldea. Also, the property page is working more fluently now. I'm sick of win9x and so these are not supported from now on (ok, promise to do my best:-)). __________________________________________________ UPDATE(2002-11-10): Sample HookMenu 1.1 fixes issues in NT 4.0 and MDI child forms. Can anyone test the control under win95? __________________________________________________ This is a second attempt on moduleless window subclasser featuring "run-time dynamically generated machine code". The original was submitted by Paul Caton a couple of months ago. The present version is safer and is based on a completely rewritten assembly thunk. Also I have changed the name of the subclasser to reflect more closely what in fact it's doing. In addition to this you get the hooking thunk which (you guessed it) hooks windows hooks in a convenient and safe way. Both of the thunks' source files (assembly) are included. Both thunks are designed to be and have shown to be exceptionally safe in the IDE, they seem immune to both the end button and End statement - try to crash them and let me know what your results are. The screenshot is from a sample project (included in the zip) which subclasses a form's menus and turns them into Office XP clones - now it's not necessary to include 13000 lines of "supercode" to get the Office XP style menus under win 98/2000/XP/.Net Server (not tested on 95/NT btw). Enjoy and leave your votes!

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Other 9 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
11/8/2002 10:27:20 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
you can find the original 
"superclassing" submission here: 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/8/2002 11:30:59 AM:Robert Rayment
Wow! Can't imagine what your advanced 
code is like.
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11/8/2002 2:45:31 PM:Antonio Ramirez Cobos [TonyDSpaniard]
This is impressive... so impressive, it 
made me feel like I am not a programmer 
at all. Your work deserves more than 
five gloves... Thank you very much for 
your input. Thank you.
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11/8/2002 3:33:04 PM:Will Wharton
This is some of the best codeing i have 
seen on this site - well - all i have 
to say is GOOD JOB
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11/8/2002 4:30:17 PM:
I am again humbled by your talent 
You make it very difficult to 
give others the same 5 stars I give 
your projects!  They should have a 5+ 
for really outstanding stuff like 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/8/2002 8:30:28 PM:Fred.Cpp
WOW! It's great! I couldn't believe It 
when I saw the ScreenShot.
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11/8/2002 10:15:48 PM:Dazz
wow! very nice man although i get some 
errors for some reason :S i dunno 
should change the level to advanced 
this is what i call hard core 
programming ;) 5globes from me man! 
keep up the good work ;)
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11/9/2002 12:03:55 AM:Slider
Great work as usual! Keep it up. 5* 
from me.
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11/9/2002 12:22:32 AM:
best i've work 
i've seen here for ages.
5 globes just 
isn't enough!
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11/9/2002 5:59:38 AM:Thushan Fernando
sheeeeeeet..... faaaaaaarrrQ... man i'm 
starting to swear and 
definatley a we'll 
deserved(we'll it deserves more but 
this is a limitation) 5 Globes!
Of The Month if not year!
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11/9/2002 8:00:20 AM:Kenny Lai, Lai Ho Wa
Hey everyone I don't understand why 
there's so little people here rate it. 
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11/9/2002 9:44:17 AM:
I try to use your code on NT 4.0, but 
it doesn't work.
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11/9/2002 9:49:27 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
sorry to hear its not working on NT 
4.0. i'll test it here and will try to 
upload a fix.
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11/9/2002 10:35:05 AM:Sean Gallardy
Works on XP Pro just fine. Great job!! 
5 nuts from me.
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11/9/2002 11:06:07 AM:Zap The Dingbat
ya see now it really annoyse me that i 
see people giving away 5 globe marks to 
stuff thats such pants. when there is 
code like this being posted. A very 
Impressive bit of API.      
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11/9/2002 7:25:00 PM:
Good code, 5.00 stars from me.
issues however, one that keeps me from 
using it (the first one):
1. it 
doesn't seem to work well with MDI 
childs (in your example form2 has an 
image associated with mnuNew that shows 
OK in IDE but at runtime, when the form 
is displayed inside it's MDI parent - 
MDIForm1, the image isn't present 
2. in WinXP the menubar 
(the portion of the menu that is always 
visible on the form) has not the proper 
color. It seems that for WinXP or newer 
you should get the menubar color with 
GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUBAR) while in 
previous versions of Windows it works 
well now.
This would be THE PERFECT 
post on PSC with these two issues 
fixed, especially the MDI one because 
the second one is really easy to do 
You can count on my 5 stars on all 
of your posts if you keep it that way. 
Congratulations again to you and to 
Paul Canton.
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11/10/2002 8:55:20 PM:Paul Caton
Awesome Vlad !!! I knew you were the 
man for v2 - It rather looks like 
you've got people voting for the sample 
as well as the code at issue, cute :) I 
rather suspect that when all the issues 
are known to be dead what you'll have 
here is the be-all and end-all of VB 
window subclassing for all time. Just 
happy to have played my part. Regards 
from San-Fran
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11/10/2002 9:07:51 PM:Paul Caton
LOL - Just took a look at the leader 
board. Have you all gone assembler mad? 
Did I play any part in this trend or 
were others up to no good before me?
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11/11/2002 8:41:15 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
btw, to use the HookMenu control with 
MDI forms you need to place instances 
of the control BOTH in the MDIForm and 
the child form -- the two controls will 
interoperate (by forwarding win 
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11/11/2002 3:56:38 PM:
A sound piece of code. Good work
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11/12/2002 12:11:10 PM:Behrooz Sangani
I'm really impressed. The design time 
change of menues was a shock. 5 globes 
from me.
The change in text box 
context menu does not work very well in 
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11/13/2002 6:18:30 AM:Sven Taute
really great code, 5 globes from me!
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11/13/2002 11:52:54 AM:Dylan Morley
Best bit of code I've seen on here for 
a while - 5 *'s. 
I'm running NT4, 
worked fine?  
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11/14/2002 11:27:02 PM:
I am desclaimed to say it is a nice 
menu. This type of menus are not given 
the attraction of a skinnable menu. But 
the program was good.
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11/17/2002 8:16:47 PM:Kenny Lai, Lai Ho Wa
The code is extremely wonderful, but if 
I turn it to OCX, the menu shadow will 
disappear magically under design-run 
time, but no problem when complied to 
EXE. Can you fix the problem, and 
OCXize the code?
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11/18/2002 12:52:41 PM:
Great job 5*
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11/18/2002 1:10:00 PM:
great job 5 Globs
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11/19/2002 4:51:37 AM:Tscherno
Unbelievable! 5 stars, sure!
one thing: how can i disable the right 
line in the menus?
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11/19/2002 3:35:22 PM:
Great Code... Just one problem when 
using MDI Forms. If I set a menu item 
to be a windowlist, it isn't drawn 
correctly. Any chance of a fix to 
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11/20/2002 1:30:39 PM:Vlad Vissoultchev
Issues fixed in version 
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11/21/2002 3:28:40 AM:
Great work!
Better change 
ApiDrawTextEx m_MemoryDC, Text, 
-1, rc, dtFlags, wTextParams
to avoid 
unicode display error.
How about 
adding color selector etc?
Thanks a 
5 globs from me
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11/21/2002 8:04:24 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
Issue fixed in version 
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11/21/2002 9:00:26 AM:Rob Reffner
Under Windows XP Pro SP1 the menus just 
appear as black boxes until you move 
the mouse over them...
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11/21/2002 10:52:29 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
oops, issue fixed in 
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11/21/2002 1:30:31 PM:David Bue Pedersen
Hi everybody! 
At first i shared the 
exitement as all of you, but my 
applications turn out unstable when 
using the menucomponent!
My computer 
just suddenly reboots when i eg. click 
the mouse, or press a key on the 
keyboard. Any ideas or anyone 
experienced the same? I seem to be able 
to track the problem to the menu 
Anyway! Nice code 
Kindest regards 
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11/22/2002 3:47:16 PM:SmokeyDP
One problem...
If you 
are running a program using the menus 
and u CTRL+Break then resume all the 
menus on other programs are messed 
up(no border for standard windows).(try 
explorer for example)  They only go 
back to normal when u reboot the pc.  I 
am using NT4 BTW.
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11/22/2002 4:40:52 PM:Dondata
Man! - This keeps getting better and 
I´m sorry that I cant vote 
twise dude :o)
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11/25/2002 12:17:58 PM:
Suggested Improvement.
Menubar items 
could possibly have a box around them 
when the mouse is over them. I believe 
Office XP/Visual Studio.Net does it 
like this.
What do you think???
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11/26/2002 12:09:08 PM:Sebastian Mares
Holly Crop! This code is awesome! It is 
one of the best ones I have ever 
I think 5 globes are a joke when 
I am looking at this masterpiece.
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11/27/2002 12:08:54 PM:uZiGuLa
amazing code
five globes from me 
keep on 
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11/28/2002 3:08:11 AM:Tscherno
How can I switch to an new version of 
the control, without the need to create 
my menus (icons) again?
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11/28/2002 3:37:54 AM:Leo Barsukov
Ýé, Âëàä! Òû âîò âûèãðàë, à ÿ ÷òî íå 
ïîñòàâëþ, âñ¸ 5, 6, 11. êàê òû ýòî 
äåëàåø? Ðàñêàæû ìíå ÷òî òû òâîðèø íà 
ýòîì!? Íó, Âîáùåòî ïîøëè ìíå äèñê "VB" 
êîãäà òû åãî ïîëó÷åø!!!!
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11/28/2002 3:45:20 AM:Leo Barsukov
Hey, Vlad!, Ya tebe napisal ruskim 
shriftom, no chtoto ono ne 
Karochi, ya ne ponimau kak 
ti viigral.
ne raskazhes li ti mne 
svoj sikret? 
no esli net, poshli mne 
disk kogda poluchesh, Kak Zemlyaku, 
Nu, Koroche, tebe esho 5 
Leonid Barsukov
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11/28/2002 6:39:00 AM:
Hey Vlad,
Outstanding work! 
Defenetly worth the best ratings and 
My deepest respect for not 
abandoning the support for your awesome 
release and frequent updates! It's rare 
to see that much of professionalism 
here on PSC. ***** globes from 
Thanks for sharing,
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11/29/2002 11:27:00 AM:Phantom Man
Very nice code Vlad
Although it uses 
machine code and this is a vb site. 
I'll still give you 5 stars.
nicley presented and it's nice to see 
that your quick on releasing your bug 
Phantom Man.
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12/4/2002 2:59:37 AM:
Hi Vlad, cool Menu! But I cant Algin it 
to the right side of the form...
there a solution for that?
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12/7/2002 12:56:52 AM:Michael
Great programming. Keep up the good 
work and thank you for sharing it with 
everyone. I hope everyone honors you 
with the proper credit. As one 
programmer to another, Thank you.
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12/8/2002 6:10:49 PM:Mick Doherty
I was just about to start something 
like this, but it was going to be no 
where near as good.
I don't where I 
was when you submitted this though. It 
took me a month to find it and I check 
here every day. I wonder what's 
happened to the rest of your votes!
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12/8/2002 9:56:00 PM:RadioMan
Excellent Code!!, this is better i 
seen, Thanks to share with us!!. Best 
Regards / RadioMan
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12/11/2002 8:07:42 AM:
Spotted a bug with the accelerator keys 
under NT 4.0
If I hit Alt Space it 
brings up the System Menu, but if I 
then press N to minimise the window, 
nothing happens. I tested this under 
Windows Me and it works okay.
chance of a fix??
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12/11/2002 6:19:05 PM:Gabe H
let iat rip in vb! u sure got 
the beginners interested!
a fine 
coding standard
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12/15/2002 6:36:00 AM:Peter Hebels
Nice work, 5+ from me :)
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12/18/2002 5:03:30 AM:Daemonshyai
Are the drop-downs on the toolbar 
supposed to be skinned, as well as the 
context menu for the textbox?  If so, 
there seems to be an error on Windows 
XP Pro, they aren't skinned at all.
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12/18/2002 7:50:47 AM:
really great code, 5 globes from me!
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12/18/2002 7:53:10 AM:Tushar Goswami
BEST!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
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12/19/2002 3:00:13 AM:
Im running under W2K, i have seen that 
the program open the browser with this 
address = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
nice XP menu...
Thanks your great 
God bless Sir.
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12/19/2002 8:59:18 AM:The New iSoftware Company!
Can you help me write something to get 
the office xp colors?  Wow awesome!!!
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12/21/2002 3:20:00 AM:Evil bomberman
Code of the year!!!! This guy got 
talent. Boy, I wish I was like him
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12/25/2002 6:09:25 PM:
Hi, its just great but i am facing a 
problem using this. As soon as run my 
program with your menu. other programs 
menu do not show border around them and 
looked flat. its keep in that way 
untill i reboot my system. I am using 
Windows 2000. 
Any chances of fixing 
this bug. 
Five star to you
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12/27/2002 2:12:52 AM:
Wonderful code. 5 globes for me.
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1/8/2003 6:30:14 AM:
Wonderfull job
I can't change picture 
during runtime
but again what a 
program ! :))
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1/8/2003 11:06:56 AM:Thomas
excellent, 5 globes from me
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1/10/2003 10:35:04 PM:
Hi, i wrote about a bug few days back, 
but i think you must have forget about 
it in a new year rush. 
I am facing 
problem using this. As soon as run 
program with your menu. other 
menu do not show border 
around them and 
looked flat. its keep 
in that way 
untill i reboot my 
system. I am using 
Windows 2000. 
Any chances of fixing 
this bug. 
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1/22/2003 1:17:55 PM:Don Brady
Hi, thank you for sharing this 
excellent code.
A minor glitch 
occurs using bitmaps and menu arrays. 
Using a MDIForm menu only, hiding menus 
based on child.  A bullet picture is 
used for group options instead of the 
default check. Some menus have the 
bullet where it belongs but other times 
a bullet shows up on a menu where I 
never set a picture and where I set a 
bullet for a checked item the picture 
is never set. Lots of loading and 
unloading of menus is going on.
the flip side, I created a base 10x10x3 
favorites menu array and unload and 
load on the fly. Every folder and docIE 
bitmap shows up where it 
Again, great stuff.
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1/22/2003 1:46:21 PM:Don Brady
Hi again.
Found problem.
cannot have exact same name including 
position of '&'.  Had a View menu that 
if a child form used a Listview, menu 
options of Lar&ge Icons, S&mall Icons, 
&List and &Details was available.  
Under the same View menu Toolbars -> 
has an option for Lar&ge Icons and 
S&mall Icons.  By changing the position 
of the & in the toolbars section the 
bitmap property works correctly for all 
menu items.
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1/24/2003 12:19:17 AM:
It is very great code.
But When I 
change font it take effect only to Menu 
Item not text on Menu bar (File , 
Edig...). I expect you can fix it soon. 
I use Win 95
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2/17/2003 5:02:10 AM:Brian Corbett
Superb, another great submission!! 5 
globes from me.
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2/27/2003 12:02:58 AM:APATEL
Can i run the project without the 
SubclassingSink.idl file.  Or is there 
anyway i can embedd it into the VB 
application itself.  Can you help 
email me on afshaadpatel@yahoo.com 
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2/27/2003 9:34:19 AM:APATEL
Is there anyway you can compile it ina 
project for me please.  I do not seem 
to get around it somehow.  The reason 
for not using the subclassing file is 
tha i want to embed it and i can simply 
send an EXE update to the clients.  
Rather than send the subclassing file 
and exe.  It will be simpler this 
Can you pls help thanks
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2/27/2003 9:56:47 AM:APATEL
Well you are right they will be able to 
query it.  But that is fine. Can you do 
it that way for me (Integrate it pls).  
What is the adantage and disadvantages 
of integrating it ? 
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2/27/2003 9:57:27 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
come on guys! you DONT need to 
redistribute the typelib in anyway! 
just compile against it and that's 
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3/1/2003 1:00:22 AM:APATEL
One problem i am facing with your menu 
is that when i END the program from the 
IDE it crashes.  Any idea ?
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3/1/2003 1:43:56 PM:APATEL
Crashes in the IDE when u hit the END 
button there.  Not the END STATEMENT
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3/6/2003 1:22:33 AM:
amazing job!!!
very impressive.
such a genuis Vlad.
5 * for me...
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3/6/2003 12:48:24 PM:APATEL
Crashed in IDE Big time .. Reloaded OS 
and Installed VB6.0 still crashed.
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3/6/2003 7:18:42 PM:
You're probably more intelligent 
that some microsoft's programers.
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3/10/2003 7:27:31 AM:
Any further updates planned?
I have 
found a couple of minor bugs. I can 
email details if you get in touch.
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3/11/2003 11:47:51 AM:APATEL
I figured out the Crash that takes 
place.  do you have any updates from 
the code. ?
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3/11/2003 9:30:41 PM:APATEL
The problem that I faced was .. 
the Application (any application with 
your Code)
Then click on the menu's 
and open then
Then hit the End button 
in the IDE and it crashes.
Now here 
is the deal with Subclassing
It is 
hard to correct the IDE and debugging 
of the component, however to debug you 
can call the subclassing event only 
after you sure u want to create an exe 
and distribute the same.
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3/27/2003 5:33:34 PM:aps
Paul, there seems to be some problem 
with control, If I use your Old Control 
Code ( ie is November Revision ) it 
results in spectacular system Crashes 
when I right click on Desktop - I have 
Windows 2000 Professional. 
When I 
use the Last revised code (the one 
revised in December ) I doesnt displays 
Alpha Blend / XP Colors , But doesnt 
crashes my Windows 2000.
Can you help 
me out that .
Thank you 
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4/4/2003 1:19:36 AM:TJ Rode
Mind offering a hand?  I'm 
trying to get system messages globally, 
such as WD_MOUSE, MOVE, etc.  What I'd 
like to be able to do is select the 
message type (enum list at the moment) 
and be able to track messages 
'everywhere,' not just in the project.  
Any thoughts would be greatly 
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4/14/2003 3:00:02 AM:
Hi Vlad Vissoultchev,
Could you show 
me where can I get the latest version 
of this great control.
Many Thanks
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4/16/2003 3:13:03 AM:Dondata
Vlad: I still miss the hover effect on 
the toplevel menus, when they´re not 
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4/22/2003 2:13:49 AM:
What about unicode ?
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5/3/2003 3:50:45 AM:
BUG: Please Vlad or Any one tell me how 
to fix this bug:
As soon as run my 
program with your menu. other programs 
menu do not show border around them and 
looked flat. its keep in that way 
untill i reboot my system. I am using 
Win2k Pro. 
Thanks alot!
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5/7/2003 7:53:38 AM:Jason Alls
Excellent.  Simply the best menu I've 
come across.  Well done.
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5/22/2003 7:45:52 AM:
Hi Mr. Vissoultchev.
for your great control.
A little 
question : Is possible hook the SSTAB 
control too ?
I think that only you 
can do it !
Thank you and sorry for my 
poor english.
Joe Kaisaka
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6/12/2003 6:20:15 AM:3nity
That's just too good:)
I have to  ask 
you... Can I use it in my programs... 
You will get credit in credit boxes... 
This would really improve GUI'S in my 
programms... Oh, 5 G's from me!!!!!
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6/26/2003 10:28:55 PM:
i like it ,it's good job
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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