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CGI File Upload (with filename acquisition)

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Submitted on: 8/1/2002 3:18:44 AM
By: Akujin  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 5 Users
Compatibility:5.0 (all versions), Active Perl specific, 4.0 (all versions), 3.0 (all versions), Pre 3.0

Users have accessed this code 491 times.
(About the author)
     To upload a file of any type to your website. I offer you the unique ability to call the original filename, and save the file as it was intended, not under a temporary, or alternate, filename. (though... if you want to force the name for some reason, it's easy enough to modify my code to do so...)
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By using this code, you agree to the following terms...   
1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge.   
2) You MAY NOT redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.   
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    = Name: CGI File Upload (with filename a
    =     cquisition)
    = Description:To upload a file of any ty
    =     pe to your website. I offer you the uniq
    =     ue ability to call the original filename
    =     , and save the file as it was intended, 
    =     not under a temporary, or alternate, fil
    =     ename. (though... if you want to force t
    =     he name for some reason, it's easy enoug
    =     h to modify my code to do so...)
    = By: Akujin
    = Inputs:The code comes with the nessica
    =     ry HTML form required to use this script
    =     . nothing complex, and you can add it to
    =     ANY html webpage!
    = Returns:Well, it uploads the file! i g
    =     uess that counts as a return!
    = Assumes:My code is VERY well commented
    =     and you should not have a problem with a
    =     nything, however if you DO then feel fre
    =     e to e-mail me, or comment! I'm happy to
    =     answer any questions that you may have.
    = Side Effects:Nothing. This script is c
    =     ompletly safe.
    =This code is copyrighted and has    = limited warranties.Please see http://w
    =     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/xq/ASP/txtCode
    =     Id.348/lngWId.6/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.h
    =     tm    =for details.    =**************************************
    # before you start, you are going to need an HTML form to use this#
    # script. Basically a way to call the script to be used. #
    # i'll enclose the form you need below: #
    # <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method=post action="/cgi-bin/file1.pl"> #
    # <input type=file name=filex>#
    # <input type=submit value="Submit">#
    # </form> #
    # just replace the "/cgi-bin/file1.pl" in the top with whatever you decide to #
    # name the file.#
    # enable CGI interface #
    use CGI;
    # Set maximum upload size #
    $CGI::POST_MAX = 2048;
    # post content type #
    print "content-type: text/html\n\n";
    # Now we really begin. binmode() sets the argument passed into it #
    # to a binary file. This means that it can be ANY type of file #
    # because EVERYTHING is base binary. Without this line you will #
    # only be allowed to successfully upload text files. The next #
    # line sets the arguments passed from our form (which perl calls #
    # STDIN) to a binary mode. #
    # The next two lines are simple. We are passing the array "STDIN" #
    # into two differant arrays. @inx will be used for opening and #
    # saving the file, while @filetest will be used to pull the files #
    # name out. We must seperate STDIN into both of these arrays #
    # because @inx is going to be taken apart later, and we can't #
    # risk losing anything!#
    @inx = <STDIN>;
    @filetest = <STDIN>;
    # Finally we arive at one of the most frustrating parts of #
    # Writing this script! Obviously we want to know the name of the #
    # original file because we need to know what to save it as. #
    # Perl does NOT make this easy for us. one of the elements of the #
    # STDIN's arguments is a string that tells us EVERYTHING about #
    # the file. the problem is that it gives too much information #
    # with no way to easily get one aspect. To show you what i mean #
    # i'll give you the argument below:#
    # Content-Disposition: form-data; name="filex"; filename="C:\Docu #
    # ments and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Dracula.txt" #
    # As you can see, it tells us everything we would want to know, #
    # however pulling that information out is very tricky. I came up #
    # with a way. I start by reversing the entire string. This makes #
    # the filename start from the beginning of the string. backwards. #
    # Then I search through the string looking for a "\" (the#
    # backwards equivilent of "/") because we know the filename will #
    # start at the end of the directory settings. As i look for the #
    # "\" I store each character in a string, and by the time i find #
    # the "\" i have the filename (backwards). Then it's a simple #
    # matter of re-reversing the string and we have our filename! #
    # you will see below!#
    $str = @inx[1];
    $str1 = reverse $str;
    $filename1 = "";
    $currchar = "";
    $offset = 3;
    while ($currchar !~ /\\/) {
    $currchar = substr($str1, $offset, 1);
    if ($currchar !~ /\\/) {
    $filename1 = "$filename1$currchar";
    $filename2 = reverse $filename1;
    # We now have the filename stored in "$filename2". Lets move on. #
    # Now, as i said before, everything is stored in STDIN, so we know #
    # that the actual file is there too. Finding it is fairly simple. #
    # First of all we cut up (or "splice") the array containing STDIN #
    # I must Thank Dax Ahweng for this part of my code. He took the #
    # time to figure out where the actual file was stored. Without #
    # the code from him i never would have known where to start! #
    # Anyways, we now splice @inx, removing the unnessisary elements #
    # from STDIN. Then, in the following lines we further remove #
    # the unnessisary characters, and strip @inx down to EXACTLY the #
    # file data we need, storing that data in "$in" #
    $in = join("",@inx);
    $in = substr($in,0,length($in) - 2);;
    # from here on out everything is VERY simple. First, we open the #
    # file that we wish to save. ">" means we want to create a new #
    # file and overwrite anything that is named the same. The#
    # directory you will have to change. I wrote this on a windows #
    # computer, running an Apache server. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE #
    # "$filename2" AT THE END!!!!!!!!!! This is our filename! without #
    # this line we are not saving the file as anything!!!#
    # We then set the file to a binary file (to read our binary STDIN) #
    # and print the data to the file (note: after print it says ff #
    # which is our filehandle. it means we are printing to that file, #
    # not the screen. Finally, we close the file. #
    print ff $in;
    # below this you may do whatever you wish. I personally just have #
    # it display the file size, and a link where you can access the #
    # file. but if you wish this is where you could redirect the page #
    # or do whatever you need to do for your website #
    print "DONE, Uploaded Size: ".length($in)." bytes\n";
    print "<br>View file at: <a href=\"http://akujindomains.com/pics/$filename2\">$filename2</a>";
    # I hope i didn't go too overboard on the commenting for you guys #
    # (and girls, or corse)! I HATE finding scripts that are so #
    # under-commented that you don't know what they are doing!! #
    # i tried to keep the comments clean and precice, however if you #
    # have any trouble with them... or you just don't like them... #
    # feel free to let me know, and suggest how i might change them! #
    # Also, if you like the code (and i spent a lot of time and effort #
    # writing this for you guys so that you could have the original #
    # filename) i would REALLY appreciate a vote! Thanks a lot! #
    # Any questions or comments can be directed to akujin11@yahoo.com #

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