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Windows Messages and Subclassing


Submitted on: 4/25/2002 2:40:11 PM
By: Coding Genius 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 32 Users
Compatibility:VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this article 6349 times.

(About the author)
     Subclassing ofers great advantages to VB programmres. This article should teach you all about the message system Windows Uses, and how to implement it into your Visual Basic Programs.

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Windows Programming <--[if gte mso 9]> Christopher Waddell Christopher Waddell 3 94 2002-04-25T17:06:00Z 2002-04-26T15:50:00Z 5 1596 9098 Developement 75 18 11172 9.4402

Windows Programming

Part 1 – Messages


How does the Window Operating System know what you are doing? How does it know when you click, where you click and with what button you click? How does it know when you press a key, what key you pressed and what window you are typing in?  There are many questions with only one simple answer. The answer being a message system.


There are many hundreds of common Windows messages, which include the left mouse click, the right mouse click and also the key down, and key up messages. There are other messages other than those used to indicate user input. There is also a message for instance that tells a window to repaint (or redraw) itself and also a timer message.


So how do applications receive these messages? The answer is a “window procedure”, although not official, it is generally agreed that it should be called “WindowProc”. The window procedure is a function that will be called every time a message is sent to that window. It must be declared as a public function in a module! It looks like this:


Public Function WindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _

ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long



End Function


Parameters: -

            hwnd – The window handle of your window. A window handle is a unique number, which is assigned to your window. Whenever you call an API function that wants to do something with your window, you must pass the hwnd property


uMsg – This is the number of the message that was sent your window. For example:


Public Const WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = &H308  ‘Declare this message as a           const, making it easier to deal with.


You would then use it like this:


Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long


‘...In windowproc


Select case uMsg


    ‘The data in the clipboard has changed, so do something

  ‘Case ... Other messages go here

  Case Else

      WindowProc = CallWindowProc(PrevProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam,   lParam) ‘Process all those other messages that we don’t care about

End select


wParam/lParam – These are general parameters and can store pretty much any values including other sub-messages. If memory serves me correctly then the mouse move message comes with the X and Y coordinates of the mouse stored in the wParam and lParam parameters.


Now some of you may be thinking, “I hope I don’t have to process all of the hundreds of messages, my code could be thousands of lines long”. For those of you who weren’t, well you are now. The answer is thankfully no. There is a default window procedure that will carry out the basic commands like painting your window, resizing it, moving it, giving it focus, and all of the hundreds of other things.


We have a lot of control when it comes to messages. We can create our own messages, send messages to the system and look at all the messages in the message queue. Consider the following API functions:




Declare Function GetMessage Lib "user32" Alias "GetMessageA" (lpMsg As Msg, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Long) As Long


Declare Function TranslateMessage Lib "user32" (lpMsg As Msg) As Long


Declare Function DispatchMessage Lib "user32" Alias "DispatchMessageA" (lpMsg As Msg) As Long



    x As Long

    y As Long

End Type


Type Msg

    hWnd As Long

    message As Long

    wParam As Long

    lParam As Long

    time As Long

    pt As POINTAPI

End Type


Complicated looking isn’t it? We can use these API functions as follows:


Dim aMsg as Msg


Call GetMessage (aMsg, 0, 0, 0)

Call TranslateMessage (aMsg)

Call DispatchMessage (aMsg)


I think that is pretty self-explanatory.


VB has a built in message handler in its form object. This is where the events come from on your forms, and also the controls as well. These events are just generated whenever the corresponding messages are detected in the window Procedure. And the X and Y values in the MouseDown event for example are just extracted from the lParam and wParam arguments in the WindowProc function.


Now, why would you want to write our own message handler if VB already provides a perfectly good one?


a)      VB hides a lot of the Messages from us

b)      VB deals with some messages in a way that might not suit what we want

c)      VB processes its messages before sending us the event. What if we don’t want it to do anything?


Let us consider the rather complicated topic of Winsock API. The way Winsock lets us know what is going on is through messages sent to our window’s message handler. However VB hides these ones from us. In order to see them, we will have to create a window procedure of our own.


Now, how do we tell windows to send messages to our new window procedure? Like so:


Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib _

"user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd _

As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long


Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib _

"user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd _

As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong _

As Long) As Long


Those are 2 new API calls, one creates a window procedure, and the other returns the address of a window procedure given the hwnd (window handle remember)


So, to set up a window procedure, we do this:



Public Const GWL_WNDPROC = -4


Private Sub Form_Load() ‘Of course it doesn’t have to go in form load

   PrevProc = SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WindowProc)

End sub


You can replace the “AddressOf WindowProc” with the name you have given to your window procedure, but I suggest you keep the name to WindowProc. Also remember WindowProc must be a public Function, written with the correct parameters and everything, in a public Module.


This API call returns the handle to the previous window procedure if one exists

We must store a value into PrevProc so that we can return the default Window Procedure when we are finished. So, how do we return the previous window procedure? Like this:


Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel as Integer) ‘Again, doesn’t have to be in Form_Unload

    If PrevProc <> 0 Then

       SetWindowLong hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, PrevProc

       PrevProc = 0

    End If

End Sub


So now we know how to:


Create the WindowProc Function.

Set the WindowProc function as a window procedure.

Look for messages that we want.

Extract values from the lParam and wParam arguments.

Process all the other messages with the default handler.

Remove our window procedure.


Here is a small example taken from AllApi.Net



'Create a new project, add a module to it

'Add a command button to Form1

'In the form

Private Sub Form_Load()

    'KPD-Team 1999

    'URL: http://www.allapi.net/

    'E-Mail: KPDTeam@Allapi.net

    'Subclass this form

    HookForm Me

    'Register this form as a Clipboardviewer

    SetClipboardViewer Me.hwnd

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

    'Unhook the form

    UnHookForm Me

End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click()

    'Change the clipboard


    Clipboard.SetText "Hello !"

End Sub


'In a module

'These routines are explained in our subclassing tutorial.


Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Declare Function SetClipboardViewer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long


Public Const WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = &H308

Public Const GWL_WNDPROC = (-4)


Dim PrevProc As Long


Public Sub HookForm(F As Form)

    PrevProc = SetWindowLong(F.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WindowProc)

End Sub


Public Sub UnHookForm(F As Form)

    SetWindowLong F.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, PrevProc

End Sub


Public Function WindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

    WindowProc = CallWindowProc(PrevProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)


        MsgBox "Clipboard changed ..."

    End If

End Function


If you want, you can create your own windows messages. However, problems can arise. Imagine you use a message in a DLL as follows:


Const MYMSG = WM_USER + 7


However, lets then imagine that another DLL uses the exact same message for something completely different. Now to make matters worse, some poor person tries to use the two DLL’s in the same project. Let the errors and bugs and problems commence. Well, there is a way around this:


Declare Function RegisterWindowMessage Lib "user32" Alias "RegisterWindowMessageA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long


What this will do is allow you to create unique message numbers. Lets say you wanted to create your own message, you would do something like this:


MY_MESSAGE = RegisterWindowMessage (“MyUniqueString”)


This will assign MY_MESSAGE a new unique message number every time it is run. However, if you put this in a DLL then how will the applications using the DLL know what the number of your message is? They do EXACTLY the same thing as above. When they enter “MyUniqueString” into the lpString Parameter, because it already exists (it was originally made by your DLL remember), it will now return the number that it assigned to MY_MESSAGE. Consider the following example:



MESSAGE_ONE = RegisterWindowMessage (“MyFirstString”)

Msgbox “Your first new message is “ & MESSAGE_ONE

MEASSAGE_TWO = RegisterWindowMessage (“MySecondString”)

Msgbox “Your second new message is “ & MESSAGE_TWO


Msgbox “How do we retrieve message one? Like this: “ & RegisterWindowMessage (“MyFirstString”)

Msgbox “How do we retrieve message two? Like this: “ & RegisterWindowMessage (“MySecondString”)




Well, that’s the end of this tutorial. Let me just tell you that the technical name for this is called Sub classing, in case you ever hear it referred to as that.


I hope that after reading this you understand everything, however if there is anything you still don’t understand then visit http://www.AllAPI.net and search for one of the API declarations mentioned in the tutorials. Alternately, search for WindowProc, or Subclass. They should get you something.


I’d just like to say how long it took me to highlight all that code in its correct colouring, so if anybody has a good program to do that automatically, I’d be grateful!


Also, I know there are loads of people out there who know the ins and outs of Windows messaging, and have read this for whatever reason. I know I read tutorials on things I know inside out anyway. So, for any of you experts who have read this, any concerns with the tutorial (Misinformation, bugs in code, even typo’s), then I’d like to know, so leave a comment if you want.


I also like to know if I have helped people, and if so, how much. So some comments there wouldn’t go amiss.
















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4/25/2002 3:20:41 PM:Almar Joling
Good work. This really clears up some stuff! The Windows messages are certainly interesting, but they (the contants) lack some documentation (for example sending the message to auto-size columns in a listview). Good work!
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4/25/2002 4:35:55 PM:Coding Genius
Thanks for leaving a comment Almar, your the only person out of the 145 so far that has.
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4/25/2002 6:06:22 PM:?
ey men theres a program called winzip to put all the project in only one file. kind of boring copying and pasting
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4/25/2002 6:20:59 PM:John L Whittington
I appreciate this. This is the kind of these that kick me in the butt. 5 globes
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4/25/2002 6:22:17 PM:John L Whittington
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4/25/2002 9:21:17 PM:Dunlop Chulullapops
Hi mans : ) Im am really like your tutorial and ihave got to say how informatique it is (like strong) : ))) Please keep up the good works and please dont not worries about the others are not leaving comments because even though they are view the tutor it is help enough from you so thank you so so much : ))) and plz keep up the good works! from, dunny
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4/25/2002 9:24:11 PM:Dunlop Chulullapops
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4/25/2002 11:02:19 PM:Freddy
Thank you, and Great Job! Does anyone have a simple solution to detect the IDE so we don't crash it by accident when subclassing? 5 from me!
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4/26/2002 1:37:55 AM:Trevor Herselman
Your tutorial did help, still a lot left to learn though and I realize you can't explain everything in one go ... keep up the good work and thanx for the effort! Everyone who reads this should apreciate it as well ... :)))
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4/26/2002 2:37:20 AM:John Galanopoulos
A really good tutorial. Very helpfull for those who seek knowledge for subclassing. 5 from me as well, although you made the common mistake on message queue processing many programmers do. Also Ms Word isn't the best html authoring solution for this site :)
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4/26/2002 10:51:34 AM:sYNAPSE
Freddy: MS had issued a patch some time ago that makes the VB IDE aware that it is running subclassed code. There are also 3rd party controls that allows you to Subclass (or even Hook) windows safely.. There is a very *very* good tutorial (and a control) over at vbaccelerator.com: 'Subclassing Without The Crashes' - check it out Coding Genius: This is a good tutorial. 5 from me.
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4/26/2002 11:52:19 AM:Coding Genius
Wow, I didn't expect so much feedback/votes. Oh and John...what mistake? Also, I have now updated the tutorial to include the RegisterWindowMessage API call.
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4/26/2002 1:11:56 PM:Almar Joling
no problem Coding Genius =-). Are you going to write another "part" about this stuff (or related), since this tutorial is 'part 1', just wondering =-)
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4/26/2002 1:41:13 PM:Coding Genius
That was the initial plan yes. I'm thinking GDI next. What do you think?
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4/26/2002 6:56:16 PM:Oscarreno
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4/26/2002 9:11:15 PM:Tuan Hai
Really great artical. I am wating for part 2,... 5 GLOBES from me
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4/27/2002 9:27:02 AM:Coding Genius
Had alot on my plate right now. I'm trying to network 2 computers, and having all sotrs of network card incompatibility issues and all sorts...So I dunno when I'll get round to doing part 2, but I'll definetly try and get it up as soon as I have some spare time.
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4/27/2002 1:00:08 PM:Tom Pydeski
Great! I have a question for you. I had written a clipboard buffer that used a timer to constantly check the clipboard for changes. Now with yours it becomes part of the winproc and i deleted the timer. Here's the question...Do you know for sure how each way utilized resources? Instincts tell me the new way (thanks to you) uses less, but I would be curious for quantifiable results.
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4/27/2002 1:58:04 PM:Coding Genius
The timer is one of the lowest priotities in the system, which means that it usually won't fire any quicker than every 70 milliseconds no matter how low you set it. Also, because it fires so much, it does take up resources. However, the windowproc is something that actually makes up your windows. Every window comes with one, so by coding your own, you aren't using up any more resources than normal, uless the code inside it does. Using the Window Proc, theres no need to ocnstantly check for clipboard changes. You'l be automatically notified y windows. Like your own personal message.
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4/27/2002 5:13:14 PM:Amritanshu
I must say ... it is a very well written tuitorial. Very elegently presented, simple and effective. 5 Globes from me.
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4/28/2002 7:11:32 PM:Squirrel
Spiffy. The only word fully qualified.
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4/29/2002 8:21:15 AM:cucuzz0
wish ther were more articles like this one.
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4/29/2002 11:37:19 AM:Coding Genius
Network's nearly fixed. (Fault card grrrr), so new article will be written soon. Any ideas then please leave feedback, greatly appreciated. I still think GDI is best idea so far though.
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5/3/2002 6:27:49 PM:7H3_1083
This is a great tutorial and i'm giving it 5 globes. but I have a question. if I register a custsom message, how can I send my message.
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5/4/2002 7:49:28 AM:Coding Genius
You must use the SendMessage (or Postmessage on older machines). See http://www.allapi.net/apilist/apifunctio n.php?apifunction=SendMessage for SendMessage, and see http://www.allapi.net/apilist/apifunctio n.php?apifunction=PostMessage for PostMessage.
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6/13/2002 8:41:08 PM:MatthewJ
This is some great code! But it's a bit confusing for me. Is there any way i could get an example of this. i have looked at the www.allapi.com site but it didn't have an example either. Thanks Coding Genius -MJ
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12/19/2002 7:00:04 PM:
Need help, i dont get this??
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1/8/2003 4:18:26 AM:
I need part two ;P 6 globes from me...errr 5 only?
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3/6/2003 8:59:07 AM:MaxAndrews
Thanks , it it interesting to know how other people achive these things
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3/21/2003 5:22:28 PM:Jim Walker
Was reading hom many 5 globes you had and just thought Id give you 5 as well :)
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