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Trig Calculator

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Submitted on: 2/18/2002 11:41:58 PM
By: Luchezar Abbott  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:C++ (general)

Users have accessed this code 273 times.

(About the author)
     The code calculates the values of the basic trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent.
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// Name: Trig Calculator
// Description:The code calculates the v
//     alues of the basic trigonometric functio
//     ns: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, sec
//     ant, cotangent.
// By: Luchezar Abbott
// Inputs:The arguments (variables) for 
//     the functions and integers used for sele
//     cting an option
// Returns:The values of the trig functi
//     ons
// Side Effects:Inputing characters when
//     asked for numbers. It usually starts loo
//     ping everything or freezes the program
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     eId.3327/lngWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode
//     .htm//for details.//**************************************

//Calculates the values of trigonometric
//     functions
//By Luchezar Abbott
//If you want to use any parts of this c
//     ode, please e-mail me at
//     m with an explanation 
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.141592654
void sine (double x)
    	double sine_result;
    sine_result= sin (x);

void cosine (double x) { double cosine_result; cosine_result= cos (x); cout<<cosine_result<<'\n'; }
void tangent (double x) { double tangent_result; tangent_result= tan (x); cout<<tangent_result<<'\n'; }
void cosecant (double x) { double csc_result; csc_result= 1/(sin (x)); cout<<csc_result<<'\n'; }
void secant (double x) { double secant_result; secant_result= 1/(cos (x)); cout<<secant_result<<'\n'; }
void cotangent (double x) { double cot_result; cot_result= sin (x); cout<<cot_result<<'\n'; }
void radians (){ int rad_function; double x; cout<<"Enter your argument (in radians): \t"; cin>>x; cout<<"Select one of the following functions: \n"; cout<<"\t 1. SINE \n"; cout<<"\t 2. COSINE \n"; cout<<"\t 3. TANGENT \n"; cout<<"\t 4. COSECANT \n"; cout<<"\t 5. SECANT \n"; cout<<"\t 6. COTANGENT \n"; cin>>rad_function; switch (rad_function) { case 1: sine(x); break; case 2: cosine(x); break; case 3: tangent(x); break; case 4: cosecant(x); break; case 5: secant(x); break; case 6: cotangent(x); break; default: cout<<"INVALID FUCTION: Go back to the list and select a valid function. \n"; } } void degrees (){ int deg_function; double deg_arg; double x; cout<<"Select one of the following functions: \n"; cout<<"\t 1. SINE \n"; cout<<"\t 2. COSINE \n"; cout<<"\t 3. TANGENT \n"; cout<<"\t 4. COSECANT \n"; cout<<"\t 5. SECANT \n"; cout<<"\t 6. COTANGENT \n"; cin>>deg_function; switch (deg_function) { case 1: sine(x); break; case 2: cosine(x); break; case 3: tangent(x); break; case 4: cosecant(x); break; case 5: secant(x); break; case 6: cotangent(x); break; default: cout<<"INVALID FUCTION: Go back to the list and select a valid function. \n"; } cout<<"Enter your argument (in degrees is decimal form): \n"; cin>>deg_arg; x=deg_arg*PI/180; } void main() { int mode; do { cout<<"Set your mode: \n"; cout<<"\t 1. Radians\n"; cout<<"\t 2. Degrees\n"; cin>>mode; if (mode==1) { radians(); }
else if (mode==2){ degrees (); }
else { cout<<"INVALID MODE: Choose 1 or 2! \n"; }
}while (mode!=1 && mode!=2);

Other 1 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
2/19/2002 5:22:43 PM:scott
sorry mna, i'm not putting your code 
down, but you've declared a char 
variable for the option menu, but in 
the wsitch statement, youve 
switch .....
case 4:
it should 
be in character format ie:
case '2':
without this your 
program returns the default case each 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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