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The Legend of Zelduh (with level editor)


Submitted on: 11/2/2001 4:11:23 PM
By: Joseph Harvey  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 14 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++

Users have accessed this article 6361 times.

(About the author)
     This program is a zelda clone that I made to learn how to use tilemaps. It's a very fun game! Be sure to play with the level editor! Instructions are included in a word document if you need help! Lost Side Dead!!!!!!

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All characters/projectiles on the screen are of type "entity". The only difference between the controllable character and the enemies is that the player character's actions are defined by your keyboard input, and the enemies move random distances in random directions and attack randomly. (also, the player character can only shoot fireballs with full health) There are 5 types of enemies: The Snake: Beware of the boulders he launches! The Poo-Monster: His bile will burn you! The Archer: Master of archery The Blinking Eye: His icky eye-gunk will make you ill The Grub: 40 in hand, he shows his disrespect for your mad skill by spitting on you! Zelduh has somehow gotten trapped among these fiends... You must save her! The game project is called "neo hardcore warrior" which was my generic title when I started, and the level editor project is called "legend of nameless" since I still wasn't sure what to call it at the time =P Here is the game and source code on the Lost Side Dead website. Legend of Zelduh

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Other User Comments
11/2/2001 4:20:57 PM:Vulcan
I love it :-)
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11/2/2001 4:38:20 PM:Joseph Harvey
My friends at school had fun playing this, I hope you people enjoy it too =D
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11/2/2001 5:20:27 PM:Joseph Harvey
remember, zelduh is somewhere in the level waiting for you to save her!
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11/2/2001 7:05:34 PM:Neeko
A great piece of programming Ive seen here, The roots of this style of programming have alot of potential for being very organized and efficient style of coding. This style will show its good side when this persons programs become larger in size. Excellent work!
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11/2/2001 9:47:42 PM:Mike L.G.
Great game joseph. Although I would have to disagree with Neeko. If this were a much bigger project I think it may be harder to manage let alone maintain. There are magic numbers everywhere (which can become a true nightmare on so many levels) and you are performing no error checks on your DirectDraw functions and method calls. At the very least you should check for a return of DD_OK. DirectX can become extremely irritable on some machines. I also believe that no matter how small your classes are, you should always separate the declaration from the definition. i.e. ( declarations should go into a separate .h file, and definitions should into an implementation file .cpp ). I am going to kick myself later because I know at times I should be taking my own advice. This is just my experience from working on several large projects. I hope I did not offend anybody. It really is a cool game.
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11/3/2001 11:04:49 AM:Joseph Harvey
It's cool man, that's good advice. I was planning on tailoring my code nicely once I fleshed out the majority of the game, but I decided not to in the end because of time issues... If I was worried about making excuses for poor programming practice, I wouldn't have submitted this program in this state. Thanks for your comments though =)
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11/5/2001 11:28:18 AM:jmiller
i really like the level editor. it works swell.
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11/5/2001 4:18:23 PM:Joseph Harvey
Heck yeah, be sure to play around with monster placement. It's fun to put down huge mobs of monsters in tight areas =D
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11/29/2001 9:01:37 PM:Cless
Great game Joeseph! The Level editor rules! The code is nicely written as well. The enemies are humorous and nicely drawn. I especially like the poo monster and archer!
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11/29/2001 9:13:22 PM:Joseph Harvey
A friend of mine most of the sprites. Their names are mentioned in the "Game Instructions" word file included with the code. Don't forget to vote people!!!!!!
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1/4/2002 2:44:17 PM:okiedokie
um, maybe i missed it somewhere but how did you guys play the game, when i compile it, i get a bunch of errors, oh well, the game looks cool anyway
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1/4/2002 11:15:07 PM:afsa
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1/4/2002 11:18:40 PM:help
hello, i tried to run your code but it gave me a whole bunch of error. I think it is something to do with this LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 Could u please tell me how i can run it??? thanks
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1/5/2002 1:37:12 AM:Joseph Harvey
perhaps you don't have the direct x SDK installed in the same place that I did. First of all, do you have direct 7 or higher?
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1/11/2002 11:21:35 PM:tim
i cant get it to download, the link doesnt work and neither does the link off PSCode
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1/11/2002 11:22:00 PM:tim*
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1/15/2002 8:50:52 PM:Jared Bruni
site was down for a few days, the link is fixed
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8/1/2002 2:22:52 PM:x_darkdude_x
this game is pritty cool dude make a full 1 i bet u could :>
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