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C++ OO Database library

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Submitted on: 1/19/2000
By: Found on the World Wide Web 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 10 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general)

Users have accessed this code 16167 times.
     The Variable Block Database (VBD) is a collection of C++ classes used to build portable database applications. Release 1031 features built-in support for multi-user and single user access. Database access methods include a B-tree with iterator and memory caching, navigational access, fixed and variable-length records. Includes general-purpose data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues, balanced binary trees and others as well as a variable length string class, a postscript driver, and HTML driver. Ships with an advanced database recovery utility plus other text and binary utilities. Several example programs with are provided to demonstrate each of the concepts presented. This release has been built and tested under Windows 95/98, MSDOS, HPUX 10.20, Solaris 2.4, and RedHat Linux 5.2. All documentation is an HTML format, covering the class library, the example programs, and the utility programs included with the distribution. http://www.trumphurst.com/cpplibs5.html#Libraries_available_via_FTP__Q_Z_ Copyrighted freeware--Copyright © 1997 Douglas M. Gaer.
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5/17/2002 1:56:02 AM:Asif jamadar
dear sir,
   i like u r C++ source 
code. ur site 
is useful for new comer 
in programming world.
            think u.
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6/6/2002 4:51:29 AM:rahul
thanks for the code,
this is nice site
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6/23/2002 10:40:27 AM:satya
Its very nice for upcomming students
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