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CHTTPSocket - Direct/ViaProxy - Reusable Class

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Submitted on: 1/13/2000
By: ATM  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 11 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general)

Users have accessed this code 12453 times.
     CHTTPSocket class with full source code, full qualified, one step, HTTP client. Can fetch pages from web, no problems if You try virtual host. If You use proxy server, only set some variables and get it worked also. I also compile sample application which You can download and test.
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// Name: CHTTPSocket - Direct/ViaProxy -
//     Reusable Class
// Description:CHTTPSocket class with fu
//     ll source code,
full qualified, one step, HTTP client. Can fetch pages from web, no problems
if You try virtual host. If You use proxy server, only set some variables and
get it worked also. I also compile sample application which You can download
and test.
// By: ATM
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     eId.270/lngWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
//     htm//for details.//**************************************

//Download full source code from:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "httpsocket.h"
Sample derived class
class CMySock : public CHTTPSocket
    char szErrMessage[255];
    	void OnError();
    	void OnResponse(); 

//error trigger void CMySock::OnError() { wsprintf(szErrMessage,"Error: %d, %d, %s",m_nErrCode,m_nExtErrCode,m_nErrInfo); MessageBox(NULL,szErrMessage,"Error",MB_OK); CHTTPSocket::OnError(); };
//response trigger void CMySock::OnResponse() { printf("----m_ulResponseSize=%d\r\n",m_ulResponseSize); printf("%s\r\n",(char *)m_szResponse); CHTTPSocket::OnResponse(); };
//-------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- //call style: //-------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- // dts.exe /URL [/P // RX] [/PRT 8080] //-------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- // where /URL - U see ///PRX - proxy's internet address ///PRT - proxy's port //-------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- // You must have KERNEL32.DLL, USER32.DL // L and WS2_32.DLL installed. //-------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- /************************************************************************ main. entry point for service ************************************************************************/ void main(int argc,char* argv[]) { CMySock cs; cs.m_bUseProxy=FALSE; int i=0; char* page=NULL; char* serverHost=NULL; char* serverPort=NULL; while(i<argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"/URL")==0) { if (argv[++i]!=NULL) page=argv[i]; else page=NULL; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"/PRX")==0) { if (argv[++i]!=NULL) serverHost=argv[i]; else serverHost=NULL; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"/PRT")==0) { if (argv[++i]!=NULL) serverPort=argv[i]; else serverPort=NULL; } i++; } if (page==NULL) { cs.ThrowError(0,0,"Please specify URL to fetch!"); return; } if (serverHost!=NULL) { //sets proxy server's internet address cs.SetServerHost((const char*)serverHost); i=0; if(serverPort!=NULL) i=atoi(serverPort); if (i==0) i=8080; //sets proxy server's port number (8080 by default) cs.m_nServerPort=i; //says use proxy to CHTTPSocket derived class cs.m_bUseProxy=TRUE; } printf("URL to fetch: %s\r\n",page); printf("Use proxy %s\r\n",serverHost); printf("Port for proxy %d\r\n",i); //page request here cs.Request(page); }
and CHTTPSocket interface: /************************************************************************ clicksocket.h ************************************************************************/ #ifndef __HTTPSOCKET__H__ #define __HTTPSOCKET__H__ #include <windows.h> //rem next line if no debug dump wanted // #define DEBON #include <stdio.h> //default send and recieve timeouts in s // ec #define HTTPRTIMEOUTDEF 90000 #define HTTPSTIMEOUTDEF 90000 #define MAXHOSTLENGTH65 #define MAXIPLENGTH 16 #define MAXBLOCKSIZE1024 #define MAXURLLENGTH255 #define MAXHEADERLENGTH 269 //primary error codes #define ERR_OK0 //if this error occurs, extended code is // WSA's error code #define ERR_WSAINTERNAL 1 #define ERR_URLNOTHING2 #define ERR_URLTOOLONG3 #define ERR_HOSTUNKNOWN 4 #define ERR_PROXYUNKNOWN 5 #define ERR_PROTOPARSE6 #define ERR_BADHOST 7 #define ERR_BADPORT 8 class CHTTPSocket { static int nInstanceCount; SOCKET sckHTTPSocket; struct sockaddr_in sinHTTPSocket; struct sockaddr_in sinHTTPServer; // remote server host address, size 64 b // ytes, 65th set to \0 char m_szServerHost[MAXHOSTLENGTH]; // host char m_szHost[MAXHOSTLENGTH]; // requested URI/URL char m_szURL[MAXURLLENGTH]; // remote server IP address, size 15 byt // es, 16th set to \0 char m_szServerHostIP[MAXIPLENGTH]; //-- Win32 specific WSADATAwsaData; void szcopy(char* dest,const char* src,int nMaxBytes); void szsent(SOCKET sckDest,const char* szHttp); public: // set to TRUE in InitInstance if TIME_W // AIT not need () bool m_bNoTimeWait; // recieve timeout change in InitInstanc // e intm_nRecvTimeout; // send timeout change in InitInstance intm_nSendTimeout; // remote server port int m_nServerPort; // use proxy flag bool m_bUseProxy; // error code int m_nErrCode; // extended error code; int m_nExtErrCode; // error info char m_nErrInfo[255]; // response content LPVOID m_szResponse; // response size ULONG m_ulResponseSize; public: //const/destr CHTTPSocket(); virtual ~CHTTPSocket(); //utils // sets proxy or http server's host void SetServerHost(const char* src); // sets proxy or http server's ip //(should be skipped if SetServerHost us // ed) void SetServerHostIP(const char* src); //starts request transaction void Request(const char* url=""); //used for free memory allocated for pag // e //(should be skipped if You use CHTTPSoc // ket::OnResponse call in OnResponse) void memPostup(); //fire your OnError with specific error // cdes and message void ThrowError(int err, int xerr, const char* errdesc); //overridable //shoul be used for additional inits virtual bool InitInstance(); //trigger on any transaction error //(its great if U will call CHTTPSocket: // :OnError inside, //to free allocated memory pages) virtual void OnError(); //trigger on response recieved //(its great if U will call CHTTPSocket: // :OnResponse inside, //to free allocated memory pages) virtual void OnResponse(); };

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