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Optimizing your VB code even more


Submitted on: 8/7/2001 6:22:50 AM
By: Almar Joling  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 45 Users
Compatibility:VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this article 12754 times.

(About the author)
     This article shows various speed increasing methods, I've done tests myself, you can see the performance difference in a graph and in a table. This article is really worth your time. For example, it shows how one simple "\" instead of "/" will speed up your app with more than 400% percent!

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Something weird happened with the original tutorial. Probably because of the tables. I don't like to do this, but I really had to upload this awesome article at my website: http://www.quadrantwars.com/optimizations.htm Please vote if you like it. I'm sure you do!

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8/7/2001 8:09:53 AM:Eric Dalquist
Great tips. I've wondered about the speed differences of different styles of VB but never took the time to actually do the test. Glad someone did.
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8/7/2001 9:52:03 AM:Rick
Good Stuff!
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8/7/2001 10:10:37 AM:Shawn Elliott
Another very important optimization technique is to reference array items and then use that.<br> example:<br> dim states(0 to 4) as string
states(0) =
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8/7/2001 10:11:38 AM:Shawn Elliott
I'll try this again Another very important optimization technique is to reference array items and then use that. example: dim states(0 to 4) as string states(0) = "Alabama" states(1) = "New York" states(2) = "Louisiana" states(3) = "Texas" states(4) = "Illinois" This section here : if len(states(1)) < 5 and mid(states(1),1,1) = "A" then 'Do some freaky thing end if Can be better written as : dim MyState as string MyState = states(1) if len(MyState) < 5 and mid(MyState,1,1) = "A" then 'Do some freaky thing end if The reason you get a performance gain is because you aren't doing an array lookup each time you use the variable states(1). It's worth the extra memory overhead of the new variable
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8/7/2001 12:30:57 PM:Almar Joling
Shawn: You're absolutely right. I showed this already a bit with the temporary variables, but I'll add this one as well later =-)
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8/7/2001 12:35:05 PM:(Tim Miron) yar-interactive software
Well almar, thanks for the follow-up on my article. Hey actually your the guy who's making QW right, i made that splash screen concept remember? hows all that coming? I gota give you five globes on this, i didn't know alot of this stuff my optimization article was a fairly simple "Did you know..." type of jot-note style article... Why didn't you submit this sooner? LOL. Good Job from your "competitor" (I wrote the first optimization article but it wasn't as extensive... however i think it imspired Almar to finally post this article) FIVE GLOBES FOR YOU! Tim PS - get back to me sometime about me helping with QW please... timbo_m45@hotmail.com
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8/7/2001 8:37:23 PM:Gary Staunton
Excellent info, would be nice to know when your site is back up.
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8/8/2001 3:04:21 AM:Igguk
Very interesting! Maybe I can add another trick. I noticed in your examples for loops you use : For I=0 To 10000 Next I Though you can still improve the performance with : For I = 0 To 10000 Next I have never measured the gain you can expect but it's quite important Never repeat the variable after Next, if you want your code to be easier to read, just place it as a comment...
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8/8/2001 3:45:27 AM:Almar Joling
Igguk: There is no difference between
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8/8/2001 5:34:03 AM:Matrix Man
Almar, he means: for i = 0 to 100000 next i is slower than: for i = 0 to 100000 next (note the missing i)
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8/8/2001 5:47:29 AM:Almar Joling
Hmm, apperently my message got cut off. Anyway, I know what he meant, but there really is no difference in it. It gets converted to an
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8/8/2001 6:13:12 AM:Rudy Alex Kohn
I have some more speed up tips, with string handling etc.. Posting them soon - So stay tuned. Oh, Nice artictle ;)
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8/8/2001 10:03:40 AM:Dave
Great article! Another good tip is to try and use vbNullString instead of "". Example: If strTest = vbNullString Then...
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8/8/2001 4:43:12 PM:Almar Joling
Hmm, never thought about that one Dave... I might do some testing on that =-)
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8/9/2001 11:52:42 AM:danda311
You have some nice stuff here, but there is only one problem you throw around longs like there is no tommarow. Longs may be 32 bit, but they are also the largest variable in byte size (Excluding String's cause they vary)., They are as big as variant. So you can use them, but when projects get bigger so does memory usage. I don't care ihave 384 megs of ram but the average household has 64-128. That and the systray is usually loaded also. Thats beside the point though make sure you don't overuse longs. Thank you lates.
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8/9/2001 12:03:47 PM:Almar Joling
I have to agree partly... Longs are indeed taking up 4 bytes. But if you use them as temporary variable (dimmed in a sub/function), the allocated memory will be free once the sub has been processed. But imagine... 4 bytes. Even if the average household has 64mb (since memory is currently very cheap 128-256 is more likely), you can put 256 longs in 1 kb! Now imagine how many could be filled in a mb. Although that really looks much, hmm... Might be mistaken =-)
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8/9/2001 12:10:17 PM:Joe
Excellent article. I am always into speeding up code. Never thought about the Left$, Mid$ or Right$.
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8/9/2001 12:46:43 PM:Srideep Prasad
Excellent Info ! And of course, very useful... I guess you might have spent some time researching and timing the various operations mentioned...
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8/17/2001 3:44:16 PM:Chris
EXCELLENT! You get 5 start from me :) However, I noticed in the section "Debug.Print" your comment that it still runs. Of course it does. It still runs the function called after the sub, because what if the function did something important? The correct way to test this would be to REMOVE THE Debug.Print AND LEAVE THE FUNCTION CALL.
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8/26/2001 12:48:04 PM:Rob Wright
Very, very good - congrats.
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12/23/2001 6:22:49 PM:John Galanopoulos
That's the second excellent post i read from you. This should be part of the Hall of Fame. 5g. Bravo!!
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6/23/2002 8:57:15 AM:Ozan Yasin Dogan
Nice tips, if you want to look a way on how to read / write a file as quick as possible in VB, go on to my submission at: http://www.planet-source-code.com /vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=34988 &lngWId;=1
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6/23/2002 3:00:09 PM:Mike Christian
Very nice tutorial, Almar. I would be interested to see if there is any speed increase with the following For/Next loop implementation using your criteria: Dim I As Long, L As Long, U As Long L = Lbound(MyArray) U = Ubound(MyArray) For I = L to U Next Since Lbound & Ubound appear to be functions.
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6/23/2002 7:41:22 PM:peter cant
Nice tips. I had a look at Strcmp before and saw in the help: "vbTextCompare 1 Performs a textual comparison. " How helpful -- not! So thanx for explaining what it does and how it helps.
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6/24/2002 9:02:20 AM:Gary Choma
Dave, instead of using strTest = vbNullString, use Len(strTest) = 0. It's faster because the string value never get's evaluated. Another thing to keep in mind with optimization: In MOST cases, the savings are negligible (unless extensive looping occurs). It's usually better to write code that's easily understood by another programmer rather than writing something cryptic that executes .2 seconds faster! And when writing code using optimization tricks, it's a good idea to explain what you're doing in comments! Like if I saw "X \ 1" instead of "Cint(x)", it might leave me wondering what's the purpose if it wasn't explained in a comment. Good stuff to know, in any case!
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6/24/2002 10:51:49 AM:ChoCho
Excellent! I have always wondered about all of that! Thanks!
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6/24/2002 10:53:57 AM:Almar Joling
I'm not sure why this article attracts so many new people the last few days (I'm the author), but just wanted to say I've updated my original site a LONG time ago, check http://vbfibre.digitalrice.com. Thanks!, Almar
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6/27/2002 7:27:28 AM:D.
These are useful tips could be useful to anyone, regardless of level of expertise. Thanks
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7/28/2002 9:56:41 PM:Allan
Can't find the article on your site!!!
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10/7/2002 1:21:36 AM:SmartCoder1
Excellent Article! Just out of curiousity how did u get those figures exactly in seconds ?
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12/20/2002 1:01:10 PM:Mark2
very nicely done, thanks for the tip!
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1/4/2003 9:50:02 PM:
Cool! good work = 5 globes/stars/circles/ect
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6/24/2003 4:04:32 AM:magedsoft
Excellent article. just a question, when you compaired with vs no with, did you have say 10 forms in the project so with may avoide searching through a list or something, I am not the best in programming but just occured to my mind
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