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What is Interprocess Communnication
What is Interprocess Communnication(IPC)
IPC is a technology that enables two or more running apps to exchange data
dynamically with each other
InterProcess Communication - The Problems
Microsoft Windows comes with a variety of ways to implement Inter Process Communication (IPC). Notable among these are the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) APIs, Mailslots and Pipes.
DDE allows applications to communicate with each other dynamically. But implementing DDE is no easy job - the DDE APIs tend to be highly complicated and difficult to implement, especially for the VB programmer.
MailSlots and Pipes are basically technologies wherein virtual temp files are created in the RAM and can be used by apps to store shareable data. This technique does not tend to be straightforward either and these methods by itself do not provide notification mechanisms !
Of course, you could use temp files, but this method is cumbersome and slow... Then how do we implement Inter Process Communication (IPC) ? Simple - We harness the potential of Microsoft's powerful COM based ActiveX Technology !
Easy and Efficient Interprocess Communication (IPC) with InterCommVB 1.00
InterCommVB allows developers to implement IPC very easily. With just a few easy to understand calls to this component from the client and server sides, one can efficiently implement easy and effective interprocess communication
What's more - InterCommVB allows multiple data communication channels to be open and for one channel say if App A is the Server App and if App B is the Client then for another channel App A could act as the Client and App B could act as the server ! That's truly two way communication ! And of course,
this ActiveX EXE comes with an inbuilt notification system that notifies both the server and client sides of the data transmission status ! What's more - this component is multithreaded, that is if one communication channel is blocked or busy, other channels remain unaffected. And the component now implements real time asynchronous communication, so no more worries about the server app getting "stuck" waiting for the client app to process transmitted data.
This component now also defines an updated internal error handling interface...
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Other 8 submission(s) by this author
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Other User Comments |
8/3/2001 5:39:34 AM:Srideep Prasad Though many authors may sell of their
code as shareware I believe in giving
them free. Therefore, if this code is
of use to you,please vote ... Thank you
8/3/2001 1:55:38 PM:netkarma Your article and code seem to be
convincing...one question though, can
it be used to communicate with any
existing app on the system? eg: My VB
app needs to communicate with Netscape
Navigator and issue certain commands at
run time...
Your response is greatly
Good code, nonetheless,
8/3/2001 10:58:49 PM:Srideep Prasad netkarma - I will reply to your querry
personally by e-mail
8/4/2001 3:55:05 AM:Jon I have a situation where I already use
an ActiveX EXE to communicate between
different threads. One of the problems
I encountered was not being able to
transport UDT's between client and
server as they are not allowed in
public methods. Would you see this as
a problem for your implementation?
8/5/2001 9:50:42 PM:Srideep Prasad Jon, I have personally replied to your
querry by e-mail
8/7/2001 2:36:16 AM:Matrix Like netkarma, I'd like to know if that
is possible to communicate with
existing programs. can you also reply
to me personnaly?
8/7/2001 11:55:58 AM:Srideep Prasad Matrix - I have send a personal reply
to your question by e-mail.Hope you
find it useful !
8/8/2001 9:39:54 AM:Verburgh Peter Nice , it als getting better and
i've thaught i've already
voted , but wrong.. so you get now 5
globel !
Keep up with the updates
Peter Verburgh
8/8/2001 9:44:36 PM:Srideep Prasad As the author, I thank all of you
personally for your tremendous reponse
to my effort ! Thank You !
8/9/2001 2:10:49 PM:Act Please let me know how can I
communicate with existing
i.e. send command/data to
existing application?
8/9/2001 2:22:38 PM:ahp Like other users, I'd like to know if
that is possible to communicate with
existing programs?.
Normally using DDE
I will have to specify a
8/9/2001 10:15:29 PM:Srideep Prasad Ahp, Act - Check your e-mail. I have
replied to you personally by e-mail
8/9/2001 10:15:36 PM:Srideep Prasad Ahp, Act - Please check your e-mail. I
have replied to you personally by
8/12/2001 4:30:12 AM:frank why not just post your
8/12/2001 6:35:13 AM:________ Great code. 5 blobs from me.
8/12/2001 9:31:35 PM:Tigger Neat - interesting code (gave you 5
blobs). Question for you tho': I am
only able to open 1 client & 1 server
(at least thru the demo's). Is this a
limitation or can you have multiple
clients per server?
8/12/2001 10:24:03 PM:Srideep Prasad(author) Tigger - There is a way round your
problem which I have mailed you by
e-mail.Hope you find it useful
8/13/2001 2:33:07 AM:Gremio I was wondering if you knew a way I
could get information from current
programs ones that I did not
thank you ---
8/13/2001 3:43:40 AM:ARAM VERY GOOD CODE! I've read your previous
submission about miltithreading in VB
using ActiveX EXE - that was a VERY
STABLE solution, too! I rated your
submission 5 globes, I feel it's not
enough... I've also seen Robert
Thaggard's submission about
multithreading in VB using a callback
DLL. His submission is, I'm not afraid
of saying this, a fraud! And he even
dares to say that his solution is
better than yours...he's got no
solution at all.
8/13/2001 11:50:04 AM:Vrej I have a situation where I already use
an ActiveX EXE to communicate between
different threads. One of the problems
I encountered was not being able to
transport UDT's between client and
server as they are not allowed in
public methods. CAN YOU PLEASE FORWARD
8/13/2001 9:45:06 PM:Roy just want to know if this can be done
with the client and server are in
different PCs on a network?, I already
voted it to the max. Just want to ask
it again.
8/13/2001 11:44:49 PM:Srideep Prasad VRej, I have a solution based on the
CopyMemory API. Check out your e-mail.
I have mailed you the solution
8/14/2001 10:11:59 AM:Juan Martin Diaz I want to know how to do it on a
network too please!
And with other
installed apps.
8/15/2001 9:42:03 AM:Mussel I gave you 5 blobs also - ease of use
is a great plus. Have you ever tried
to make 2 way peer-to-peer
communicaiton out of it? I'd be
8/15/2001 10:30:58 AM:Ultimatum There is a way to perform inter-process
communication over a network (and even
over the Internet if you know how), but
I'm afraid it requires the use of
8/15/2001 1:25:07 PM:Srideep Prasad I will reply to all your querries by
e-mail soon. I think the suggestion of
Ultimatum, about using mailslots is
feasible, but as he said, it may be a
bit inconvinient
9/20/2001 11:09:54 AM:Joe Fuentes I would love to get the answers to most
of the questions asked could you send
them all to me too it looks great.
9/22/2001 3:12:27 AM:ElctriX I'd like to know if that is possible to
communicate with existing programs. can
you also reply to me personnaly? I give
you 5 globes.
9/25/2001 4:52:48 AM:Mohan Nice code, 5 Globes....
can u give any
practical example where we can
implement this concept.
9/27/2001 5:00:35 AM:AnDy2552 can it be used to communicate with any
existing app on the system?
9/27/2001 5:02:09 AM:AnDy2552 can it also communicate with another
app residing on another peer computer
9/27/2001 12:39:21 PM:ROtt How 'bout making your replies about
other Apps and networking public?
Thanks for sharing the code!!!
9/27/2001 4:35:54 PM:raf Hey, good job so far..... but what if
you want to transmit other data then
strings (for instance COM Objects)?
Another thing, what if you want one
server to transmit to multiple clients?
I was not able to start multiple
clients at the same time.
9/28/2001 11:42:42 AM:Srideep Prasad Please note that InterCommVB uses a
entirely new method of performing DDE
and it is not compatible with
9/28/2001 4:41:03 PM:Mr_puniverse00 I know that this has been asked before,
but could you please e-mail about how
to communicate with existing apps too?
9/29/2001 6:19:39 AM:AlkanMM I too would like to compliment you on
providing the code (5 globes). How
about transferring COM objects amongst
multiple clients? I'm anticipating a
FAQ sometime soon.
9/29/2001 6:21:19 AM:AlkanMM 5 Globes for sharing great code! How to
send COM objects to multiple clients?
I'm anticipating a FAQ soon......
10/1/2001 4:15:08 AM:Victor The most elaborate shared code in this
domain I have seen so far. But please,
instead of replying personally to
questions or suggestions posted here,
why not just post here the new improved
versions ? This behaviour I don't
understand at all... 5 rounds from me.
10/1/2001 7:02:13 AM:Sridee Prasad As I have said before (few comments
earlier), InterCommVB II's DDE
techniqes are entirely novel and cannot
be used with existing apps that
10/1/2001 7:04:20 AM:Srideep Prasad InterCommVB's DDE techniques cannot be
used for communication with existing
apps that implement "standard" DDE
techniques.Also it has not been
designed to be implemented on a network.
10/23/2001 5:13:25 AM:Zee This is great!!! 5 Globes from me..
11/28/2001 6:49:21 PM:Peter Verburgh This is great ,
now i have the time to
study and look at your project.
i hope
you know me .. Net Watch V2.1 ?
question is can i mail you personally ,
if i have some little questions about
this great communication between 2 apps
If so , then i will tell you what i
want to program ,
my email:
1/8/2002 12:17:25 PM:Mirco Hi,
I'am an italian students, and i'm
trying to use InterCommVB in my Thesys
Project, for allow DDE comunication
between VB application.
I think
IntercommVB is fantastic, but i had
some problem when i whant to close the
channel from the server.
In the API
i see that in
IServer.disconnectfromchannel there
isn't the parameter channelID
so i'm
not able to disconnet the server from
the channel, to allow other application
to connect in the same channel
There is an error in the library? I'm
in error in using it?
Have you had
similar problem?
sorry for my orrendus english :)
1/8/2002 9:39:15 PM:Srideep Prasad Micro, There's no error in the library.
This ChannelID parameter is not
required to disconnect from a channel
since InterCommVB internally keeps
track of the channel id. I will clear
your doubts with a better explanation
which I shall send via e-mail
2/19/2002 1:01:56 AM:Joel Konecny good job on the project... i gave you 5
globes although that was not completely
my decision ;)... i am gonna have to
remember that little trick you pulled.
i would have givin you 5 globes anyway,
even without you trickin me into it
lol... good job.
4/24/2002 8:29:39 AM:pHroZeN GeeK Thanks for the cool code man!!! 5
globes from me... Please let me know
that if this technology can be used to
communicate with other existing
programs like IE etc... Your reply
will be greatly appreciated... One
more things I wanted to ask, whats the
advantage of using this VBInterComm
over the easy WinSock control??? please
let me know that...
Very nice
Regards, Ali Akbar (pHroZeN
5/8/2002 8:32:49 AM:Jack This code is awesome.
Please let me
know that if this technology can be
used to communicate with other existing
6/9/2002 12:08:47 PM:amir reza niakan I have worked by vb for 1 year
6/24/2002 12:18:25 PM:Qtronix Quite amazed by your excellence in
coding, fully documented with
understandable code. Ah, so much to
learn from you! :) 5 outta 5!
8/26/2002 6:07:23 PM:Zebo Sorry man, but i don't think this is
that good. Sure it can communicate
between other apps, but only apps that
you have the source code for or have
this source code installed. That's
easy, you can just make a file that all
the other files read out of. When you
think about it that's actually much
easier then getting into what you have
gotten into.
Now, it's still
very nice. But there are easier
Now, if the program could
retrieve and perform events from a
program that you haven't made or has
this source code installed in it very
easily... That would be amazing.
4/11/2003 8:15:17 AM:Thomas Sturm Hello Srideep!
this is one of the very
rare examples of excellence on PSC.
Just for ideas like that, properly
coded, it´s worth having this site -
even if most comments suggest that not
many people know what it´s all about
Thank you very much for this
contribution - and another 5...
5/8/2003 12:35:28 PM: I'm interested in knowing if this would
work with other windows Apps?
5/8/2003 12:36:08 PM: Please I'm also interested in knowing
if this works with other windows Apps
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