| | Submitted on: 9/4/2001 12:32:31 AM
By: Lee Trager
Level: Intermediate User Rating:
By 14 Users Compatibility:Microsoft Visual C++
Users have accessed this article 4375 times. | (About the author) |
| | MasterX Console FTP. This will show you how to program MasterX Console programs and FTP API at the same time!!! | |
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3) You may link to this article from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame.
4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the article or article's description. | I was inspired to write this program out of my frustration with other programs that transfer files using Winsock. Knowing that the FTP protocal is faster, I decided to use it. Originally I was going to make it able to use the mFTP protocal so that it could download the same file from many sites at the same time thereby increasing the download speed. It was very difficult, so when Jared asked me to write an FTP module for his program, MasterX Console, I was delighted.
FTP.h is a wonderful class full of fun filled FTP calls. It's really great for other uses as well, like program updates, game map downloads, etc.
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Other User Comments |
9/4/2001 12:39:27 AM:Jared Bruni totaly worth more then 5 globes, great
job lee, its amazing what you can do at
such a young age.
9/4/2001 12:45:21 AM:Jeremy McAnally Haha! This is awesome man!
9/4/2001 7:11:14 PM:nukem here's a free ftp server
PASS: someone@nowhere.net
9/4/2001 9:35:23 PM:Jared Bruni Nice one Lee, you deserve to win the
contest this month I think.
9/5/2001 2:46:36 PM:Shuster Very good!!!
9/6/2001 12:17:14 AM:Dave Overcash Great work! Just as Jared said, this
is great, especially if you're only 13!
That's great dude! I only started
when I was 13, nowhere near what you
can do!
9/6/2001 12:20:01 AM:Lee Trager thx for all ur great comments and votes
so far!
9/9/2001 9:48:11 PM:Jared Bruni You deserve it lee, we can all tell you
worked very hard on your submission. I
hope to see more MasterConsole utilitys
written by you, wait until you see
Deslocks version of MasterConsole, its
gonna be sweet.
9/30/2001 7:06:13 AM:Omer Kornitz Well, this is a pretty good piece of
code for a 13 year old, but it
definitely does not deserve winning the
monthly contest. the code is very
repetitive and amateurish, and not
really efficient. the console is
amazing though - great job jared. i
read ur tutorials about masterX and
found it to be an amazing piece of
7/18/2002 1:11:39 PM:tony nice job boy, you deserve to be the
winner in this month,at your age this
code is really powerfull.
7/18/2002 4:29:41 PM:Lee Trager heh thx
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