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MAS (Master Assembly Script) Alpha Release and the LoSt Downloads


Submitted on: 7/10/2001 6:58:48 PM
By: Jared Bruni  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 19 Users
Compatibility:C, C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++

Users have accessed this article 4980 times.

(About the author)
     This article contains 10 downloads in C and C++. Including the alpha release of my scripting language. As well as source code which was Lost. Console/DirectX/Win32 etc..

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MAS (Master Assembly Script) Alpha Release and the LoSt Downloads


Heres what some Mas Source code Would look Like

Heres the Assembler, which assembles the source file into MAS bytecode

Heres the Runtime which proccesses the bytecodes

So wheres Jared Been ?

Hello PSC , I have been pretty busy latley. Working with WebRaiser, I have gained alot of experience plus I have been having alot of fun at the same time. Time for me to get out, I spent so long programming alone in the house I needed a break. The software we are designing is coming along really nice, and I am proud to say that I was a part of a team which devloped such a cool product. Yeah but I anit forgot my PSC, I still got alot of code up my sleves , and this is just a little taste for you all until I return;

What is MAS

Well Mas is basicly a language, which is currently in devlopment. I thought up all the ways for which it will operate, as well as came up with all the bytecodes and how they are proccessed. The assembler (masasm) is written in the C Programming language, while the current runtime is written in the C++ programming language. I say this project is about 30% done, and is still in the very alpha stage. I think in a few more months it might be ready to do some stuff.

Features of Mas

Mas in essence is more of a asbstract way to write code, in the same way the Java programming language is. Applications written in MAS can stay within its bytecode form, or be translated into other forms of code specificly Java, C, C++, and possibly x86 assembly. I am working on all the different algorithms to translate the bytecode into the different languages, for the other compilers to proccess. In this article I will have a example of one of these applictions ( the mas bytecode to Java ). Once again this project is still in production! Mas is almost like a mix between Object Oriented Concepts of C++, with a mix of old school style Assembly programming. The Logic is the same, as assembly with code labels, logical compares with the cmp instruction, and jumps which base themselves off the flags register. However, there are no registers, instead the instructions can directly operate on the variables in there memory addresses. So while it looks kind similar to assembly, in reality its very different. Rather then just memorizing all the instructions, you create your own mnemoics and instruction opcodes to expand the language, and create your own custom interpreator. The language is strongly typed, however variables can be typecasted. MAS is not case sensitive. The bytecode, I choose to work less like how actual machine language works, and fit it towards a more Flexible bytecode with no limit on the size of the instruction opcode or the operands. Another feature mas provides is for objects a new type of constructor-deconstructor block, I call in-out code block, goes a lil somethin like this:

object Jared {

// constructor
begin {


// deconstructor
end {



hehe yeah there was a little pascal influence.. not much though.
What it will be used for, and what I am working on incorperating

Mas will be used for me mostly to do a few things, create a cool bytecode with a interp to plug into Vulcan and I's new game engine, and possibly play around with writing my own language. I Love the constructs of how languages work, and looking for new ways to solve problems. To me it is practice, and I think that the more I try the better ill get. A simple effort of small steps, to reach my goal.
Features I am currently incorperating
Inheritnace, Multiple Inheritance, Inheritance of compiled objects, Loop logic, and logical compares with the flags registers
Ability to create your own runtime and bytecode messages, so you can create your own instructions to plug into whatever type of application you want
can anyone say array of function pointers? :)

and most of all its just for fun and open source

So how long until its done ?

I say give me about a few months or so since I have to work, and do a whole lot of other stuff....

Mas System Devlopment Kit

This zip contains the compiled assembler, demo interperator, and some example source codes as well as compiled bytecodes for the interp to run. Reminder functionality is still fairly limited! since this is in VERY early stages of production. Download Mas System Devlopment Kit

MasAsm Assembler Source

This zip contains the assmeblers source code. This translates the masasm, into the bytecode. It is written in the C programming language Download MasAsm Assembler Source

MasInterp Source

This zip contains the source for the interp/runtime. It proccesses the bytecodes. (like the Java Virtual Machine)
It is written in the C++ programming language Download MasInterp Source

Mas to Java Source

This zip contains the source for algorithm, which will translate the bytecode into Java. Notice it is still extermly alpha
It is written in the C programming language Download Mas to Java Source

Also look out for my new C++ preproccescor I call M++. It gives you the ability to create pure OO applications but if you want, stil retain backwards compatiblity with all of C++.

Now for the lost downloads

As well all know last month the C++ section 'accidently' lost all of the code. So my games and such were lost. So I am going to repost links to the articles I have on my server. However much cool code was lost, and so was my game I worked really really hard on ;[.

File Lump Utility

This is part of the new MasterX SDK. It lets you takes files and press them into one. So say you want all your graphics and sounds in one file, and then when the game runs it extracts them uses them, and then deletes them. This gives you a GUI to make the Lumped files. It is written in the C programming language Download File Lump Source

MasterX SDK 1.9.2

The MasterX SDK 1.9.2 is a Devlopment Kit for creating 2D video games. The newest version, allows the proccessing of lumped files. As well as includes a mp3 player, and a whole lot more.

Download the MasterX SDK 1.9.2 Example
Download just the MasterX SDK 1.9.2

MasterPeice (spelled wrong on purpose) comeon "we dont need no education "

MasterPeice Features

Code Features
Classes, Nested classes, inheritance,
polymorphisim, binary file manipulation, Matrix's, Bubble Sort , Scrolling Credits, and more!.

Game Features

High Scores menu, Animations, Sounds, multiple difficulty modes and more!


I used to love this game for atari. Its extermly addicting game even in its simplicity. How it works is simliar to tetris, you have these blocks coming down from the sky, and by using the controls, you can toggle the colors of the blocks (a and s key). You have to line up 3 blocks of the same color from left to right,top to bottom, or diagnoal. As you destroy more lines, the speed increases. Note: Difficiutly can be changed.

Latley Vulcan Lord and I have been working on a application that we have kept kind of secert. For those of you who download my code alot, this will be very cool. =) I also got a job designing software localy


Download MasterPeice for Windows 2000

Click here to Download just the Game
Click here to Download the game and the source


Move left - Left Arrow Key
Move Right - Right Arrow Key
Move Down - Down Arrow Key
Return - Enter Key
Toggle Color 1 - A key Toggle Color 2 - S key

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/***************************** **********/

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Other User Comments
7/11/2001 2:05:13 PM:Steve Mack
I don't know how you do it =) Keep up the great work!
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7/11/2001 5:15:27 PM::)
holy sh*t thats some crazy code
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7/13/2001 6:05:42 PM:3D Gamer
What gave you the ideas to create all this stuff?
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7/13/2001 7:36:11 PM:Jared Bruni
I just keep trying. Practice is the key
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7/16/2001 1:23:57 AM:Vulcan
Rock on its finally been released! MAS kicks <expletive deleted>!!! just wait till the ever secret project...
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7/22/2001 12:11:38 PM:Verburgh Peter
This is very nice code !! i'm a VB programmer & put also my source here, but now i learning C/C++ and as i see your code.. this is more than 5 globes worth ! i give you the 5 globes !! (sorry can't give more :))
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7/22/2001 11:44:34 PM:Jared Bruni
Thank you for the positive feedback. I try my very best to provide you all with quality open source code to learn from. :) programming to me is like playing nintendo
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7/23/2001 12:18:20 AM:Bo
WOW that it some crazy sh*t man.... nice!!!
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7/23/2001 7:45:08 PM:Rhiannon
I dont understand how you have time to write all this stuff. Do you live in a cave?
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7/25/2001 1:13:49 AM:Jared Bruni
Hahah yes, I live under the sea with Ktulu
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7/31/2001 9:37:10 AM:Xeo
Sweet sh*t bro. I'd like to talk to you somehow, email me back ...
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7/31/2001 9:37:54 AM:Xeo
btw, nice hair! :)
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7/31/2001 10:18:21 AM:Roland Snijder
Still do you think practice is enough? I mean to make stuff like this I probably need a better mind too:) Anyway great work again Jared!
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7/31/2001 4:39:42 PM:Jared Bruni
Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I love my hair to :) you can reach me via aol through the screen name; Master322 or through aim on xmasterxx3
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7/31/2001 4:42:32 PM:Jared Bruni
I believe that you can obtain any level you desire if you just stick your mind to it. Practice as well as having a good open mind as positive attitude I believe to be very key ingredents in success. I didnt start writing software like this after a few months of study, I have been practicing for years. The same must be applied from you. I think ANYONE has it in them to be a great programmmer , its just do they really want to? If you ask me, the price you pay for your time invested is well worth it. It is very satisifying to see your dreams become reality.
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8/4/2001 5:11:57 PM:Jared Bruni
hehe also added escape character sequence, so you can just go \n \r etc
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8/4/2001 5:12:50 PM:Jared Bruni
im thinking the next beta will have most of the OO stuff built in, all the loop logic, the virtual stack, and alot of other nifty features im coming up with. Look for that soon
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8/4/2001 6:34:34 PM:Jared Bruni
I am also working on adding different levels of access (ie: private, public , protected) as well as giving each block the ability to have its own scope of variables. (rather then asm style, with just a data segment)
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8/28/2001 3:12:32 PM:Jared Bruni
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5/14/2002 6:01:49 AM:VeryImpressed
Dear jared , do you plan on making a virtual machine for your new language to make it platform independent much like java but a heck of alot faster.if so then email at thank,you. p.s. keep up the good work
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7/24/2002 3:55:24 PM:cJ!
awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im making a scrit laugage how do you make a print command if ya know e-mail me how thanx in advanse do you know how
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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