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IP to Long IP! Check it out!

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Submitted on: 3/22/2001 5:58:56 PM
By: Bruno Ribeiro 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 4 Users
Compatibility:5.0 (all versions), 4.0 (all versions), 3.0 (all versions)

Users have accessed this code 7457 times.
(About the author)
     This is a simple code that will take a make a normal ip a long ip! Long ips are like this one: 3333866552 (type this in the url on your browser if u doubt it works) The code is fully commented so any one with one day of perl coding can understand it. The code also explains how the convertion is done. I hope you like the code, and if u do, plz vote high for it =). If u have any doubt on it, post a comment here, i'll be glad on helping you =). Cya.
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    = Name: IP to Long IP! Check it out!
    = Description:This is a simple code that
    =     will take a make a normal ip a long ip! 
    =     Long ips are like this one: 3333866552 (
    =     type this in the url on your browser if 
    =     u doubt it works) The code is fully comm
    =     ented so any one with one day of perl co
    =     ding can understand it. The code also ex
    =     plains how the convertion is done. I hop
    =     e you like the code, and if u do, plz vo
    =     te high for it =). If u have any doubt o
    =     n it, post a comment here, i'll be glad 
    =     on helping you =). Cya.
    = By: Bruno Ribeiro
    =This code is copyrighted and has    = limited warranties.Please see http://w
    =     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
    =     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=174&lngWId;=6    =for details.    =**************************************
    #Long ips are not very well known and are a nice 
    #alternate to the normal ip
    #ex: www.linux.org = = 3333866552
    #so if u type 3333866552 in your browser u will 
    #be taken to linux.org.
    #Long ips are usefull for other things too, 
    #like on irc dcc chats
    #(if u don't know how irc dcc chats work go learn it)
    #LongIPS can also be used to bypass firewalls that 
    #blocks certain ips.
    #O well this code is really only to show 
    #how to do long ips
    #and i also commented every line so 
    #even a complete begginer can
    #understand this =)
    #Bruno Ribeiro
    print "Ip to LongIP by Bruno Ribeiro\n\nEnter the ip to be made long: ";
    #gets the user entry for ip
    $ip = <STDIN>;
    #when reading from stdin it is a nice idea to chomp the var =) 
    #comment the line below and run if u doubt me =)
    #it will have the same longip as result
    #but it will insert a line break when u print $ip =)
    chomp $ip;
    #this var only exists for u to understand better how to convert an ip to a long ip.
    $n = 256;
    #this takes the $ip entered and splits it into the . so 
    #each part of it is stored in the array
    @sip = split(/\./,$ip);
    #this calculates the long ip
    $fip = (@sip[0]*($n * $n * $n))+(@sip[1]*($n * $n))+(@sip[2] * $n) + (@sip[3]);
    print "The long ip for $ip is: $fip";

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(The code with your highest vote will win this month's coding contest!)
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Other User Comments
3/22/2001 6:51:33 PM:Jeff
Very Handy! Simple yet Small thanks!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/29/2001 10:03:51 AM:Orhan
Nice and concise!
But the correct 
format of accessing array elements 
: $array[index]
If you had used strict, 
then this would have been pointed out.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/29/2001 12:14:21 PM:Bruno Ribeiro
O well, it is known that on perl u have 
lots of ways of doing the same thing 
=). But thanks for the comment =)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/31/2001 2:05:57 AM:PaC
why go through all 
ngip*256+$_ for split /\./;
and yes you can use @array[] to access 
an element.
@array[index] is an array 
I suggest you check out 
perldoc/man perldata
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/1/2002 8:18:52 AM:
Long IP is more formally known as IPv6 
as well.
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2/27/2003 1:05:37 PM:serpent
mine comes up with loads of errors
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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