| | Submitted on: 5/2/2001 2:42:27 AM
By: Jared Bruni
Level: Intermediate User Rating:
By 43 Users Compatibility:Microsoft Visual C++
Users have accessed this article 11233 times. | (About the author) |
| | This is a 2D video game. <br><b><u>Features</u></b><br><br><br><b> Is now Compatible with DirectX 8 </b><br><br>
2 Programs<br>
Level Editor and game itself<br>
Game comes with 5 levels. Contains over 60 bitmaps
and 23 source files total. <br><br>Some of the features of the game itself<br><br>
Projectiles , 2D Character Animation, Tile map, Options Screen, Start Screen
Game Over Screen, About Screen,SoundHandler, and level select screen. The code is fully object oriented however does not use MFC or the Visual C++ code generators. Code features including enumerated constants, abstract data types, inheritance,pure virtual functions and more. Utilizing MasterX SDK 1.8, and all code was typed out by hand.<br><br>
Now contains level add on pack "Grandma Returns" Designed by Lee Trager<br><br>
<u><b>Update #2</b></u><br><br>
Now contains new level addon pack with the "master X" level and "Desktop duel" by Carter Brown
<u><b> Update #3</b></u><br><br>
MasterKong 1.1 realeased
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2 Programs Level Editor and game itself.
Game comes with 5 levels. Contains over 60 bitmaps
and 23 source files total.
Some of the features of the game itself
Projectiles , 2D Character Animation, Tile map, Options Screen, Start Screen
Game Over Screen, About Screen,SoundHandler, and level select screen. The code is fully object oriented , does not use mfc or the Visual C++ code generators. Utilizing MasterX SDK 1.8, and all code was typed out by hand.
The game was inspried video games of the past which I still adore. I took a few different concepts and put them together to create this. It was more of a project I would work on , when I was fursterated with with my bigger projects. This game is for educational purposes only.
MasterKong 1.2 for Windows 2000
MasterKong 1.1
Download Game and Source
Whats New in 1.1
Minor bug fixes, and made compatible with
both DirectX8 and direct7 and below. (For anything sooner then DirectX7 comment out the line
from MasterX.h
Color Keys Fixed
Joystick "non stop jump" Bug Fixed
Added After each jump, key must be released before
you can jump again
Thanks to Deslock for finding the color key compatibility issue, and thanks to smut for finding the joystick 'non stop' jump.
MasterKong 1
Download just the game
Download the game source
Download the level editor source
If you wish to change the graphics, or make a new interface
email me it, ill post it.
Level Addons
Grandma Returns by Lee Trager Intermindate Pack by Jared Bruni "MasterX" and "Desktop Duel" by Carter Brown
How to install an addon
unzip the zip file into the directory containing the game, overwriting the prevous files
How to play
The concept of the game is simple, destroy the evil grandmother zombie. She runs around in her wheelchair with her flower hat, looking to destroy you. If her projectiles hit you, your toast. Your only resort is to use your weapon.
A - Jump
S - Shoot your shot gun
Left Key - Move Left
Right Key - Move Right
Joysticks are available during game play
Featured Screen Shots

New Screen Shot!

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Other User Comments |
5/2/2001 3:29:45 AM:Jared If theres any artists out there who
want to touch up the graphics, or send
me levels, I would like to post them.
5/2/2001 3:30:24 PM:nukem nice game!!!
5/2/2001 5:00:29 PM:Bonk Jared with the great graphics i hve
made i can't believe u are looking for
ther artsts haha
5/2/2001 5:27:24 PM:bo cool game man i love da graphics
5/2/2001 5:57:26 PM:nukem yo guys jared asked me to make u all
some lvls. I made 1 called grandmas
house. If you think the lvls it came w/
r hard wait till u try this out. I
figured out how to make it look like in
mario how he jumps out of the pipe its
5/2/2001 6:28:52 PM:Jared Bruni Thank you all for the nice comments =]
5/2/2001 7:08:26 PM:Deslock Another great source code from
this code is a must-have for
every game developers !! viva el
MasterX 1.8 SDK !
5/3/2001 8:36:50 PM:nukem I just finised the levels(5) and a
story(funny) for it. I just sent all of
it to jared.
Im not sure when we'er
gona post it, it might be later tonight.
5/5/2001 2:54:29 PM:Jared Bruni I just posted nukems levels, if anyone
else wants to design some with the le
email me them and ill post them.
5/5/2001 10:28:46 PM:Steve Mack For some reason I can't play my saved
5/6/2001 5:20:09 PM:Jared Bruni This version, only has the menu
selection for the default levels, edit
5/6/2001 5:21:02 PM:nukem replace level 1 level 2 ect. use the
same name as them.
5/14/2001 10:12:16 AM:Python OMG this game rox! man i wish i could
do stuff like this. You know what you
should do Jared?, try make a 3D RPG
game, goto www.auranjet.com that's a
good 3D engine.
5/16/2001 3:12:17 PM:Jared Bruni I am already working on a 3D engine,
for an RPG game with a few other
awesome programmers. It will be out in
the future.
5/16/2001 3:18:08 PM:Jared Bruni Note, on some computers some of the
hero and grandma's images come out
incorrect. The colors dont show, if
this happens to you , change all the
colors keys on those 2 images from
248,0,248 to 255,0,255
5/16/2001 8:13:37 PM:Jared Bruni Thanks to deslock for finding those
problems with the color key under
different versions of windows.
5/17/2001 1:43:04 PM:Benjamin Marty Hm. Well, if you liked this, and if
you're not violently opposed to VB,
there's another program here on planet
source code that should interest you --
The Scrolling Game Development
5/17/2001 3:40:15 PM:Jared Bruni Thanks to Carter for the cool levels,
be sure to visit his sites at
5/21/2001 2:55:43 PM:roland snijder This codes are all magical for me:) I
still have to learn very mutch. I did
some graphical programming in VB, but
that's a long time ago. I only made
some win-apps (and a couple of unix
console) in C++, mainly string
manipulation. I also liked your
complacted script language code:) Also
I don't fully onderstand it I learned
from it.
Anyway I want to start making
graphical games again is DirectX a
better choise is OpenGl since I already
have a little OpenGl experience en none
DirectX. Should I learn DirectX anyway?
If I want to make a very simple game
like snake what should I all use?
5/21/2001 3:18:15 PM:Roland Snijder BTW isn't it better to replace
my = 75+25;
my = 75+50;
my = 75+50+25;
my = 75+50+25*2;
my =
my = 100 + (25 * curmenu);
5/21/2001 3:21:57 PM:Jared Bruni Yea there are a few optomizations that
can be made , considering the rate at
which this code was written.
5/21/2001 3:23:07 PM:Jared Bruni Thanks for the feedback I apperciate it
5/22/2001 4:32:35 AM:Jared Bruni Choice between DirectX and OpenGL is
yours. I think DirectX is over
complicated and quite tedious to use at
times. OpenGL has its advantages as it
is used on multiple platforms. However
on windows I use DirectX because it has
more features, and is flexible. You
decide =]
5/25/2001 7:16:56 PM:jm_1983310@yahoo.ca I think your work is awesome, Jared,
but i could have made some improvement.
I don't have the time for it, and i'm
working on another big project!
it up, you'll someday find what you're
looking for!
6/17/2001 6:44:00 PM:Mark Lu How do you do it in windows? (I not
advanced in C/C++) Anyway, this is good
enough to get somebody to buy this.
6/18/2001 7:09:53 AM:Jared Bruni Thanks for the nice comment Mark, well
how do I do it in windows ? Practice
practice practice, until I have coded
so much the skin peels off my fingers.
no Pain no gain
6/19/2001 9:45:58 PM:Jared Hey I just installed win2k, and I
notice the timers run at different
speeds. So if your running 2k and want
the game to run at the correct speed,
on the line
with the InitTimer
the speed will be correct
6/19/2001 9:46:50 PM:Jared Bruni m$ needs to work on making different
varations of there Operating Systems
7/6/2001 11:51:23 AM:zeldafreak1117 How do you get a bitmap from paint to
your compiler to put in a program? My
E-mail is zeldafreak1117@yahoo.com
7/23/2001 7:42:34 PM:Rhiannon Haha the mario in this game looks like
hes on crack !!
7/23/2001 8:48:22 PM:Jared Bruni Haha yeah, hes pretty ghetto :)
8/1/2001 12:25:33 AM:Jared Bruni "imagine"
9/27/2001 4:38:01 PM:Andy I have to admit Jared, this is really
cool. See you in class!
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