| | Submitted on: 1/31/2001 4:50:02 PM
By: Sirrus
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 10 Users Compatibility:3.0 (all versions)
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| | This is an example of a basic Perl loop. | |
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Other User Comments |
1/31/2001 6:16:15 PM:Brandon McPherson Where is the rest of it?
1/31/2001 6:40:20 PM:Sirrus That is all of it, a loop is just one
line of code
1/31/2001 10:19:30 PM:Brandon McPherson There should also be a closing }, no?
2/1/2001 5:43:03 AM:Pablo Robert I think you hit the enter before the
2/2/2001 7:11:05 AM:James Lamb Are some of you looking for something
like this
for($x=0;$x<=100;$x++) {
2/2/2001 7:13:27 AM:James Lamb Let me try this again
for($x=0;$x<=100;$x++) { print
2/9/2001 12:57:04 PM:PaC Perl has multiple
recursive subs can even be
2/21/2001 9:20:32 AM:Travis aren't you always going to be stuck in
this loop because you are constantly
reseting the value of $x to 0 ??
3/2/2001 9:45:09 AM:Brandon McPherson No Travis, because you're saying that
("X will start at 0, do the task and
add one to X. Keep doing that until
X=99 or 100")
3/21/2001 12:14:12 PM:Bruno Ribeiro ROFLMAO @ your article... lol lol lol
3/21/2001 6:17:19 PM:Robin North The construct is not complete without
the closing brace, and Brandon, it
finishes when $x is greater than 100.
3/22/2001 9:34:44 AM:Joseph Hunter actually.. < means less than.. x starts
at 0 so.. that loop wont even run.
3/22/2001 4:03:37 PM:Bruno Ribeiro LOL @ your comment Joseph! the loop
will run! have u ever coded in perl? if
not just run this perl
print "\n$x";
by doing
this u will c that the loop stops when
$x = 100, it is a shame having ppl who
don't even know what they r saying
posting comments, plz go learn b4
saying anything (the code will print
101 lines each line contains a # from 0
to 100). Bleh. Laterz
3/23/2001 6:22:59 AM:Robin North Technically Bruno the loop stops when
$x equals 101. The post incremental
operator ($x++) increments $x after
execution of code contained within loop
and then the loop test ($x<=100)
returns false i.e $x is NOT less than
or equal to 100, thus ending the
looping process. I thought this was a
forum for helping ppl not flaming them
- I think you need to read what YOU
wrote as YOUR loop test! HTH
3/23/2001 12:09:43 PM:yeah sorry I just get pissed when i c ppl who
don't even know what they r saying
posting comments saying something is
wrong, i wrote this code in the momment
i saw the post about that guy answering
to yer other post. I didn't even test
it it is just obvious what he code
would do. Laterz
3/29/2001 3:52:03 AM:Iwan LOL, this stuff is funny, i thought
this was a place for coders, but i see
also humorists are welcome. By the way,
$x starts at 0, then it checks if $x is
below or equal to 100, then adds 1.
Since it is is a for loop it won't
continue executing the code inside the
loop when $x is greater then 100, it
will however add 1 to $x AFTER the the
max is reached, so it will come to a
total of 101, not loops, but $x. if you
dont understand, check it with the
following code:
#! /usr/bin/perl
for ($x = 0; $x <= 100; $x++ )
3/29/2001 3:54:02 AM:Iwan the code from the last post was messed
up, here it comes again:
for ($x =
0; $x <= 100; $x++ ) {
print "$x\n";
4/16/2001 1:25:32 PM:James Yah, this code is ignorant. Anbody who
knows Perl knows how to do a simple
loop such as this one...ugh! Post
something worth reading and viewing ;-)
Oh, btw, check out my site <a
VB</a>. We have alot of VB stuff but
the whole site is based off Perl so if
you wanna see a website with some Perl
action, then scope this site. Thanx
4/21/2001 1:57:24 AM:Synthesize Hey James! I didn't know that you were
a member here! Please, everyone, check
out our site!!! It is Perl-based, like
James said. I did most of it, but I am
letting James do a bit here and there.
It is a good start, but we need to get
all of the pages up! Bye!
2/1/2002 6:04:04 PM:Hawk I think what confuses most programmers
is the fact it says ;$x<=100; when you
are thinking in your head "when $x>=100
then stop". The logic of the "for"
loop is actually "so long as $x<=100,
then keep going". The fact the author
forget his ending } is irrelevent since
you know to do this anyway.
4/8/2002 3:17:37 PM:mike Hi, How do we break in the middle of
the loop? a
10/7/2003 5:32:12 PM:jbrahy ok, let's really screw up your
paradigm... Larry's favorite quote is,
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