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Capture Screen or Active Window


Submitted on: 4/23/1999
By: Dalin Nie 
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 108 Users
Compatibility:VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 23561 times.
     This function capture the screen or the active window of your computer Programmatically and save it to a .bmp file. This may allows you to get another machine's screen through network!!! Fully tested in VB5.
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' Name: Capture Screen or Active Window
' Description:This function capture the 
'     screen or the active window of your comp
'     uter
Programmatically and save it To a .bmp file. This may allows you to Get another machine's
screen through network!!! Fully tested In VB5.
' By: Dalin Nie
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=1621&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

'1: Declare
' This should be in the form's heneral d
'     eclaration area. 
' If you do it in a module, omit the wor
'     d "Private"

Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, _
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    '2. The Function
    ' You can add this to your form's code
    ' or you can put it in a module if the d
    '     eclaration is in a module

Public Function fSaveGuiToFile(ByVal theFile As String) As Boolean

' Name: fSaveGuiToFile ' Author: Dalin Nie ' Written: 4/2/99 ' Purpose: ' This procedure will Capture the Screen ' or the active window of your Computer an ' d Save it as ' a .bmp file ' Input: ' theFile file Name with path, where you ' want the .bmp to be saved ' ' Output: ' True if successful ' Dim lString As String On Error Goto Trap 'Check if the File Exist If Dir(theFile) <> "" Then Exit Function 'To get the Entire Screen Call keybd_event(vbKeySnapshot, 1, 0, 0) 'To get the Active Window 'Call keybd_event(vbKeySnapshot, 0, 0, 0 ' ) SavePicture Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap), theFile fSaveGuiToFile = True Exit Function Trap: 'Error handling MsgBox "Error Occured In fSaveGuiToFile. Error #: " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description End Function
' 3. To call the function, add the code: Call fSaveGuiToFile(yourFileNAme) ' Example: in a command1_click event add ' : call fSaveGuiToFile("C:\Scrn_pic.bmp") ' 'When you run your app, click command1, ' the screen will be saved in c:\scrn_pic. ' bmp.

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Other User Comments
4/23/1999 11:40:00 AM:Matt
How do i get it to take a pcture of 
someones desktop over the 
please help i could have 
a lot of fun with my friends... freak 
them out!
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4/27/1999 1:56:00 AM:Neil Ramsbottom
I too would like to be able to 
a screenshot over the network 
I can keep a watch on my 
while he is using my Internet 
I can get the code to 
work on a local
Matt - I 
would suggest that you make
connection program which will
the screen locally(on the remote
and then send the file as packets
your unit.
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4/27/1999 5:40:00 AM:Dalin
This is what you need to do:
1. Make a 
shared folder in the machine you want 
to watch, so that you can access files 
in that drive
2. Develop a little app, 
just put a timer, check every so often 
as you desire, every time the timer 
coms on, check the shared folder to see 
if the image file exist, if not, 
capture the screen and store there;
In your own macheine, look for the 
image in the shared folder. When you 
want a new look, just delete the old 
one. The app in the other machine will 
do a new one for you.
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5/1/1999 7:10:00 PM:kianwei
How to send the captured image back
my computer thru winsock in VB ?
Winsock in VB able to send
binary file 
or image ?
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5/4/1999 5:33:00 PM:(omitted)
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5/6/1999 11:40:00 AM:thx
you can probably include the machine 
address in the path, 
\\\c$, as long as 
the process has write access to that 
machine.  Maybe I am incorrect 
though...  Another neat idea is to turn 
on another clients microphone and 
stream the wav back to your own machine 
- then u can see AND hear what they are 
doing - heheh!
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5/11/1999 9:57:00 AM:john
how do i call it? from a command button 
or a function command?
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5/14/1999 4:13:00 PM:LoGo
Is there a way to detrmine what color 
mode/color pallete (256, 16bit, etc.) 
that the BMP will be saved in? Becasue 
sending a large BMP every seconds would 
really lag the computers.
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5/15/1999 7:02:00 AM:Greg
when i used youre program in vb6 6 it 
said compile error and improper end 
function. Do you knwo how this can be 
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5/17/1999 8:29:00 PM:nattinee wittayapanya
i'm beginner use vb6 please comment web 
or tic or use to    me thank you
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5/19/1999 11:18:00 AM:Raed al malhy
Cool ??
Can i get only the area i want 
on the form
by defining x and y .
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5/22/1999 5:59:00 PM:SnYpPe
Does any one know any command to turn 
off the monitor on a remote computer or 
hide/show start button and the tray 
Why can't I make .exe with my 
Visual Basic 5 - control creation (some 
thing like that? I can compile it to 
see if it would work as an .exe but 
that is just temporery. What is wrong? 
Please mail me if u can help 
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5/23/1999 7:05:00 PM:Happydude
How do you call it?  And what is the 
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5/29/1999 4:30:00 AM:lalim
Can U sent the project in zip file 
to me.  
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6/2/1999 12:31:00 PM:ashok
How does one capture a DOS window 
session/a client area or a 
defined area ?
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6/8/1999 4:15:00 PM:Kurupt
hey i would like to know how to make a 
admin server /network way to get a 
screen shot from other peeps comps!!
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6/24/1999 7:06:00 AM:Stew
To capture a dos window, you must get 
the handle of the active window (full 
screen dos window), resize the window, 
then use the code above to save it as a 
file. Then just set the window to full 
screen again.
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6/24/1999 8:14:00 AM:Jay otaku
Mine doesn't work in vb6.  It compile 
errors. what do i do?
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7/15/1999 12:19:00 PM:Nick
I am new and I have been trying to 
figure out how to make this code work, 
but I don't know a lot about VB 
programming yet.  I tried placing the 
code in a form, but I don't know how to 
activate the code?  Do I place it in 
like command button click or something? 
 And also.. where do I put the name of 
the file I want to save it as and the 
directory that I want to save it 
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7/23/1999 8:15:00 AM:Steve
Nick, you need to put the api in a 
module.  As for those of you wondering 
how to send the pic over a network you 
need to do these steps..
save the 
file (which this program does I 
open it as a binary file
the binary file as a message over the 
network to whatever computer you want 
to recieve it
then have the other 
computer recieve it and make it's 
picture the bitmap.  It's not to hard.  
I will post an example as soon as I 
have time.
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7/23/1999 8:47:00 AM:Jeans
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7/23/1999 4:49:00 PM:Passive Matrix
If you want to add a GUI, not to hard 
but I thought I should post it. Make a 
button, textbox and a checkbox. Paste 
this into the form
Sub Command1_Click()
If Check1.Value = 
1 Then
Text1.Text = App.Path & 
End Sub
Private Sub 
Text1.Text = App.Path & 
End Sub
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7/23/1999 5:45:00 PM:Pasive Matrix
Does anyone know how to have the 
program take a picture when you press a 
key? Like when you minimize the window, 
hilight Internet Explorer and press f12 
it takes a screenshot?
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7/23/1999 8:41:00 PM:Yoesoef
I've tried to send the file through 
winsock. It's binary file (1 M). 
the client can't receive all the file. 
The client only receive less than 50 
How solving the problem 
These are the codes:
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Ff as 
Integer, By() as Byte
Ff = 
Open "C:\WINDOWS\Shot.bmp" 
For Binary as #Ff
ReDim By(1 to 
Get #Ff, , By
End Sub
Private Sub 
Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal 
As Long)
Dim Ff as Integer, By() as 
Ff = FreeFile
By, vbArray + vbByte
"C:\WINDOWS\Shot1.bmp" For Binary as 
Put #Ff, , By
Close #Ff
End Sub
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7/23/1999 9:17:00 PM:Kevino
Great code.  I would like to point out 
that it doesn't seem to work if a file 
with the same name already exists.  You 
should make sure that the old bitmap 
file is deleted first before attempting 
to overwrite the file.
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7/23/1999 10:07:00 PM:Kevino
Duh...forget my last comment
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7/26/1999 7:05:00 AM:Steve
NOw use this to go a step further with 
a network.  Use GetCursorPos to get 
your cursor's position, then use 
SetCursorPos on their computer to set 
their cursors position to yours.  Using 
winsock to send data.  Then when your 
done with that find out some api that 
allows you to cause a double click or 
single click to occur and use it to 
open programs.  I am working on this, 
however am stuck on the clicking part.  
Basicly I want to make a program for 
troubleshooting over a network.  It 
already uses sendkeys so you can type 
into things, etc, you click on a text 
box then just type on the keyboard and 
it sends whatever you type, however it 
isn't working yet as far as that goes 
because of the mouse.  I know the 
sendkeys work though because if the 
textbox of the program has focus you 
can type into it.  Other than that, it 
is working great.  If anyone has any 
ideas on how to do the click and double 
click please email me.  
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7/28/1999 12:10:00 PM:Ron
This code works good, but if there is 
somthing in the clipboard first it will 
just be a blank picture. For some 
reason I can't clipboard.clear it out 
This works real well 
Use the same header 
Private Sub 
Dim x As Integer
'Entire Screen
keybd_event(vbKeySnapshot, 1, 0, 0)
 Image1.Picture = 
Me.Left = 0
    Me.Top = 0
Me.Width = Screen.Width
= Screen.Height
End Sub
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8/11/1999 10:34:00 AM:AaronC
Not much of a solution for the 
clipboard problem, but I have noticed 
that if you call clipboard.clear 
several times from an outside proc then 
it clears it out correctly.
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8/14/1999 7:21:00 PM:The DonutMan
I have an idea for the clipboard 
problem.  Maybe if a DoEvents command 
is added after Clipboard.Clear, then it 
may clear correctly.  That would 
explain why multiple clears works while 
a single one does not.  To all of you 
who are wondering about getting a 
screenshot across a network, you must 
first learn to use the Winsock control. 
 Once you've learned that, you have to 
install a copy of the program on both 
computers, and then have one of the 
computers periodically send a screen 
shot back to the other.
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8/16/1999 9:13:00 PM:Daniel
Ummm 1 prob, this savepiccture method 
saves a file over 1 meg big
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8/18/1999 1:25:00 AM:Dan
Inorder to send a image or any binary 
file over a TCP\IP connection you will 
have to somehow compress it. Also, 
sending image files, especialy clear 
and well taken ones such as this will 
take some time. Best would be to write 
a simple WINSOCK API application of a 
client\server. But to send winsock 
files is complex. I am currently 
developing a internet communications 
program with file transfer technology, 
but this is being done in Pascal and 
C++ so posting it here wont do much 
good... Best of luck
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8/23/1999 4:00:00 AM:Mike
Dan: You don't have to compress any 
file to be able to send it via TCP/IP, 
it just takes longer!.  Using the VB 
winsock control to send data is very 
easy, a 5 minute job.
Yosoef:  You 
have to split the file into small 
chunks (i.e. less than 50k) and send it 
one chunk at a time.  The file will 
have to be pieced together at the other 
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8/23/1999 4:08:00 AM:Mike
Everyone seems to be very keen to do 
remote access to another 
Go and download Timbuktu 
 you can observe and control a remote 
PC over a TCP network. (evaluation copy 
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8/30/1999 6:09:00 PM:BillyTBashed5446
You Use WINSOCK PEOPLE If need me to 
send you a Sorce Code TOO BAD! But i 
will happily make it into an exe if you 
trust me!!!! -BILLY
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9/12/1999 2:06:00 AM:me
is this all u guys do with vb is try to 
figure out how to make ur own netbus¿  
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9/13/1999 3:29:00 PM:Paper-Maker
For all of you asking about the error 
"380, Invalid Properity Value", it is 
because you are not declaring your file 
name. Insert this code like in a 
command button or something:
yourFileNAme As String
yourFileNAme = 
I am 
currently working on some sorta netbus 
type thing, with network and all, so 
e-mail me in a month and you can see if 
I have finished it or not.
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9/18/1999 1:45:00 PM:unkown
Anyone know how to create an app like 
Screen Recorder which saves every thing 
you do to as a avi file?
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10/30/1999 3:34:00 AM:LAW Chun Wai
How am i supposed to write a program 
which capture video from a USB camera?
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11/28/1999 9:12:00 AM:X24™
Is it possible to capture only a part 
of a form, let's say a picturebox or a 
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12/10/1999 12:03:00 PM:nick
Hey I'm writing a screensaver in vb 5.0 
I have it mostly done but I'm having 
problems getting the images to flip 
what code should I use to get it to 
flip correctly on like a 10 second 
timer? thanks a lot I'm new at this vb 
stuff I have been doing it for all of 
two days now so any additional thoughts 
on how to make a good screensaver in vb 
would be greatly appreciated
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1/20/2000 7:32:27 PM:jamie
i will make a fully functioning screen 
capturer for networks and internet.
you want it email me at 
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1/24/2000 11:21:28 PM:Spoofer
You make a tcp/ip connection or use 
winsock. Then make a command in the 
program to sent to a user to send the 
file to you  over the internet. Then 
make another tcp/ip or winsock program 
to execute the command and accept the 
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11/4/2000 12:57:19 AM:Exeat
Ok... just browsing down these messages 
I noticed people wanting to screen 
capture over networks to freak people 
out and stuff like that.
Well... you 
can all just download Sub7 which will 
basically have the victim in your 
control, this program can basically do 
anything you want to their 
The main drawback of this 
is that they have to have ther 
server.exe file on their computer and 
they have to run it.
I'm working on 
a program that will do this for you, 
but until then... you'll have to con 
them into thinking they need what you 
are sending them.
If you have 
decided to get this program, download 
it for free off 
http://subseven.slak.org/main.html oh 
yeah, you will be using this at your 
own risk because it is illegal unless 
you have permission from the owner.
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6/19/2001 4:21:45 PM:random
what you want is netbus...eheheh
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3/28/2002 7:32:07 PM:ThFabba
well, u might have seen that i voted 
with 'poor' for this code but i wont do 
that without explaining why of 
course... at first i think pressing the 
print screen key is a very strange 
(discouraged) way for a program to do a 
screenshot since there are a couple of 
functions, like BitBlt, which one can 
use easily for that purpose. There are 
some good examples here for capturing 
screen or active window or only parts 
of those. Also the code could be better 
commented since there was even a 
question like 'Can I do this with 
specific X and Y coordinates?' which is 
not possible with this code (except if 
u extract a part of the image from 
clipboard) meaning that unexperienced 
people cannot understand what this code 
really does (although they should know 
how to find keybd_event in msdn :\ ). 
continues below...
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3/28/2002 7:32:25 PM:ThFabba
Another thing is that i wouldnt suggest 
using keybd_event for simulating a 
keypress since that function has been 
superseded by the SendInput function 
which will be more effective. so i just 
think this code is not a good way to 
take a screen shot...
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6/2/2003 1:54:00 PM:
Could this code be inserted into VBA, 
like Office Access module?  What else 
should I add to make it work in VBA?  
Because I always fail to make the 
function work 
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6/2/2003 1:56:21 PM:
How can I make this code work in Office 
VBA?  Because I always fail to make the 
line work correctly.  "SavePicture 
Thanks in advance.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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