| | Submitted on: 4/2/2001 1:34:41 AM
By: Jared Bruni
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 20 Users Compatibility:Microsoft Visual C++
Users have accessed this article 8908 times. | (About the author) |
| | MasterRPG is a 2D rpg game. This is the first alpha release and it is in very early stages of production. So far it contains, the console, the basics of the tile map , plus the character can walk around while being animated. Theres still a whole lot left to be done, and yet it is already around 3139 lines of code. Full source can be downloaded within this article. * updated, now includes a link to download the alpha of the map editor.
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MasterRPG is a video game that I am making that uses MasterX SDK 1.5 as its engine. What I am going to do is go through this game as an example, as each part is devloped I will release a new build of the source, so you can go with me step by step as the source code is written. You can download the source by clicking Here
If you got windows 2000 you should download this version
you can download the alpha of the map editor by clicking Here
if you got any ideas or want to make art, please post a response message.
How its going to work, is I am going to setup a cool Map editor, and each map, will be able to link to any given other number of maps, to setup a large world you could say. As the game proggresses and the hero's skill evolves, he will have different quests to accomplish.
Heres another screen shot

Thanks for your time, and look for the ALPHA 2 pretty soon with a grip of new features and updates
- Jared Bruni
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Other User Comments |
4/3/2001 7:27:44 PM:deslock wow! another great game engine by
It's really good for starters
and got a lot of enhanced functions
4/3/2001 8:22:21 PM:Jared Thank you very much. I am working on
the 1.6 and the ALPHA 2 right now =)
4/5/2001 1:38:33 PM:Dan Mayor Another god like submission from the
Master Jered Bruni!!
~Dan Mayor
~SubinaC Productions
4/13/2001 1:29:19 AM:Ian Stewart where did you learn to do this kind of
stuff? I would like to do the same, but
can't find what I need!
4/13/2001 1:59:11 AM:Jared Bruni Everything I know how to do I gained
through hard work. Trial and error
experiences were a key ingredient, and
continue to be so. All I can say for me
Pratice is what unlocked the door. My
Favorite game programming books that I
read so far are:
Awesome Power of
DirectX/Direct3D by Peter J.
Real-Time Strategy Game
Programming by Mickey Kawick
95 Game SDK Strategy Guide by Calyton
Walnum (first one I ever read, before
DirectX was called DirectX)
4/13/2001 3:54:18 AM:Jared Bruni opps I meant practice not pratice
4/18/2001 7:40:26 PM:REETO Didly darn my only compliant is that it
is not done. Hurry up and finish it
casue this is cool man!-
4/25/2001 7:26:22 PM:Consoneo Well Jared, I want you to win this so I
voted excellent on your game engine
(Which it ALWAYS is!)
Good luck
5/20/2001 3:07:31 PM:tommacco Great code, I wish more people posted
code and tutorials like yours. Great
to learn from.
5/20/2001 4:16:04 PM:Jared Bruni So much support from all you people is
why I continue to slave away to provide
awesome examples =]
6/20/2001 1:09:52 PM:Jared Bruni Hey I just installed win2k, and I
notice the timers run at different
speeds. So if your running 2k and want
the game to run at the correct speed,
on the line with the InitTimer make it
mxhwnd.InitTimer(1,50); and the speed
will be correct, or you can change it
to the speed that you want.
9/13/2001 11:31:30 AM:Joseph Harvey This is good meat.
2/7/2002 10:26:15 PM:Tanis Tell me, this looks really like the
Graal Online of old. Is that what this
is supposed to be?I really hope that
you get it working.
5/29/2002 3:25:49 AM:Jewel Excellent!!! Thanks for sharing your
knowledge... It would be a great help
to aspiring game programmers.
6/3/2002 4:02:44 PM:C++ Newbie Can someone give me a compiler
everything i've downloaded has like 30
errors and i can never run them
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