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Multiple Clickable Bitmaps on a drop menu in a for


Submitted on: 2/14/1999
By: Patrick K. Bigley  
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 100 Users
Compatibility:VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 8878 times.
     Very short code! Newly updated and it WORKS! Display bitmaps instead of text on a drop menu, in a form. Use the VB Menu Editor to create a menu with sub menus, the code does the rest!! So easy you will slap yourself for using other people's lengthy drawn-out codes.

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' Name: Multiple Clickable Bitmaps on a 
'     drop menu in a for
' Description:Very short code! Newly upd
'     ated and it WORKS! Display bitmaps inste
'     ad of text on a drop menu, in a form. Us
'     e the VB Menu Editor to create a menu wi
'     th sub menus, the code does the rest!! S
'     o easy you will slap yourself for using 
'     other people's lengthy drawn-out codes.
' By: Patrick K. Bigley
' Returns:Places images onto a menu
' Assumes:Create a form (Form1)
Add a module (Module1)
Add three image controls (Image1, Image2, Image3)
Assign a small BITMAP For Each Image Control In 
its picture property.
IMPORTANT: You need To create a Menu, so go to 
the VB Menu Editor (Ctrl+E) and create a main menu.
Then create 3 Sub Menus. It doesn't matter what you
name any of the menus or menu options because this
code does the work For you.
Copy and paste the API into a Module (Module1)
Copy and paste the rest of the code into
the form (Form1)
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=1394&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim hMenu As Long, hSubMenu As Long, MenuID As Long '**************Bonus Code Below********* ' ******************************** 'This bonus code adds a bitmap to the fo ' rm's main drop menu. Click the 'titlebar with the right mouse button to ' see thr effect. hMenu = GetMenu(Form1.hwnd) hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, 0) MenuID = 0 'MenuID = &HF120; 'This places the bitmap ' as first, but looks distorted 'when the option is not minimized. This ' is the "restore" option. X% = ModifyMenu(hMenu, MenuID, MF_BITMAP, MenuID, CLng(Image1.Picture)) '**************Bonus Code above********* ' ******************************** hMenu = GetMenu(Form1.hwnd) hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0) 'The "0" here is For the first menu Item. 'A "1" can be used for the second and a ' "3" 'for the third and so on... 'You may not want all menu items to have ' images 'so you can skip a number MenuID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 0) 'The "0" here is For the first SUB menu Item. 'A "1" can be used for the second and a ' "3" 'for the third and so on... 'You may not want all SUB menu items to ' have images 'so you can skip a number X% = ModifyMenu(hMenu, MenuID, MF_BITMAP, MenuID, CLng(Image1.Picture)) MenuID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 1) X% = ModifyMenu(hMenu, MenuID, MF_BITMAP, MenuID, CLng(Image2.Picture)) MenuID = GetMenuItemID(hSubMenu, 2) X% = ModifyMenu(hMenu, MenuID, MF_BITMAP, MenuID, CLng(Image3.Picture)) 'Note: The entire code above can be copi ' ed and pasted below with 'different numbers for different menus a ' nd sub menus 'REMEMBER, go to the VB Menu editor (Ctr ' l+E) and create a menu item. 'Then create 3 sub menus. It doesn't mat ' ter what you 'name any of the menus or menu options. 'Tip: Bitmaps work best. GIFs that have ' invisible colors do not appear invisible ' 'and icon (*.ico) do not work at all. Us ' e Image controls instead 'of Picture controls to save resources. 'Comments to opus@bargainbd.com 'http://bargainbd.com/opusopus/top.htm End Sub

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Other User Comments
4/26/1999 2:23:00 AM:norul
i would like to know how to put the 
icon besides each of the menu 
please email me about the 
procedure or the source code if 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

4/27/1999 7:28:00 PM:DW
This is such a cool thing, I have been 
looking for something like this to put 
in my program! Thanks!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/22/1999 1:46:00 AM:Eugene
It is nice code. Thanks!
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8/23/1999 1:31:00 AM:Rob
Excellent !!  Can you tell me how to 
show both text and pictures ??  What 
other constants are there ?? e.g. 
shadow text
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8/23/1999 10:13:00 AM:Peter Ormsby
When I run the code this i get an error 
on this line in form1 :-
hMenu = 
Invalid Outside 
Can you help?
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3/19/2001 8:56:07 AM:Vasilis Sagonas
EXCELLENT! Can I please know if I can 
add a bitmap on the left side of the 
menu (like the Start menu) ... PLEASE 
email me vasilis@lar.forthnet.gr. Thanks
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2/20/2003 3:30:19 PM:ajay kumar
HI This is what i wa finding (have more 
But not for only this purpose) Thanx ya 
i will meke context menu thumbnail 
viewer now
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