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ADO Tutorial For Absolute Beginners


Submitted on: 10/14/2000 8:31:59 AM
By: Jerry Barnes  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 43 Users
Compatibility:VB 6.0

Users have accessed this article 59015 times.
     This is an ADO DB tutorial for programmers who know nothing about ADO. It is a good template to following when making your own project. I hope that it helps.
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Other User Comments
11/6/2000 6:28:12 PM:John Weldon
I was very surprised to find the code easy to read. The proper naming conventions were used throughout the code which made it user friendly. Thanks for your explanation and demonstration of ADO programming!
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11/14/2000 11:35:34 AM:Andrew McManus
When you add a new record, instead of closing and opening the recordset again, you can use rsRecordSet.Requery.
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11/14/2000 2:22:26 PM:Jerry Barnes
Good point. I wrote this tutorial to get a better understanding of ADO. At the time, I thought it was easier to open and close the recordset. I may do an update when some changes such as yours (and use an HTML presentation like my Class Module Tutorial). Thanks for your input. Thanks
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12/6/2000 3:15:21 PM:CRUZANA
Hey the code is very useful and cool!! it's a major InPuT!!!
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12/7/2000 8:41:20 PM:Pissedoff
You guys will probably laugh at this, but how do I get rid of this invalid key problem? I am using vb5, and none of the code I get from this site works.
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1/20/2001 2:51:38 PM:Philip
No other words.......Excellent
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3/29/2001 12:16:31 AM:sanjay
i tried this example and it works excellent
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4/6/2001 11:50:48 AM:wacook
I have an error when using a modified version of the ADOTutorial you wrote. Your code was very helpful.
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7/14/2001 2:25:01 PM:Geno
This is well commented and extremely helpful for string writing. Thanks
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7/16/2001 5:37:56 PM:Rob
Finally someone out there that understands that there are those of us that are good programmers, just not always in the same language that they are. I was looking for a way to write programs that I have already done in cold fusion, in a stand alone application. this saved the day for me. Thanx
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7/25/2001 8:44:36 AM:John Russell
Well done. Very clearly presented information which I found very useful.
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9/1/2001 10:33:39 AM:janilane
Thanks Jerry Barnes, I finally a code that doesn't have an error on ADO introduction, thanks for considering us new programmers by submitting beginner articles that would help us a lot. thank you again...
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11/27/2001 3:52:56 AM:Paul Pardee
I have been searching for days for such an example. EXCELLENT WORK! Perfectly commented! THANK YOU!!
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1/5/2002 5:45:58 PM:DaveW
Really neat!! Gets ya cookin early! Thank you.
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2/20/2002 10:26:49 AM:wayne braun
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! This gave me much needed help.
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3/14/2002 9:20:41 AM:woweee
this is code is awesome men !!!!
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5/4/2002 6:06:09 PM:James
In response to the VB5 and invalid key question, you need to open the VBP file and remove the line starting with 'Retained = '
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5/14/2002 9:13:11 AM:lai tang
first time i ever commented on a code and this is worth it! man you are a life saver
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5/21/2002 7:27:26 AM:gary
fantastic, got me working
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6/1/2002 5:47:23 PM:Harsh Sabharwal
Hey, I am going to download your code. But my enquiry is "how to save IMAGE with data". e.g. Address book Printing. In this we need to save information of person + photograph. Please guide me.
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8/23/2002 2:06:44 PM:cheong
I have a question and I hope you can offer some insight. Do you know a simple way to use ADO to connect to a DBF file and store the data from the file in a recordset? Thank you
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10/30/2002 4:42:52 AM:
I have been trying to use ADO but failed. i hope this will help
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11/14/2002 10:49:10 AM:
EXCELLENT job.. keep it up!
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1/7/2003 11:27:31 AM:
I think the help is excellent! But I got a runtime error in the line: connRecovery.Open strConnect The database I'm reading is in access 2000, don't know if that's the problem.
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7/29/2003 4:16:06 PM:
I have now made changes in the program, now work good. Her your send this change ? I have not Your e-mail.
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10/26/2003 1:07:37 PM:
thanks you save my day, ur not just good programmer but a verygood programmer with character.
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