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Submitted on: 9/22/1998
By: Darrell Sparti 
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 104 Users
Compatibility:VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0, VB Script

Users have accessed this code 13172 times.

(About the author)
     Converts a name or word string to a four digit code following Soundex rules. Similar code is used by geniological groups and the US Census Bureau for looking up names by phonetic sound. For example, the name Darrell can be spelled many different ways. Regardles of how you spell it, (Daryl, Derrel, Darel, etc.) the Soundex code is always D640. Therefore, you assign a field in your database to the Soundex code and then query the database using the code, all instances of Darrell regarless of spelling will be returned. Refer to the code comment section for more information.
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' Name: ConvertToSoundex
' Description:Converts a name or word st
'     ring to a four digit code following Soun
'     dex rules.
Similar code is used by geniological groups and the US Census Bureau For
looking up names by phonetic sound. For example, the name Darrell can
be spelled many different ways. Regardles of how you spell it, (Daryl, Derrel,
Darel, etc.) the Soundex code is always D640. Therefore, you assign a field
In your database To the Soundex code and Then query the database using
the code, all instances of Darrell regarless of spelling will be returned. Refer
To the code comment section For more information.
' By: Darrell Sparti
' Inputs:A single name or word string.
' Returns:A four digit alphanumeric Soun
'     dex code.
' Side Effects:This code has not been co
'     mmercially tested.
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=1061&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

'     ********************************
'Function Name:ConvertToSoundex
'Argument:A single name or word string
'Return value:A 4 character code based o
'     n Soundex rules
'Author:Darrell Sparti
'Date: 9-20-98
'Description:All Soundex codes have 4 al
'     phanumeric
' characters, no more and no less, regar
'     dless
' of the length of the string. The first
' character is a letter and the other 3 
'     are
' numbers. The first letter of the strin
'     g is
' the first letter of the Soundex code. 
'     The
' 3 digits are defined sequentially from
'     the
' string using the following key:
' 1 = bpfv
' 2 = cskgjqxz
' 3 = dt
' 4 = l
' 5 = mn
' 6 = r
' No Code = aehiouyw
' If the end of the string is reached be

'     fore
    ' filling in 3 numbers, 0's complete the
    '     code.
    ' Example: Swartz= S632
    ' Example: Darrell= D640
    ' Example: Schultz = S432
    'NOTE:I have noticed some errors in othe
    '     r versions
    'of soundex code. Most noticably is the
    'fact that not only must the code ignore
    'the second letter in repeating letters
    '(ll,rr,tt,etc. for example), it must al
    '     so
    'ignore letters next to one another with
    '     the
    'same soundex code (s and c for example)
    '     .
    'Other wise, in the example above, Schul
    '     tz
    'would return a value of S243 which is
    '     *****************************
    Option Explicit
Public Function ConvertToSoundex(sInString As String) As String

Dim sSoundexCode As String Dim sCurrentCharacter As String Dim sPreviousCharacter As String Dim iCharacterCount As Integer 'Convert the string to upper case letter ' s and remove spaces sInString = UCase$(Trim(sInString)) 'The soundex code will start with the fi ' rst character _ of the String sSoundexCode = Left(sInString, 1) 'Check the other characters starting at ' the second character iCharacterCount = 2 'Continue the conversion until the sound ' ex code is 4 _ characters Long regarless of the length of the String Do While Not Len(sSoundexCode) = 4 'If the previous character has the same ' soundex code as _ current character or the previous character is the same _ as the current character, ignor it and move onto the Next sCurrentCharacter = Mid$(sInString, iCharacterCount, 1) sPreviousCharacter = Mid$(sInString, iCharacterCount - 1, 1) If sCurrentCharacter = sPreviousCharacter Then iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 ElseIf InStr("BFPV", sCurrentCharacter) Then If InStr("BFPV", sPreviousCharacter) Then iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 End If
ElseIf InStr("CGJKQSXZ", sCurrentCharacter) Then If InStr("CGJKQSXZ", sPreviousCharacter) Then iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 End If
ElseIf InStr("DT", sCurrentCharacter) Then If InStr("DT", sPreviousCharacter) Then iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 End If
ElseIf InStr("MN", sCurrentCharacter) Then If InStr("MN", sPreviousCharacter) Then iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 End If
Else End If
'If the end of the string is reached bef ' ore there are 4 _ characters In the soundex code, add 0 until there are _ a total of 4 characters In the code If iCharacterCount > Len(sInString) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "0" 'Otherwise, concatenate a number to the ' soundex code _ base On soundex rules Else sCurrentCharacter = Mid$(sInString, iCharacterCount, 1) If InStr("BFPV", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "1" ElseIf InStr("CGJKQSXZ", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "2" ElseIf InStr("DT", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "3" ElseIf InStr("L", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "4" ElseIf InStr("MN", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "5" ElseIf InStr("R", sCurrentCharacter) Then sSoundexCode = sSoundexCode & "6" Else End If
End If
'Check the next letter iCharacterCount = iCharacterCount + 1 Loop
'Return the soundex code for the string ConvertToSoundex = sSoundexCode End Function

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Other User Comments
8/1/1999 6:09:00 AM:Dmitry A. Kirsanov
Cool! Thanks for a great code, right 
what I've been searching for :)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/1/1999 8:09:00 AM:anti
thing i've...
ever seen...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/1/1999 8:12:00 AM:anti
A534 L220 T200 C300 ¦300
anti likes 
this code ¦D
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/3/1999 3:33:00 PM:mark
excellent academic algorithm and one 
that anyone who manages a database of 
many names will adore!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/21/1999 6:18:00 AM:chaolemchai
i want example program with mutimedia 
by visual basic 
i want name of web 
for dowloads example program visual 
basic .
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8/23/1999 12:39:00 AM:BigEd
Optimized code that does the same 
thing.  "PadZeros" is for SQL's 
Public Function 
ConvertToSoundex(ByVal Word As String, 
Optional PadZeros As Boolean = True) As 
Dim NumericVals As String * 
Dim lp As Long
Dim char As String 
* 1
Dim charVal As Integer
ThisCode As String * 1
Dim PrevCode As 
String * 1
Dim Sdx As String
Word = 
!values for each 
letter A to 
Sdx = Left$(Word, 1)
PrevCode = 
lp = 2
Do While lp<=Len(Word)And 
char = Mid$(Word, lp, 1)   
             charVal = Asc(char) 
If charVal>=1 And charVal<=26 
ThisCode = 
ThisCode<>PrevCode And ThisCode<>"0" 
Sdx = Sdx & ThisCode
PrevCode = 
End If
End If
lp = lp + 
If PadZeros Then Sdx=Left$(Sdx 
ConvertToSoundex = Sdx
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/24/1999 4:10:00 PM:Darrell Sparti
To BigEd:  Though your algorythm seems 
optimized, it is incorrect. Your 
algorythm does the same thing that 
inspired me to write my own.  For 
instance, S and C have the same soundex 
code.  If you had a name like Schwartz, 
the Sch are one code not 2. I spent a 
lot of time researching soundex rules 
and algorythms before I wrote this one. 
 Perhaps there are ways to optimize it 
but they would have to work and give 
you the same code as this one to be 
called Soundex.  So if you choose to 
optimize my code, be sure it returns 
the correct values.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/4/2000 12:35:34 AM:BigEd
My code is correct as is yours.
SCH is 
taken care of properly since S = C 
(both 2) and H=zero with the following 
ThisCode<>PrevCode And 
It's funny 
uses the same syntax as mine.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/4/2000 1:24:18 AM:BigEd
I stand corrected -- I see MY error.  I 
don't look at the S since it is 
automatically assign BEFORE the 
Changing MY code 
PrevCode = 
fixed it, 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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