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UNKNOWN //************************************** // Name: Database independence object wrapper // Description:This is a database abstraction layer, so that code can be written to run with any database. If you wish to switch database types, just change a parameter in the abstraction class ... not your entire code!! Currently supports mysql and postgres, I hope to add oracle and others. If you have any comments/suggestions, pls email me at by Manik Surtani // By: PHP Code Exchange // // // Inputs:None // // Returns:None // //Assumes:None // //Side Effects:None //************************************** <?php //------------------------------------------------------- // DATABASE.INDEPENDENCE.OBJECT.WRAPPER // VERSION 0.30 // VERSION DATE: 15th July 1999 //------------------------------------------------------- // Author: Manik Surtani <> //------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------- // This version currently supports POSTGRESQL and MYSQL // databases. More support to be added sometime .... !! //------------------------------------------------------- // This wrapper provides 'physical' database connectivity // and works as the link between the php3-based web site // and the selected database. //------------------------------------------------------- // set the database TYPE. //$database_type==1 --&gt; POSTGRES //$database_type==2 --&gt; MYSQL $database_type=2; /* --------------------------------------------------------- "class resultSet" deals with a recordset produced by a databse query. --------------------------------------------------------- */ class resultSet { var $element = array(); var $column_name = array(); var $numrows; var $numcols; function getColumn_by_name($rowNum,$colName) { $j=-1; for($i=0;$i&lt;$this-&gt;numcols;$i++) { if ($this-&gt;column_name[$i]==$colName) { $j=$i; } } if ($j!=-1) { return $this-&gt;element[$rowNum][$j];} else { return ""; } } function getColumn_by_num($rowNum,$colNum) { return $this-&gt;element[$rowNum][$colNum]; } function getColName($column) { return $this-&gt;column_name[$column]; } function getNumRows() { return $this-&gt;numrows; } function getNumCols() { return $this-&gt;numcols; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------- "class ConnInfo" provides a connection details object which returns information given on a connection parameter to a database. --------------------------------------------------------- */ class ConnectionInfo { var $cdbname; var $cusername; var $cpassword; var $chost; var $cport; function SplitThis($cparam) { $tok = strtok($cparam," "); while($tok) { $pos=strpos($tok,"="); $type=substr($tok,0,$pos); switch ($type) { case "dbname": $this-&gt;cdbname=substr($tok,$pos+1); break; case "host": $this-&gt;chost=substr($tok,$pos+1); break; case "port": $this-&gt;cport=substr($tok,$pos+1); break; case "username": $this-&gt;cusername=substr($tok,$pos+1); break; case "password": $this-&gt;cpassword=substr($tok,$pos+1); break; } $tok = strtok(" "); } } function dbName() { return $this-&gt;cdbname; } function Host() { return $this-&gt;chost; } function Port() { return $this-&gt;cport; } function UserName() { return $this-&gt;cusername; } function Password() { return $this-&gt;cpassword; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------- "class connection" provides functionality to deal with the actual database. --------------------------------------------------------- */ class connection { var $my_connection; var $my_temp_resultID; var $my_temp_result_object = new resultSet; function open($p1, $p2 = "", $p3 = "", $p4 = "", $p5="" ) { global $database_type; $ok = false; if (($p2 == "") && ($p3 == "") && ($p4 == "") && ($p5 == "") && ($database_type==1)) { $this-&gt;my_connection=pg_connect($p1); $ok = true; } if (($p5 == "") && ($database_type==2)) { $connINF = new ConnectionInfo; $connINF-&gt;SplitThis($p1); $p1=$connINF-&gt;Host(); $p2=$connINF-&gt;UserName(); $p3=$connINF-&gt;Password(); $p4=$connINF-&gt;dbName(); $this-&gt;my_connection=mysql_connect($p1, $p2, $p3); mysql_select_db($p4,$this-&gt;my_connection); $ok = true; } if (!($ok)) { print "\n\nTHERE WAS AN ERROR CONNECTING.\n\n"; } } function close() { global $database_type; if ($database_type==1) { pg_close($this-&gt;my_connection); } if ($database_type==2) { mysql_close($this-&gt;my_connection); } } function runActionQuery($someSQL) { global $database_type; // cleanup SQL for PHP versions! (sic) if (substr($someSQL,strlen($someSQL)-1,1)==";") { $someSQL=substr($someSQL,0,strlen($someSQL)-1); } if ($database_type==1) { pg_exec($this-&gt;my_connection, $someSQL); } if ($database_type==2) { mysql_query($someSQL, $this-&gt;my_connection); } } function runSQL($someSQL) { global $database_type; // cleanup SQL for PHP versions! (sic) if (substr($someSQL,strlen($someSQL)-1,1)==";") { $someSQL=substr($someSQL,0,strlen($someSQL)-1); } if ($database_type==1) { $this-&gt;my_temp_resultID = pg_exec($this-&gt;my_connection, $someSQL); $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numrows = pg_numrows($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols = pg_numfields($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); // fill column_names from resultset for ($j=0; $j &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols; $j++) { $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;column_name[$j] = pg_fieldname($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID, $j); } // fill data elements from resultset for ($i=0; $i &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numrows; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols; $j++) { $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;element[$i][$j] = pg_result($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID, $i, $j); } } return $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object; pg_freeresult($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); } if ($database_type==2) { $this-&gt;my_temp_resultID = mysql_query($someSQL, $this-&gt;my_connection); $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numrows = mysql_num_rows($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols = mysql_num_fields($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); // fill column_names from resultset for ($j=0; $j &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols; $j++) { $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;column_name[$j] = mysql_fieldname($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID, $j); } // fill data elements from resultset for ($i=0; $i &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numrows; $i++) { $x = mysql_fetch_row($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); for ($j=0; $j &lt; $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;numcols; $j++) { $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object-&gt;element[$i][$j] = $x[$j]; } } return $this-&gt;my_temp_result_object; mysql_free_result($this-&gt;my_temp_resultID); } } } ?&gt;