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' Name: Yet another Table coloring
' Description:This gives an alternating
' line color on tables, it also allows a r
' ealtime highlighting.
' By: Jonathan Barton
' Inputs:All explained int he code
' Returns:All explained within the code
'Side Effects:None
'This code is copyrighted and has limite
' d warranties.
'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod
' vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm
'for details.
'The const's are for the colors and the Flag is needed
Const sPrimaryColor = "WHITE"
Const sSecondaryColor = "YELLOW"
Dim bColorFlag
dim lCounter
'This function does all the work for you.
Function LineColor()
bColorFlag = not bColorFlag
If bColorFlag then
LineColor = sPrimaryColor
LineColor = sSecondaryColor
End if
End Function
Alternating Line Colors
for lCounter = 1 to 10
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & lCounter & " | " & vbCrLf)
" & vbCrLf)