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UNKNOWN '************************************** ' Name: Domain Redirect ' Description:This is a basic redirectio ' n script based on the domain name. It is ' usefull if you are hosting multiple site ' s from one IP address. ' By: Darryl Brown ' ' ' Inputs:None ' ' Returns:None ' 'Assumes:Insert your site names in the S ' elect Case statement to replace the Your ' -Site, Your-Next-Site & Default-Site tex ' t. You can add to the select case for ad ' ditional sites. ' 'Side Effects:None 'This code is copyrighted and has limite ' d warranties. 'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod ' ' vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm 'for details. '************************************** <%@ Language=VBScript %> <% response.buffer = true %> <% '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~ '~ Script: | Domain Redirect '~ Language: | ASP/VBScript '~ Version: | 1.0 '~ By: | Darryl A. Brown '~ Contact: | '~ Copyright: | Darryl A. Brown '~ Released: | April 12, 2000 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~ '~ By using this software, you have agre ' ed to the license '~ agreement packaged with this program. ' This script is '~ provided without warranty. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~ 'Set up the redirect variables Dim strURL 'This is the URL the user typed into the browser Dim strSiteName 'This is the domain name Dim intEPos 'This is the position of the remaining dot strURL = Request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST") intURLLen = len(strURL) If inStr(1, UCase(strURL), "WWW") > 0 Then strURL = Right(strURL, (intURLLen - 4)) End If intEPos = inStr(1, strURL, ".") strSiteName = UCase(Mid(strURL, 1, (intEPos - 1))) 'Insert your site names in the Select Ca ' se statement below to 'replace the Your-Site, Your-Next-Site & ' Default-Site text. 'Feel free to add to the select case for ' additional sites. Select Case strSiteName Case "Your-Site" Response.redirect "" Case "Your-Next-Site" Response.redirect "" Case Else Response.redirect "" End Select %>