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UNKNOWN //************************************** //HTML for :News Ticker Version 1.0.1 //************************************** <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title> HTML Test Page </title> </head> <body> <applet code="newsTicker.class" width="497" height="23" align="bottom"> <param name="regcode" value="nwt786"> <param name="info" value="Author"> <param name="bgcolor" value="000000"> <param name="fontcolor" value="FFFFF0"> <param name="highlightcolor" value="FF0000"> <param name="delaytime" value="2000"> <param name="scrolldelay" value="8"> <param name="scrollspeed" value="2"> <param name="fonttype" value="Arial"> <param name="fontsize" value="11"> <param name="fontstyle" value="1"> <param name="textalignment" value="center"> <param name="leftmargin" value="10"> <param name="text1" value="Go to today!!!"> <param name="text2" value="Check out to find some quick and easy coding jobs."> <param name="text3" value=" Stock value will soon rise."> <param name="text4" value="Now in stores - The Fast and the Furious - On DVD"> <param name="target_frame" value="_new"> </applet> </body> </html> //************************************** // Name: News Ticker Version 1.0.1 // Description:This is a news ticker applet. It takes input parameters from the HTML source and displays short text messages formated by the input parameters. This applet can be used to display sports scores, stock updates, short messages, news updates, up coming events, and ect... // By: Randy McCleary // // // Inputs:None // // Returns:None // //Assumes:None // //Side Effects:None //This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties. //Please see //for details. //************************************** //################################################ //Author:Randy McCleary //File Name: //Program: News Ticker version 1.0.1 //################################################ //package Scroller; import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.AppletContext; import java.awt.*; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.*; public class newsTicker extends Applet implements Runnable { int bgci; //Background Color Integer int fci;//Foreground Color Integer int fontsize; //Font Size int fontstyle; //Font Style 1,2,3(Bold,Italic,Both) int appWidth; //Stores the applet's Width int appHeight; //Stores the applet's Height int hlci; //Highlight Color Integer int tcount;//Counter int i; //Counter int delay_time;//Delay Time Between int scroll_delay; //Scroll Delay Time int scrollspeed;//Scroll Speed int fontHeight;//Font Height in points int appMiddle; //The middle section of the applet int uyu;//Delay Time int X; //Counter int curr; //Counter int mesafe;//Counter int cordx; //Coordinate X int cordY; //Coordinate Y int downtut;//Timer int tutX; //Timer int left_margin;//Left margin indent int metrik[]; // int duryer[]; // boolean reg;//Stores T/F for registration code boolean yan1; // boolean yan2; // boolean bd1;//Validate link one boolean bd2;//Validate link two Color bgcc;//Background Color (R,G,B) Color fcc; //Foreground Color Color hlcc;//Highlight Color String fonttype;//Font Type String text_alignment; //Font Alignment String target_frame;//Target Frame String infostr;//Info String ex: Author's Name String regcode;//Registration Code String strText = "";//String for Text String strLink = "";//String for Links String texts[];//Array for Text String links[];//Array for Links Font font; //The Font FontMetrics fmetrics; //The Font Metrics Graphics offScreeng;//Off screen graphics Graphics offbuff; //Off buffer graphics Image offscrimg;//Off screen image Image normi[]; //Normal Image Array Image hlighti[];//Highlight Image Array Thread runner; //The thread runner URL u; //Url links public void init() { X = 0; //Grab the input parameters: bgcolor, fontcolor, highlightcolor // and convert the hexidecimal to an integer so it can be // converted to a color using the Red,Green, Blue format in Java. // The R,G,B range is 0,0,0 - 255,255,255. try { bgci = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("bgcolor"), 16); } catch(Exception _ex) { bgci = 0; } try { fci = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("fontcolor"), 16); } catch(Exception _ex) { fci = 0xffffff; } try { hlci = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("highlightcolor"), 16); } catch(Exception _ex) { hlci = 0; } //Take the color integer and converts it into a color using the // Red Green Blue format. bgcc = new Color(bgci); fcc = new Color(fci); hlcc = new Color(hlci); //Grab the input parameters info and regcode from html file. //Both of these parameters are used to protect the coder's work. //The info parameter would help keep the Author's name in the HTML // source as a PARAM, the regcode value must match the value // that is set below or it will display a unregistered version // in the status bar. infostr = getParameter("info"); regcode = getParameter("regcode"); //Check the registration code value. // If it's not null compare the values to check if they match. // if they match it returns the value true, if not it returns false. if(regcode != null) { if(regcode.equals("nwt786")) { reg = true; } else { reg = false; } } //If the registration code is null then return false. else { reg = false; } //Get the input parameters FontType,FontSize, and FontStyle. // FontType is inputted as a string so its easier than the others // FontSize has to be an integer, but just using getParameter it //brings it in as a string, so use Integer.valueOf().intValue() //function to convert it to an integer, FontStyle is the same. fonttype = getParameter("fonttype"); fontsize = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("fontsize")).intValue(); fontstyle = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("fontstyle")).intValue(); //Now to you have to create the font as a new Font for java to use. // the Font consists of the FontType,FontStyle,FontSize in that order. // After that you'll need to get the Font Metrics. font = new Font(fonttype, fontstyle, fontsize); fmetrics = getFontMetrics(font); //Get the leftmargin parameter. left_margin = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("leftmargin")).intValue(); //Get the applet's width and height. appWidth = size().width; appHeight = size().height; //Get the targetframe and textalignment. target_frame = getParameter("targetframe"); text_alignment = getParameter("textalignment"); Vector textVector = new Vector(); Vector linkVector = new Vector(); tcount = 0; //Do while loop to add the text and links to the vectors. do { tcount++; //Get the input parameters text+N and link+N. // The numbers will start with 1 for example: // text1 and link1, text2 and link2. strText = getParameter("text" + tcount); strLink = getParameter("link" + tcount); if(strText == null) { tcount--; break; } if(strText.equals("")) { tcount--; break; } if(strLink == null) { strLink = ""; } //Add text and links to the vectors linkVector.addElement(strLink); textVector.addElement(strText); } while(true); //Create new string array for texts texts = new String[tcount + 1]; //Create new string array for texts links = new String[tcount + 1]; //Create new image array for normal text normi = new Image[tcount + 1]; //Create new image array for highlighted text hlighti = new Image[tcount + 1]; metrik = new int[tcount + 1]; duryer = new int[tcount + 1]; Enumeration enumeration = textVector.elements(); i = 0; while(enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { i++; texts[i] = (String)enumeration.nextElement(); //Display Info Parameter Error! if someone has tried to remove // the author's name from the info PARAM or tried to omit the // info PARAM in the HTML source. if(!infostr.equals("Author")) { texts[i] = "Info Parameter Error!!!"; } } Enumeration enumeration1 = linkVector.elements(); i = 0; while(enumeration1.hasMoreElements()) { i++; links[i] = (String)enumeration1.nextElement(); } //Get the parameters delaytime, scrolldelay, and scrollspeed and // convert them to integers. delay_time = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("delaytime")).intValue(); scroll_delay = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("scrolldelay")).intValue(); scrollspeed = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("scrollspeed")).intValue(); //uyu = delay_time; //Get the height of the font in points. fontHeight = fmetrics.getHeight (); //Finds the difference from the applet's height and the font's height // and divided by 2, so the text can be centered in the applet. appMiddle = (appHeight - fontHeight) / 2; for(i = 1; i &lt;= tcount; i++) { metrik[i] = fmetrics.stringWidth(texts[i]); normi[i] = createImage(metrik[i], appHeight); hlighti[i] = createImage(metrik[i], appHeight); if(text_alignment.equals("center")) { duryer[i] = (appWidth - metrik[i]) / 2; } else { duryer[i] = left_margin; } //Create the normal view of the text, set the font, the font color, // fill the rectangle, set the foreground color and draw the text. offbuff = normi[i].getGraphics(); offbuff.setFont(font); offbuff.setColor(bgcc); offbuff.fillRect(0, 0, metrik[i], appHeight); offbuff.setColor(fcc); offbuff.drawString(texts[i], 0, appMiddle + fmetrics.getAscent()); offbuff = null; //Create the highlighted view of the text.set the font, the font color, // fill the rectangle, set the foreground color and draw the text. // This is on mouse over. Only works if there's a link being used. offbuff = hlighti[i].getGraphics(); offbuff.setFont(font); offbuff.setColor(bgcc); offbuff.fillRect(0, 0, metrik[i], appHeight); offbuff.setColor(hlcc); offbuff.drawString(texts[i], 0, appMiddle + fmetrics.getAscent()); } //Make sure the graphics buffer is empty if(offbuff != null) { offbuff.dispose(); } //Create the off screen image to be scrolled next. offscrimg = createImage(appWidth, appHeight); offScreeng = offscrimg.getGraphics(); offScreeng.setColor(bgcc); offScreeng.fillRect(0, 0, appWidth, appHeight); curr = 0; cordx = -1; cordY = -1; X = 10; if(tcount &gt; 0) { X = duryer[1]; } mesafe = 0; } // End of init() public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(offscrimg, 0, 0, this); } public boolean mouseDown(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } else { stop(); downtut = j; tutX = X; return true; } } //End of mouseDown() public boolean mouseUp(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } isle(); kur(); start(); try { if(yan1) { u = new URL(links[curr]); getAppletContext().showDocument(u, target_frame); } if(yan2) { u = new URL(links[curr % tcount + 1]); getAppletContext().showDocument(u, target_frame); } } catch(Exception _ex) { System.out.println("url error!"); } return true; } // End of mouseUp() public boolean mouseMove(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } else { cordx = j; cordY = k; buildLinks(cordx, cordY); return true; } } //End of mouseMove() public boolean mouseDrag(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } else { cordx = j; cordY = k; X = (tutX + j) - downtut; offScreeng.fillRect(0, 0, appWidth, appHeight); kur(); buildLinks(j, k); paintFunction(); return true; } } //End of mouseDrag() public boolean mouseEnter(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } //If if registration code is not true then display the status bar message. if(!reg) { showStatus("This is an unregistered version of newsticker Java applet"); } return true; } // End of mouseEnter() public boolean mouseExit(Event event, int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return true; } yan1 = false; yan2 = false; cordx = -1; cordY = -1; buildLinks(cordx, cordY); paintFunction(); repaint(); showStatus(""); //If if registration code is not true then display the status bar message. if(!reg) { showStatus("This is an unregistered version of newsticker Java applet"); } return true; } // End of mouseExit() public void start() { if(runner == null || !runner.isAlive()) { runner = new Thread(this); } runner.start(); } // End of start() public void stop() { if(runner != null && runner.isAlive()) { runner.stop(); } } //End of stop() public void destroy() { runner = null; } // End of destroy() public void buildLinks(int j, int k) { if(tcount &lt; 1) { return; } if(j &lt; X) { yan1 = false; yan2 = false; } if(j &gt;= 0 && j &gt;= X && j &lt;= X + metrik[curr]) { if(links[curr] != null) { if(links[curr].startsWith("http://")) { yan1 = true; } else { yan1 = false; } } else { yan1 = false; } yan2 = false; } if(j &gt; X + metrik[curr] && j &lt; X + metrik[curr] + mesafe) { yan1 = false; yan2 = false; } if(j &gt;= 0 && j &gt;= X + metrik[curr] + mesafe && j &lt;= X + metrik[curr] + mesafe + metrik[curr % tcount + 1]) { yan1 = false; if(links[curr % tcount + 1] != null) { if(links[curr % tcount + 1].startsWith("http://")) { yan2 = true; } else { yan2 = false; } } else { yan2 = false; } } if(j &gt;= 0 && j &gt; X + metrik[curr] + mesafe + metrik[curr % tcount + 1]) { yan1 = false; yan2 = false; } if(bd1 != yan1 || bd2 != yan2) { if(yan1 || yan2) { ((Frame)getParent()).setCursor(12); if(yan1) { if(links[curr] != null) { if(links[curr].startsWith("http://")) { showStatus("" + links[curr]); } else { showStatus(""); } } else { showStatus(""); } } if(yan2) { if(links[curr % tcount + 1] != null) { if(links[curr % tcount + 1].startsWith("http://")) { showStatus("" + links[curr % tcount + 1]); } else { showStatus(""); } } else { showStatus(""); } } } else { ((Frame)getParent()).setCursor(0); showStatus(""); } paintFunction(); } } // End of buildLinks(int,int) public void paintFunction() { //Check to see if the current link is not null if(links[curr] != null) { //Check to see if link starts with http:// if(yan1 && links[curr].startsWith("http://")) { //Draw next off screen highlighted image offScreeng.drawImage(hlighti[curr], X, 0, this); bd1 = true; } else { //Draw next off screen normal image offScreeng.drawImage(normi[curr], X, 0, this); bd1 = false; } } //If the links[curr] is null else { offScreeng.drawImage(normi[curr], X, 0, this); bd1 = false; } if(links[curr % tcount + 1] != null) { if(yan2 && links[curr % tcount + 1].startsWith("http://")) { offScreeng.drawImage(hlighti[curr % tcount + 1], X + mesafe + metrik[curr], 0, this); bd2 = true; } else { offScreeng.drawImage(normi[curr % tcount + 1], X + mesafe + metrik[curr], 0, this); bd2 = false; } } else { offScreeng.drawImage(normi[curr % tcount + 1], X + mesafe + metrik[curr], 0, this); bd2 = false; } repaint(); } // End of paintFunction() public void isle() { uyu = scroll_delay; X = X - scrollspeed; } public void kur() { if(X + metrik[curr] + mesafe &lt;= duryer[curr % tcount + 1]) { curr++; uyu = delay_time; if(curr &gt; tcount || curr == 0) { curr = 1; } if(metrik[curr] &gt;= metrik[curr % tcount + 1]) { mesafe = duryer[curr % tcount + 1] + duryer[curr]; } else { mesafe = duryer[curr % tcount + 1] + duryer[curr]; } if(!text_alignment.equals("center")) { mesafe = appWidth - metrik[curr] - 10; } X = duryer[curr]; tutX = X; downtut = cordx; } else { if(X &gt; duryer[curr]) { curr--; if(curr == 0) { curr = tcount; } if(metrik[curr] &gt;= metrik[curr % tcount + 1]) { mesafe = duryer[curr % tcount + 1] + duryer[curr]; } else { mesafe = duryer[curr % tcount + 1] + duryer[curr]; } if(!text_alignment.equals("center")) { mesafe = appWidth - metrik[curr] - 10; } X = X - mesafe - metrik[curr]; tutX = X; downtut = cordx; } } offScreeng.fillRect(0, 0, appWidth, appHeight); } // End of kur() public void run() { //If if registration code is not true then display the status bar message. if(!reg) { showStatus("This is an unregistered version of newsticker Java applet"); } if(tcount &lt; 1) { return; } do { isle(); kur(); buildLinks(cordx, cordY); paintFunction(); try { Thread.sleep(uyu); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception) { interruptedexception.printStackTrace(); } } while(true); } //End of run() public newsTicker() { //Default values curr = 1; cordx = -1; cordY = -1; downtut = -1; left_margin = 10; fonttype = "Courier"; text_alignment = "left"; target_frame = ""; infostr = ""; regcode = ""; reg = false; yan1 = false; yan2 = false; bd1 = false; bd2 = false; } // End of newsTicker() }