UNKNOWN '************************************** ' Name: Use Microsofts Agents in your ap ' ps! ' Description:Taken from Windows Magazin ' e August 1999 Agent is Microsoft's name for the technology that puts those "cute" cartoon characters on the screen while running any Microsoft Office application. This technoloty will be a standard feature of Windows 2000, but you can also add it to Windows 98 or Windows 95 viea a free download at "HTTP://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/imedia/agent/agentdl.asp" Once you install this update, you can use these characters in your applications, including macros! ' By: Ryan Couch ' ' ' Inputs:None ' ' Returns:you can download the free text ' -to-speech converter and let it talk to ' you ' 'Assumes:None ' 'Side Effects:None 'This code is copyrighted and has limite ' d warranties. 'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod ' e.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.2770/lngWId.1/qx/ ' vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm 'for details. '************************************** Dim objAgent Dim objChar Dim objRequest Dim txtSpeak Dim strName set objAgent = CreateObject("Agent.Control.1") objAgent.Connected = True strName = "Peedy" 'you can use genie, or merlin, or robby or whatever objAgent.Characters.Load strName, strName & ".acs" Set objChar = objAgent.Characters(strName) 'objChar.LanguageID = &h409; objChar.Show objChar.Speak("Hello! I'm " & strName) objChar.Play "Wave" txtSpeak = "What should I say next?" while txtSpeak > "" objChar.Speak txtSpeak 'objChar.Play "Hearing_1" txtSpeak = InputBox("What should I say next?", "Peedy App") wend objChar.Speak "Goodbye!" objChar.Hide msgbox "Goodbye!", vbokonly, "Peedy App" Set objChar = Nothing objAgent.Characters.Unload strName