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UNKNOWN --************************************** -- Name: sample code that shows how to return progress info from long running SPs -- Description:Some sample code that shows how to return progress info from long running SPs. This is useful for reporting purposes or to include other mechanisms to control the SP execution. -- By: Umachandar -- -- -- Inputs:None -- -- Returns:None -- --Assumes:None -- --Side Effects:None --This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties. --Please see --for details. --************************************** --To store the progress details /* You can make this as complex as you want by adding more progress details, mechanism to pause the job etc. */ CREATE TABLE ##Progress( Step int , ItTookSoLong int ) GO CREATE PROC EverRunningProc AS DECLARE @step int , @Delay char(10) SELECT @step = 1 WHILE( 1 = 1) BEGIN IF @step = 1000 BREAK INSERT ##Progress VALUES( @Step , 0 ) -- Do random delay between 1 to 45 seconds SELECT @Delay = CONVERT( varchar, DATEADD( ss, CEILING( RAND()* 44 ), -- '1970-01-01') , 8 ) WAITFOR DELAY @Delay UPDATE ##Progress SET ItTookSoLong = datepart( ss, convert( datetime , @Delay ) ) , @Step = Step + 1 WHERE Step = @Step END GO -- In your app, you can do: -- Calculate percentage based on total number of steps SELECT MAX( Step ) % 1000.0 AS StepPer FROM ##Progress