UNKNOWN '************************************** 'Windows API/Global Declarations for :Pe ' rsonal StartUp! As simple as it can get. ' .. '************************************** Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib "mpr" _ Alias "WNetGetUserA" (ByVal lpName As _ String, ByVal lpUserName As String, _ lpnLength As Long) As Long Public Function UserID() As String Dim sUserNameBuffer As String * 255 sUserNameBuffer = Space(255) Call WNetGetUser(vbNullString, _ sUserNameBuffer, 255&) UserID = Left$(sUserNameBuffer, _ InStr(sUserNameBuffer, _ vbNullChar) - 1) If UserID = "" Then UserID = "default" End Function '************************************** ' Name: Personal StartUp! As simple as i ' t can get... ' Description:Do you use different user ' logins in Windows? Tired of having the same StartUp folder just because the users share the same Start Menu? Then this solves your problem! ' By: Hyperswede ' ' ' Inputs:How to use personal startups. 1) Add the source code below to a new project. 2) Make an exe file. 3) Create a shortcut in your StartUp folder that points to the exe. 4) Log Out and Log In again as the person you want to give personal startup. 5) Check in the directory where you put the exe. 6) Open the file UserID.txt with notepad (Replace UserID with yor UserID) 7) Add the path of the files you want to start when windows starts, separate the paths of the different files by hitting enter. 8) Done! ' ' Returns:Starts different programs on s ' tartup depending on the who has logged i ' n. ' 'Assumes:None ' 'Side Effects:None that i know of. 'This code is copyrighted and has limite ' d warranties. 'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod ' e.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.2047/lngWId.1/qx/ ' vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm 'for details. '************************************** Private Sub Form_Load() Dim OpenWhat 'MsgBox UserID On Error GoTo bwell Open App.Path & "\" & UserID & ".txt" For Input As #1 On Error Resume Next Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, OpenWhat Shell "Start " & OpenWhat Loop Close #1 End bwell: Open App.Path & "\" & UserID & ".txt" For Output As #2: Close #2 Resume End Sub