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@="Regsvr32 \"%L\""
@="Regsvr32 /u \"%L\""
@="Regsvr32 \"%L\""
@="Regsvr32 /u \"%L\""
@="regtlib \"%L\""
@="regtlib -u \"%L\""
| |
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Other User Comments |
11/14/2003 11:22:31 AM:Knoton I forgot to mention that you ofcourse
also need to run the .reg file to apply
the data into the registry :-)
11/14/2003 12:33:45 PM:<big><font color=''&HFF2222''>WKG Software</font></big> Hey, thanks! This will be quite useful.
11/14/2003 1:29:44 PM:Serge Lachapelle Excellent, why i have not thought about
it before !
you can do it also for
.ACM and .AX (audio/video codecs)
11/14/2003 2:32:47 PM:Knoton I am glad you like it.
The simpliest
solutions are often the best ones :-)
11/14/2003 4:56:42 PM: Sweet...
11/15/2003 12:33:34 AM:MrBobo Neat isn't it - though it has been
posted many times before...just a few
from my
11/15/2003 2:13:46 AM:Knoton Hehehehe Well, looks like it needs
posting many times since there still is
people who hasn´t thought about this
:-)) I know I am one of them.
11/19/2003 7:44:23 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev Replace %1 with %L to get long file
names support.
Now guess how
"regtlib -q \"%L\"" and "regtlib -q -u
\"%L\"" can be used
11/19/2003 1:11:59 PM:Knoton %L is good to know thanks Vlad
Regtlib is for making
11/19/2003 1:13:24 PM:Knoton Correction regtlib is for
registering/Unregistering typelibs...
11/19/2003 1:18:02 PM:Knoton Vlad - Where in the registry do I find
"tlbFile" ?
11/21/2003 5:03:38 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev Knoton, check out this reg
@="regtlib -q
@="regtlib -q -u
11/21/2003 11:35:00 PM:Masino Sinaga Makes me easier to register .ocx and
.dll file. Thank you for sharing this.
Simple but great!
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