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Submitted on: 11/25/2002 3:28:43 PM
By: Greg Whitaker 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:Auto Lisp

Users have accessed this code 2565 times.
(About the author)
     This program accepts a list of as*ociation lists and searches the lists retrieving the elements that the user specifies. The program then takes these elements and places them in a two element list, the first element in the list is the element identifier (e.g. 8 for layer name) and the second element in the list is a list of the element 8's data for all of the as*ociation lists searched. If the user specifies, duplicate entries will be deleted from the list. I have included a commented out test function with this code so that you can run it and see exactly how the code functions.
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By using this code, you agree to the following terms...   
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4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the code or code's description.

    ; Name: asc-list-sorter
    ; Description:This program accepts a lis
    ;     t of as*ociation lists and searches the 
    ;     lists retrieving the elements that the u
    ;     ser specifies. The program then takes th
    ;     ese elements and places them in a two el
    ;     ement list, the first element in the lis
    ;     t is the element identifier (e.g. 8 for 
    ;     layer name) and the second element in th
    ;     e list is a list of the element 8's data
    ;     for all of the as*ociation lists searche
    ;     d. If the user specifies, duplicate entr
    ;     ies will be deleted from the list. I hav
    ;     e included a commented out test function
    ;     with this code so that you can run it an
    ;     d see exactly how the code functions.
    ; By: Greg Whitaker
    ; Inputs:1) a list of association lists 
    ;     (NOTE: if using entity data lists for th
    ;     ese the -1 and 330 elements must be remo
    ;     ved because they contain invalid cdrs).
    2) a list of sort elements to retrieve the data for. For example, say you want to retrieve the 0,8 and 11 elements from a list of entity lists, you would simply supply this list '(0 8 11).
    3) A boolean to tell the program whether to remove duplicate elements or not. Supply a "t" if you would like the duplicates elements removed or a "nil" if you would like them left in the lists.
    ; Returns:This program returns a list of
    ;     lists. Each list within the master list 
    ;     has the same format which is as follows:
    ;     (sort element (list of data retrieved fo
    ;     r that sort element from the as*ociation
    ;     lists)). For example if I was collecting
    ;     the number 8 element from a set of two e
    ;     ntity data lists that had differing laye
    ;     r names, "girt" and "purlin", this progr
    ;     am would return the following: ((8 ("gir
    ;     t" "purlin")))
    ; Assumes:This program assumes that it i
    ;     s being supplied correct association lis
    ;     ts. That means if you are supplying enti
    ;     ty data lists that contain the -1 and 33
    ;     0 elements that you would get from makin
    ;     g a call to entget, the program will not
    ;     function correctly. You must remove the 
    ;     -1 and 330 elements beforing supplying t
    ;     hem to this function.
    ;This code is copyrighted and has    ; limited warranties.Please see http://w
    ;     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
    ;     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=59&lngWId;=13    ;for details.    ;**************************************
    (defun asc-list-sorter (alists sort-list remove-duplicates? / master-list tmp-lst match nlist)
    (setq tmp-lst (list))
    (foreach sorter sort-list
    (foreach lst alists
    (foreach element lst
    	(if (equal (car element) sorter)
    	 (setq tmp-lst (append tmp-lst (list (cdr element))))
    (if remove-duplicates?
    (setq tmp-lst (remove-duplicates tmp-lst))
    (if master-list
    (setq master-list (append master-list (list (list sorter tmp-lst))))
    (setq master-list (list (list sorter tmp-lst)))
    (setq tmp-lst (list))
    (defun remove-duplicates (lst / nlist match)
    (foreach element lst
    (if nlist
    	(setq match nil)
    	(foreach mbr nlist
    	 (cond ((null match)
    		 (if (equal element mbr)
    		(setq match t)
    	(if (null match)
    	 (setq nlist (append nlist (list element)))
    (setq nlist (list element))
    ; Test function to give you an example o
    ;     f how this program works
    ;(defun c:test ()
    ; (asc-list-sorter '(((0 . "LINE") (5 . 
    ;     "2B") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410
    ;     . "Model") (8 . "0")
    ;		 (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 4.02739 2.978
    ;     62 0.0) (11 10.8895 5.92974 0.0) (210 0.
    ;     0 0.0 1.0))
    ;		 ((0 . "TEXT") (5 . "2B") (100 . "AcD
    ;     bEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . 
    ;     "GIRT")
    ;		 (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 4.02739 2.978
    ;     62 0.0) (11 10.8895 5.92974 0.0) (210 0.
    ;     0 0.0 1.0))
    ;		 ((0 . "LINE") (5 . "2B") (100 . "AcD
    ;     bEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . 
    ;     "PURLIN")
    ;		 (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 4.02739 2.978
    ;     62 0.0) (11 10.9999 5.92974 0.0) (210 0.
    ;     0 0.0 1.0))
    ;		 )
    ;'(0 8 11)
    ; )

Other 1 submission(s) by this author


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