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Bid Request Id: 52972
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INDY (7 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9.57 )
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Very Good - 0.00%
Posted: |
Mar 15, 2003 7:27:55 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Mar 17, 2003 7:58:51 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
188 times
Deadline: |
(a) Create an Excel spreadsheet showing the response times for the 8 sites that you pinged, showing the web address in one column, the 4 response times in another and the average response time in the last. Create a horizontal bar chart showing the average response times for each site, labelling each bar with the appropriate web site address.
(b) Using PowerPoint, draw a map of the routes out of the Visualware traceroute server you plotted as part of the tutorial week 3 exercises. Insert your map into your coursework document.
(c) Write a short essay on the results of your ping and traceroute researches. What did they tell us about:
· The 5 layer model? · The structure of the global Internet? · How packets are routed through it and some of the possible ways they can behave when traversing it? · What diagnostic uses can ping and traceroute have?
PROJECT 2 : Network Delays
Problem description
Your friend from Massachusetts University (USA) has promised to e-mail you an electronic version of the Kurose - Ross networking book. He lives in his parent&'s house that has a cable TV with a 1Mbps bandwidth line.
You share a room with another student in London and you have a telephone connection. You have a modem with 8 signal levels that can use the maximum possible bandwidth of the telephone line (4000 Hz).
At the coast the cable is connected to an optical fibre line. Within the UK, this fibre line is connected to a twisted pair telephone line and to get to your house your friend&'s message must also make five hops, again, with each of the links being equidistant.
How long will it take in total to download the book to your house, taking into account all the delays? How much will it cost, given that your telephone line costs £2.50 per hour and your friend pays $1 per hour to use his cable connection? Assume that the cable line in the US is 1500 km long, that the optical fibre line under the ocean is 2200 km long and that the phone line in the UK is 300km long. By how much will the download time change if you use another phone line with an excellent SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of 40dB?
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
You will be conducting tests and collecting data - then you will be collecting it together into a report. This will constitute an important part of the PROJECT.
It does this by sending packets out to the destination host, waiting for a response from them and then timing the round trip delay - almost as if it called out and then waited for an echo to come back. In fact the official name for the packets that ping sends out are ICMP Echo Request and ICMP Echo Response.
1. Experiment with ping
(a) You need to start up an MS-DOS window. Click on the Start button in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, select “Run” and type in “command”. Click on the OK button. The MS-DOS window will now open.
(b) Type ping, then space, followed by the URL of any web site that you know and press return. A URL is the technical name for a web address and stands for “Universal Resource Locator”.
What you have just done is sent a series of 4 32-byte packets to your selected server. Note that it gives you the round trip time and something called TTL. You will be learning about this later, but in essence it refers to the number of nodes that the packet had to pass through to reach its destination.
2. Connecting to other universities
(a) Make a list of 2 different university sites, and 2 commercial companies in the UK, moving progressively further away from London. You can obtain a list of UK university URLs from Find commercial sites using a search engine like Google ( Type in the name of the organisation, and the organisation home sire should be amongst the first 10 or so entries returned.
(b) Make a similar list of 4 international organisations (2 university and 2 commercial sites), moving progressively further away from the UK both East and West. Make the last one “.nz”. Again use Google to search for your sites (e.g. type “University of” and then the name of an overseas city).
(c) Ping each of your 8 sites in turn by typing in ping and then following it with the URL, as you did in exercise 1 above. Note down the response times for each of the 4 packets sent, and calculate the average. If any of the sites fail to respond, go back to Google to find some new sites.
(d) Once you&'ve completed all 8 sites, record each site&'s URL and average response time in an Excel spreadsheet. It is important that you do this, as this data will form part of the project.
3. Using Ping with different packet sizes
So far, you have only been using ping with the standard packet size of 32 bytes. We are now going to vary the packet size to see how it affects response times. As you will see, there is a correlation, but it is not what you might expect; smaller packets are faster, but not much more so. You will see that it is clearly more efficient to send large packets.
First however we are going to try and find the maximum packet size that can be sent on this network.
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Mar 21, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
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$40 (USD)
Mar 15, 2003 2:08:31 PM EDT
Hi Indy!
I have noticed your bid and thought that you will want me to bid on this too :) so here it is... If you liked to work with me, do it again...
Yours, Augustin Ciobotariu We even had clients who said our work was too good for their needs. |