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Artificial Intelligence course homework help needed
Bid Request Id: 43639
Bookmark in my 'To Do' list
Posted by: etoso (8 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9.75)
Non-action Ratio: Very Good - 22.22%
Posted: Jan 14, 2003
7:05:34 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Jan 15, 2003
7:12:04 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 99 times
Deadline: 1/16/2003
100% of work completed and accepted. Coder has been paid.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Misc
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(0 active users at May 9, 2003 11:13:10 AM EDT)


Please, if you know Artificial Intelligence, can you please help me out with this homework. Also if it is possible, I might request you being my tutor (through some chat program; I will pay). Here is the assignment:

1) Write a paragraph answering the following question: "Surely computers cannot be intelligent - they can do only what their programmers tell them." Is the latter statement true, and does it imply the former?

2) For each of the following agents, develop a PEAS description of the task environment: a) Robot soccer player; b) Internet book-shopping agent; c) Autonomous Mars rover; d) Mathematician's theorem-proving assistant.

3) For each of the agent types listed above, characterize the anvironment according to the following properties (and after that select suitable agent design): 1) Can there be more than one agent program that implements a given agent function? Give an example, or show why one is not possible; 2) Are there agent functions that cannot be implemented by any agent program?; 3) Given a fixed machine architecture, does each agent program implement exactly one agent function?; 4) Given an architecture with n bits of storage, how many different possible agent programs are there?

4) Give the initial state, goal test, successor function, and cost function for each of the following. Choose formulation that is precise enough to be implemented. a) You have to color a planar map using only four colors, in such a way that no two adjacent regions have the same color. b) A 3-foot-tall monkey is in a room where some bananas are suspended from the 8-foot ceiling. He would like to get bananas. The room contains two stackable, movable, climable 3-foot-high crates. c) You have a program that ourputs the message "illigal input record" when fed a certain file of input records. You know that processing of each record is independent of the other records. You want to discover what record is illigal. d) You have three jugs, measuring 12 gallons, 8 gallons, and 3 gallons, and a water faucet. You can fill the jugs up or empty them out from one to another or onto the ground. You need to measure out exactly one gallon.

Please, in MSWord file.


Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Jan 16, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

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Needs to be done ASAP (in about 15-16 hours). Name your price.

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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
Gr8 Solutions
(8 ratings)
in Ambala Cantt, Haryana
Bid id: 472,053
$75 (USD) Jan 14, 2003
10:39:24 PM EDT
Hello Dear,
We are a team of four, one of us is a lecturer of Computer Science in an Engineering College. All this work of this calibre goes in his working. This is a easy task for him. We had published two books on Artificial Intelligence written by our same partner. I can give you the answers of all these questions within a day or less. You can get a person who can handle all the computer science problems such as making assignments, projects, and answering all the questions of these kinds. Well we are looking forward to work for you. Thanks
Ohri :)

Great !deas Great Solut!ons
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to/from Gr8 Solutions.

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